Borrowed Time should activate when the person using it gets unhooked

Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Tunneling off the hook is broken when you can ignore BT and DS (that's why Pyramid Head got nerfed). I also suspect that tunneling off the hook is an intentionally broken mechanic that incentives people to buy the Halloween dlc (for DS).

As someone who plays both sides in red rank I can safely say that the only thing more annoying than a sweaty 4 man as killer is an idiot squad as solo que survivor. Solo que NEEDS this kind of BT buff, the 4 man squad might be able to get away with 2 people running BT instead of all 4 but it would be worth it for solo que.

This buff would make solo players bring BT more often and make it so bringing it yourself would be good enough which would make the whole experience much better.


  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2020

    I edited a typo.

    Unfortunately people keep making the same dumb comments by not understanding the title and then not reading my comments regarding the post (comment 5 and 11) so I'll try to explain it (HIGHER UP ON THE PAGE) with this edit:

    Borrowed time should only work on the person getting unhooked, If you have the perk borrowed time in your loadout and you are getting unhooked you give yourself borrowed time.

    Post edited by Mr_Slick546 on
  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited July 2020


    BT used to activate for both parties when it was used, and was beyond broken. If they do this, they bring back the grey screen and bleedout time that you had to heal away with self care or a medkit. (Or another person of course.)

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    I would prefer if BT worked for the person who had the perk INSTEAD of the person they're unhooking, but it shouldn't work for both scenarios.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I feel like you misunderstood the original post. The OP isnt asking for both parties to be protected by BT.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    I don't think you read/understood what I wrote.

    I'm saying BT should work on the person getting unhooked if they are running it. BT should only activate on the person getting unhooked, I'm not suggesting they revert it.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited July 2020

    It would still be too big of a buff since every survivor and their mother would have free endurance on every unsafe unhook.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    In SWF they already have BT every unhook. Get a free hit on the unhooker chase him down and ignore BT and DS by ignoring the guy off the hook, it's just standard efficient play that you have to do to win against good groups.

    Saying BT shouldn't be as strong for solo is the same as saying killers should be rewarded for dicking on solo survivors by not playing around perks.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    Laurie Strode is $5

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Sorry if the title isn't clear. YOU the player are running BT, when YOU the player gets unhooked YOU the player receive the BT effect from your own perk, if the person unhooking you also has BT it wouldn't stack, it's just regular BT for yourself if you run it regardless of the unhooker having it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Whether it "should" be like that or not, it's the opposite of what they want it to be.

    They want Borrowed Time to be this selfless sacrifice, to put yourself in danger while giving the other player a better chance at getting away.

    Your change would maybe make it a better experience against those that can ignore Borrowed Time, but then what about those who can't?

    Those Killers who can't are another reason why it was changed.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "They want Borrowed Time to be this selfless sacrifice, to put yourself in danger while giving the other player a better chance at getting away."

    From a gameplay standpoint this statement is really stupid, a current problem in this game is groups being too strong and solos being too weak.

    Solo players don't want to do the whole selfless sacrifice etc because you can't rely on others to to do the same. What happens when the gens get done and the killer has NOED? Well with SWF they look for the totem and then try to save, what about solo que? Solo players will just leave through the exit and let their teammate die LOL. There's a difference.

    You can't make this blanket view rule about a perk when survivor games can be so different based on who's playing. I had to call you out for it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Survivors always have the right to just leave, no matter how free the unhook is, let's not forget that.

    This buff won't only just make BT-weak Killers weaker, it'll make SWF in general way stronger.

    This Perk was ran by practically everyone at the time, and for good reason.

    I prefer not to go back to that stale, easy-save state of the game, especially not since you also don't propose the one-time-only part of the Perk that it had in its original state.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    It would kinda be like how Kindred is. Kindred has an effect both when its user is hooked and when the user's teammates are hooked. He's suggesting making it so if a BT user unhooks someone, they get the usual effect like we have now, but if a BT user gets unhooked by a teammate who doesnt have BT, the unhooked BT user would then get to benefit from their own perk.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    LMAO, did you forget to read before commenting? What exactly do you mean by killers not being able to play around BT?

    I'll copy paste my earlier post for you:

    " In SWF they already have BT every unhook. Get a free hit on the unhooker chase him down and ignore BT and DS by ignoring the guy off the hook, it's just standard efficient play that you have to do to win against good groups.

    Saying BT shouldn't be as strong for solo is the same as saying killers should be rewarded for dicking on solo survivors by not playing around perks."

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    No need to be rude and lying.

    I didn't say Killers can't play around BT, the first time that was said was in this comment of yours.

    I said some Killers are affected more by BT than others.

    And then some of those, in their current state, really don't need to see this huge buff in BT, especially when you say that SWF triggers every BT anyway.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    "Your change would maybe make it a better experience against those that can ignore Borrowed Time, but then what about those who can't?"

    That's your quote, now who's lying?

    Try to understand (maybe by reading what was already said) this change is a buff only to solo que survivor which if you hadn't noticed is a complete mess. This doesn't buff SWF they all have BT anyway.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    I think that if they made this change to BT, then the perk would be used by everyone in almost every game.

    I do like the idea though, and hope that they make a perk that acts like this, as there is nothing more frustrating than getting farmed by a random teammate who just runs away right after the unhook.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Not lying, i miswrote that.

    I did mean those who are weaker against BT, my bad.

    From what i understand is that you can potentially make both players invulnerable during 1 unhook.

    Sounds like a buff to all Survivor players, solo & SWF, to me.

    In fact, SWF could assign a specific Survivor or specific Survivors to run BT, one who would mainly do the unhooking & then unhooking them also activates it, and the remaining Survivors can then have a free spot for another Perk.

    It's not a buff only to solos as far as you present the idea.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Dude how dumb can you be? I've already answered your points earlier in the post (including the one you just made). I'm not wasting anymore time on you, maybe someday you'll learn how to read what was already said before commenting on an ongoing discussion.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Okay, it's a shame you don't want to help out someone who just wants to understand.

    No hard feelings though, truly. 🤙

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    The 5th comment on this post was made by me, you clearly didn't read it. here it is:

    "I don't think you read/understood what I wrote.

    I'm saying BT should work on the person getting unhooked if they are running it. BT should only activate on the person getting unhooked, I'm not suggesting they revert it."

    You clearly don't "want to understand" at this point I think you're a troll.

  • Mr_Slick546
    Mr_Slick546 Member Posts: 117

    Here's another quote by me explaining the same thing again:

    "Sorry if the title isn't clear. YOU the player are running BT, when YOU the player gets unhooked YOU the player receive the BT effect from your own perk, if the person unhooking you also has BT it wouldn't stack, it's just regular BT for yourself if you run it regardless of the unhooker having it."

    Seriously just try reading before commenting, it's not that hard.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    OP was never claiming both people should receive the effect of BT. The idea was if your on the hook and you yourself have BT as a perk, you would receive the effect even if the unhooker doesnt have it equiped. This would be an addition to the effect BT already has.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I don't troll, i didn't read that comment.

    Again, people generally put their information in the main post.

    Assuming you'd do the same sounds reasonable to me, and this time it didn't work out.

    I highly recommend that, when you make an idea, to put all of your idea's information into the actual idea, rather than keep it in a comment.

    So that you can avoid misunderstandings like this.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I think this would be a big nerf to solo survivors. I wouldn’t have any idea if the solo survivor is running the perk unless they stated pregame on PC. Thus, if a killer is camping, I’m much less likely to try a save.

    While the perk can be frustrating at end game for killer, I really think it is a fair perk that can create same fun and intense game experiences.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Honestly it doesnt sound like a bad idea to me. I could see more people swapping out DS for BT on their loadouts to prevent getting tunneled. As a killer who already plays around both but still gets annoyed by a 59 second DS when I find someone on a gen...I'd welcome that, lol.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I'd find it to become more and more stale, and SWF can use a tactic of assigning a designated savior who uses BT, making most if not all of the saves & being saved triggers it too, so the other 3 Survivors free up a Perk slot, or at least exclude a strong Perk from being equipped.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Reduce the Endurance status effect from 15 seconds to 8 and I might agree with your change.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    I typically dont go out of my way to hit the unhooker in cases like that anyways, unless its easy to do so (like if they ran out in the open or right at me...yeah, ill take the free hit).