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Why so butthurt about spirit?



  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    Oh no they do. I've seen it. After staring for 16 seconds at a YouTube video I could zoom in as close as I needed to.

    My eyesight is #########, though, and if you expect me to stand staring at a spirit for 16 seconds trying to make out with my monitor then idk what to tell you. I'd rather dc than screw my eyes even more.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I've stated this and asked this multiple times! How is it a mindgame if you are GIVEN INFORMATION in a loop?

  • 0mikeya0
    0mikeya0 Member Posts: 220

    I'm a survivor main and I have fun playing against Spirit. Like Billy, I don't think she needs a nerf. I don't run iron will often either. She's fun to play and play against.

    If they do decide to nerf her, I don't think it needs to be a big nerf.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    They will change Spirits addons only, just like with Billy.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Just run from tile to tile. Go for windows. Break LOS. Be unexpected at times. There is only so much she can actually do during a single phase.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Why so butthurt?.. Because when I play Spirit, using a Mother-Daughter Ring and Yakuyoke Amulet running Ruin/Surveillance/BBQ & Stridor, 7/10 matches result in a 4K with 0 Gens finished. A good spirit can easily dominate a team, even if they're a SWF.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Use no mither 4head!!

    Stridor spirits are reeeallly annoying to verse, can't move anyway against that

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Welcome to pc fellow mate, I hope you enjoy it long enough on this platform :)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    They don't when her power is activated, however. It's random animation, as are all of her animations.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,076
    edited July 2020

    Spirit is overrated. The only reason people complain about her is she is the one of the biggest noob stompers. Against bad survivors, she can easily 4k with 0-1 generators completed. Against rank 1 swf squads, she is a mediocre killer. The main reason why Spirit stomps bad survivors is they give free hits and run in a straight line while she is phasing, so the down comes extremely quickly.

    Sprit's phase isn't that useful in a chase until the survivor becomes injured, so against a healthy survivor she is basically a 110 ms killer with no power. If the survivor can loop very well, the first hit is very hard to get and wastes a lot of time. Once you get the hit, you have to down the survivor with your phase. If you mess up, you are ######### because you are once again a 110 ms killer with no power. Having 110 base movement is also a massive disadvantage in general since it makes scouting much slower.

    I am a rank 1 killer and I constantly look for the strongest builds and killers. Compared to Pyramid Head or Nurse, which I both play, Spirit is significantly weaker and there are many other killers that are stronger or as strong as Spirit.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445
    edited July 2020

    What BHVR has to open up to is banning or restricting combinations of things. Like you can't run this perk if you also run that one.

    A perfect use case for this is Spirit + Stridor. That should not be allowed unless they provide another counter to her that doesn't require a perk.

    If your only counter is to run a specific perk (Iron Will) and then the killer can just run a perk (Stridor) that counters the counter, then a rework is needed.

    Disagree all you want, but that's how it is.

    (And before you flame. I've beaten many Spirits in my time, but as soon as Stridor is involved, it's 50/50 if I'm lucky.)

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    I’m sad that Billy got nerfed, because Spirit deserves it way more

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Then they should also ban combining second chance perks on survivors.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Most survivors wouldn't have an issue with this since it doesn't affect them; it mostly affects the insecure 4 man SWF players.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    As I said, BHVR needs to open up to banning or restricting combinations. I'm fine with them using it on survivors as well. I mean No Mither + Self-Care anyone? lol

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,718

    Yeah I'm down with this. Feel free to make sure I can't use DS, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, BT together- I'll still stick on Head On, Q&Q, Detective's, Iron Will, maybe DS or Inner Strength. Also make my life as killer easier. :)

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Survivor sees the red stain coming from one side of loop, you runaway from that side of the loop because obviously that means the killer is coming from that way! But you notice that the red stain is fading so you go back towards that end. your run to the other end of the loop and hangout at the corner peeking around the corner waiting to either physically see the killer or the red stain, and once you see either or you take off running the other way! Once again! How is it a mindgame when your given false information just to be given accurate information?

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Seriously if you know Spirit, her phasing tells and map tiles, it's completely possible to have long chases against skilled Spirits. The ones who say there are no counters to her, just haven't taken the time to understand her and how to throw her off.

    Been a die hard Spirit main since her release, and being able to just think like a Spirit as survivor is tremendously helpful. Really for any killer, having experience or knowledge on their powers, tricks, and weaknesses will 100% help. Don't face a Spirit and dc on the first down either, you'll never learn how to play against her and you'll continue to assume she's way too OP.

    It's so ignorant how many people give up against her. But it's also super refreshing when I face survivors who give me a really hard time.

    Cause then I know it's not just me and it's totally possible to run a Spirit, sometimes even with Stridor.

    Now on her hearing ability while phasing, I feel it can make it too easy to track especially with Stridor and I wouldn't mind it if they made it a little bit harder for her to hear in phase, making Stridor just bring her to old default. I base soo many phases on prediction as apposed to sounds, as its stupid fun to just phase around them and appear somewhere ahead of them and seems to be more effective as sounds are broken atm. Really the only time I might need sound is at loops, so I don't believe actually skilled Spirits will suffer too much and it will give survivors a bit more breathing room.

    I'm sorry if you won't believe me, I already figure a change is imminent anyways.

    Also I believe most of her first buffs were unnecessary.

    I think the directional phasing sound should've stayed (An additional counter ig) and the vape sound on her side should stay loud to make to a bit harder to track.

    I would also not hate the idea of bringing back the ability to hear her breathing while she's phasing.

    To finish off here are the counters I can think of atm:

    You can hear her footsteps while she's phasing, this has saved me more than a few times at pallets and windows.

    Stay near defenses as much as possible, being out in the open makes you easy prey. Your best bet in this case is to run in random circles. Trees are good to run around too.

    Keep your eye on her. She has a very visible animation reset and most of her long hair cosmetics will also jerk/reset the second she leaves the Husk. Use this to know when to start being unpredictable.

    Make distance as much as possible. Do NOT head to the closest loop and stay there if she is far enough for you to make distance. Really with any killer, but Spirit especially you want to delay the looping with her as much as possible.

    DON'T PLAY SO AGGRESSIVE. My worst Spirit games come from when the Survivors keep hiding from me and don't just sit on gens till I'm right on them.

    You can trick a Spirit by running straight to a pallet or window and walking/running away from it right before you reach it making them think you're at it/using it possibly wasting their phase. Works best when not making injured grunts.