Hillbilly and Cannibal Feedback, How Are They Now?

The Public Test Build for the new incoming changes for The Hillbilly and The Cannibal are available now. For those who have played and tested these new changes, what are your honest thoughts? Tell us about these new features, the good and the bad, and feel free to elaborate for the rest of us.
I like the new wacky animations
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Billy is trashed now. Haven't played Bubba but I guess better since I can't imagine making Bubba even worse as he was.
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In short.
Billy had his balls cut off. You need to make a choice between traveling the map or wanting to attempt chainsaw hits. If you do both then you will NOT have enough heat to spare. Simply feels wrong in one way or another.
Cannibal feels good/great. Needs skill to focus on timing your stacks to not waste them and to not run into stuff. But overall Cannibal is in a much better state compared to before.