Killers shouldn't see Broken survivors

Basically, at the left bottom of the screen, in the HUD, killers should see broken survivors as injured survivors so that if a survivor has No Mither, the killer won't know about it so it has more chance of No Mither working. Same goes for Deliverance, maybe it could be interesting since you will have to guess "Did someone save him or was that Deliverance ?"
I think this would not be broken and help perks like No Mither.
I'm relatively certain that if someone starts the trial injured I'd know they had No Mither, even without the broken symbol.
Deliverance...I have fewer opinions about, but I disagree that it's too much information - after all, a kobe doesn't break the survivor and yet it's still only one person at the hook.
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Yea, I forgot about that but they could add other perks which make you start injured, that would be variety.
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I'd say a better change would be for no mither to start the game fully healed and when you get a hit to get broken. This way the killer won't know that you have it from the beginning.
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That's actually way better !
Yea, I guess you're right
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I can hear an argument for no mither, but all other cases where a person is broken that information is valuable. If i got 2 people in front of me that are injured im going to prioritize the one that isnt broken over the one that is. Its good information and theres nothing wrong with that
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Some killer addons like legion inflict the broken status besides having knowledge on the survivors condition is benificial.