
Why is Genrushing Toxic?????
The Survivors have one Objective and that is to Escape. But you can't escape without having finished the five Generators. Every single game at rank one is a camping and tunneling Killer that says at the end that we Genrushed. I see no reason for camping and tunneling. Even if I play Killer it doesn't make fun to stand in front of a hook, but it doesn't make fun to be on a hook and watch how the killer is watching you.
Complaints about gen rushing are generally not about gen rushing being toxic. It's more that the Killer doesn't really get much of a chance to do anything if survivors are optimal and do only gens.
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Do you actually got tunnelers and campers at rank 1 cuz I don't. Maybe ur just unlucky with the killers you go against. But as for the problem with gen rushing, it's a problem because theres nothing the killer can do. If its something that happens because the killer has made a mistake then that's fine because the killer had a chance to stop it but didn't however with gen rushing I've had time where I down the first person in seconds and after hooking and walking to furthest gen to stop them 3 gens get popped at once. That's gen rushing, there's nothing the killer can do. It's even worse against swfs who are insanely coordinated. As for camping. If you've had a crap game and the end games started you've just about gotten one person on the hook then yeah can't blame me for camping. It's just camping whilst there are still gens that's silly because then if survivors are smart they'll just do gens. As for tunneling whilst it's a dick move if you've just had sat two gens pop at the same time, you've got no info about where others could be then tunneling becomes necessary to keep up pressure on gens and get someone out of the game. It's like a necessary evil in worst case scenarios. I play rank 1 killer and survivor and I only tunnel or camp if the person was really toxic like tbaging, flashlight clicking because it's attention seeking so there basically asking for it. The devs said there gonna add something to the start of the game before they can do gens sort of like a start game collapse so hopefully that fixes gen rushing and actually gives the killer a chance to stop gens and do their job at the same time. With genspeeds less of an issue we can focus on the other issues in the game like bugs etc. Sorry for the long reply.
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It's not toxic. Just don't complain when I bring NOED to punish survivors for not spending time cleansing every totem on the map.
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I don't think genrushing is toxic, but its more of a failure of the game design. What is the point of trying to go for multiple chases against multiple survivors if they can just pump out all gens in a couple of minutes? Even if my chases last 20 seconds this objective is still done. And yeah...the problem is that survivors don't have anything else to do in the match, and this objective is two quick and way too easy to perform.
Most matches I have i literally have to either put a survivor in the middle of a 3 gen so i can patrol the gens while checking on them (sort of camping), or try to tunnel someone out of the match as quickly as possible to try and have a chance. This is which literally less than 20 second chases consistently, because going through the map to find people and hooking takes time. Funny thing is, i do not do this when survivors are less optimal cuz it actually allows me to play the game and chase people.
Genrushing is just a failure of game design that forces killers into being lame which in turn gets survivors annoyed at killers and then everyone starts hating each other...
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This ^ its not even the survivors that are to blame
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That's true their just doing the only objective they've got. They really need to change this in some way because it is just silly at this point.
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It sucks but, heh I don't mind you just gotta give them a reason to stop working on gens
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Its not toxic but can feel oppressive sometimes when playing killer. Especially if you get your first down and 2 gens pop. This can happen even after a shorter chase if it took you a moment to find the first survivor due to low mobility killer patroling a larger map. By no means is the game over but its now a sweat your arse off affair to recover especially against people on comms.
When facing 3-4x DS and a bunch of other second chance perks, recovering the 10-11 hooks needed in three gens time is basically a ######### show for the killer unless the survivors really screw up.
This is why a lot of games become a tunnel or camp because a lot of killers end up against coordinated teams with no chance of recovery once it starts to tip. The mindset become ok get at least one kill or max pressure by removing this target asap. I mean lets call tunneling what it is its... hook rushing. If I can off someone in two hooks early then man did the game just become easier. It just makes sense a lot of the time and you can't really blame people for going for it.
I think being injured should slow down your speed at other things forcing you to heal. I've had whole teams of injured survivors who just focus on gens, no bones, no healing etc etc especially if they are running adrenalin. Then complain about NOED etc etc.
I think many people's fun is based solely on winning which for survivors is to escape. They don't need to interect with the killer they just need to escape and that's their fun. As survivor there is something thrilling about evading the killer. What you gonna do though?