Chapter: The Hunting Grounds

55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

Chapter: The Hunting Grounds

map: South American base camp

killer: The Predator - Predator

Weapon: wrist blade

survivor: Dutch

power: technological defense

when you use this power your shoulder cannon will rise and take time to aim at the pointed target-survivor. The aiming beam will point on them for better aim and it will make a notification sound when the shot is ready. Once the shot is made the shoulder cannon stops moving to the survivors direction and if it misses then the survivor is free to escape unharmed but if they are shot then they will be put into dying state. Once the plasma bolt gets a impact it will make a explosion that is notified to all survivors and it will have a blue aura referencing the blasts color. You are also able to climb onto trees exclusively and use this attack which decreases your terror radius by 100% as long as you are in the tree but the beam is still noticeable. after the general attack it will require a 60 second cooldown.

secondary power: assassination

the ability to turn completely invisible completely hiding your terror radius. Though your terror radius is hidden if a survivor is looking directly at you for 3 seconds they will get a small terror radius and this radius slightly increases the more you move with this ability on. After looking away the terror radius stays for 4 seconds before disappearing again. You are able to attack with this ability on however after 2 seconds the ability is rebooted and requires a 40 second cooldown when you attack a survivor. the terror radius is also completely revealed when you are in a hit range.


foodchain: you have no Predators only prey and it is your time to hunt. Vulnerable survivors working on generators, totems or exits will get your terror radius decreased by 25% however this applies to them exclusively and if you make a sound that they can hear your terror radius is boosted to normal.

battle of species: this is not your typical opponent so you learn the behavior of these strange yet smart creatures. When hitting close to a survivor you get a 40% speed increase for the quick second you are close to hitting them adding to the full chance of a successful hunt and to approve your dominance. this perk is activated after 4-5 fails on hitting a survivor, This perk lasts for 35 seconds.

sport: for the prey it is a situation of life or death but for you it is a game of hide or seek. The excitement of hunting the survivors increases your hit reaction by 20%, enhances pallet breaking speed by 16%, decreases climbing over object time by 25% and enhances speed by 5% for 19 seconds however this perk only activates when you are in a active survivor chase and activates even quicker on obsessions.


glowing blood splatter - Exnomorph blood - human blood

no mask - damaged facial features - damaged mask

elder Predator

Elite predator

lost tribe predator


Encforcer Predator

super predator

Bad blood predator

Young blood predator

predator hybrid

infected predator

ancient predator


  • 55timballoons
    55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

    My apologies if the abilities are not as unique as usual. There was a totally new and unique power that I was saving for predator but used for a separate chapter concept instead but though somewhat similar to other concepts I hope you enjoy the idea!