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Invincible / Stuck in Killer's view in 3rd Person

This happened on the PC version of DBD (not in the ptb)
I was the last remaining survivor and been hooked for the killer to get his 4k. However, it said I was still downed and was floating by the hook. The countdown didn't go down for me being downed and I was put in a 3rd person view of the killer. Before this has happened, in the same game, there was some visual glitches when i was being carried and put on hooks which it was only the slight movement of the camera moving sideways which is impossible to do. Because the countdown wasn't going down and I was unable to move, the killer closes the hatch in hopes for the game to end with me being sacrificed when the end game collapse timer has ended. The entity, however, wasn't unable to kill me so the timer disappeared and the killer had to leave.
I have no idea how that has happened but the only things I know what to say which is the map (I have no clue what it's called but it can be shown in the photos and I was playing Detective Tapp with his teachables. I wasn't doing anything abnormal and was playing normally until this has happened.
This was the first time that this has ever happened to me the survivors and the killer has never seen this happen before. Luckily the killer didn't seem that mad about it so I give props to this person.
This was in an actual match of DBD
You can see that in the first image the countdown was ticking down and I was glitched into the rock. This was because I was "hooked" on the killers view but every time the killer hit me, I moved forwards and eventually was in the rock on the survivors screen. The second image you can see the timer disappear after this has all happened. The images were taken by a friend during what happened.
The images were taken on the 08 July 2020 at 17:36
I'm not sure if this will help but this is the most recent log file I found of dbd using the instructions.
Thanks in advance,