Please make who are in groups together clear in the lobby


I know this will cause people to dodge more, but that is the point. Games against SWF can feel like cheating sometimes because they are on comms with each other (not all, but some). And teammates and killers should have this information to make informed decisions on if they want to continue with the game. There is no reason not to implement it outside of this one drawback, which is completely negated by the fact that the game becomes a lot less fun for the killer and some survivors (very 1 sided games are boring, just like farmfests are boring too).


  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    And then people will never get to play with their friends. And then the game dies.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Game won't die, and as it is its only "fun" for survivors.

  • EpicBigBrain
    EpicBigBrain Member Posts: 177

    Just so you can put a mori on everytime you get one, yeh no thx

    Most swf groups just play to have fun with their friends but I agree yes occasionally you can get some swf death squad

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I see so many comments about people who play solo, or only rarely play swf, or swf tryhard is a minority, or why take away comms because we can still communicate with phones ect. ect.

    yet the game will “die” if some killers attempt a dodge. I personally think more killers would attempt the SWF battle but they would be armed and ready for a good fight and not blindsided by SWF BS.

    Honestly SWF don’t want you to know because then you’ll bring in your strongest killer/perks/strategy and that ‘gg ez’ wasn’t so easy after all~

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,112
    edited July 2020


    Let survivors who play with strangers without using voice chat relay/receive additional information about the match, just as those who use voice chat do.

    • Who is being chased
    • How many times have survivors been hooked / who's on "death-hook" (would be nice to see as the killer, too, though others would use it to tunnel more efficiently)
    • How many totems remain standing
    • An icon on the player picture (hidden to the killer) when a survivor is within 12 meters of:
      • The hatch
      • An exit gate
      • The basement
      • A Hex Totem
    • More shared perk icons for perks that don't give others a direct benefit, but others should still be aware of:
      • Wake Up! (8m range, once exit gates have been powered), so that a survivor opening the gate switch can choose to hop off and let the player with Wake Up! open it faster
      • Plunderer's Instinct / Ace in the Hole (map-wide, while unopened chests remain), so that survivors who find chests can choose to leave it for the player with Pluderer's/Ace to loot for better gear instead, in hopes that they can grab the leftover items later, if any
      • Camaraderie (map-wide, while hooked), so that survivors know they need to move close to the hook at some point during the struggle phase to trigger it, but also know that they don't have to rush the unhook during the struggle phase while it's active
      • Resilience (8m range, while injured), so that survivors know why you refuse to be healed beyond 95%, or at all

    This way, it won't matter who's in a SWF group or not; they'll all have similar shared knowledge about the match.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,112

    I noticed in the recent community survey that they asked "How fun would you rate the following survivor perks?" and "How useful would you rate the following killer perks?"

    Fun only applies to survivors, confirmed.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    If the devs took away me being able to see my teammates ranks before the match starts because I'll dodge, you're not allowed to see who is SWF because you'll dodge.