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Decisive Strike while in a locker.

Should Decisive Strike be disabled while sitting in a locker?

This has become a pandemic of survivors using this method which IMO is near the level of an exploit more than anything else. having the ability to be unhooked in a terrible spot, or by cocky survivors knowing that they can run maybe 10ft (since lockers are within reach on most maps every 20ft or so) and get into a locker if needed, knowing they have 60 seconds of invincibility from the killer.

The Decisive rework was aimed at providing counterplay to the perk unlike its previous versions, but yet again survivors have figured out a way to throw counterplay out the window and practically ignore the entire rework. i believe this is unacceptable and the developers need to step in to bring balance and fairness back to the situation.


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    Couldn't Iron Maiden help counter that? They want to chill in a locker they can, but when they hop out they'll scream and be exposed.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    But he does have a point.

    A perk shouldn't need another perk to counter the other.

    I personally don't use DS, but reading this makes it sound like the perfect get-out-of-jail card in any situations.

    Although it was through exploitation, the devs should try to fix that ASAP.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Nah, while I’m with the majority that DS provokes countless issues with a gameplay experience, it’s still a tactical move. It’s not like deadhard that can be completely negated by a killer grab instead of a hit. I’m fine with the locker use of DS...

    ...this does NOT mean I’m okay with the current state if DS.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    You don't need to use the perk to counter locker DS, it would just be helpful if you didn't want to go after another survivor, wait out the survivor in the locker, or just suck it up and eat the 5 second stun.

    There's plenty of perks in the game to counter other perks, it's up to survivor/killer to decide how worthwhile it is to equip those perks to counter another perk instead of relying on another method. Small game/detectives hunch are used to counter hex perks if you don't know their spawn locations or have a map. Unbreakable counters knockout if the killer uses it to slug you. NOED counters adrenaline if they went from injured to healed. Distortion counters BBQ if you can't get to a locker or be near the killer while they're hooking a survivor. Repressed alliance counters pop and overcharge if you can't finish your gen or have trouble with difficult skill checks. You don't need to equip any of these to counter the other perks, but they help when you don't want to use other non-perk related counters.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    The devs said they're looking into changing DS more IIRC, so hopefully they implement some way that it gets disabled for doing certain actions or something.

    Until then, there's always the good old mori counter.