What happened to cakes in the bloodweb?

I love event items, but I'm not picking up any event gateaus anymore, not even in mystery boxes?
Have they been nerfed? :(
I've been getting this too. 7 bloodwebs on Meg and no Gateau...
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Even in the worst case scenario you should get atleast one...
Something must've happenned then.
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I haven't got any for so many bloodwebs, bit disheartening because those are what I'm grinding for until the end of the event.
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Did you try levelling with a diffrent character?
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I'm still getting the cakes, so it may be a bug for some survivors.
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I literally have all my bloodwebs on all characters with one or two items left in each, so when I buy them, it gives me a fresh bloodweb but honestly, I think I got only two or three cakes out of ALL survivors together earlier. I'm big sad
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Would make sense, maybe I'm just having some bad luck. I got loads last week
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How many cakes do you have? They may have set a limit on how many a character can hold in their inventory. If you have an even number like 10, 20, 30, ect., you might consider using one in your next match and seeing if you get any on your next blood web.
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Most of my characters have between 5 and 20, I keep using them every match but not getting any back. Am I being too greedy? 😂 I just love bloodpoints...
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Nah it's probably a glitch then. I would throw it in the bug report section https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs
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Thank you, I'll do that. Appreciate you guys taking the time to discuss with me.