Developer Add-on pass

As it seems that every killer is getting an "add-on pass" so that they all have the same amount and same amount of each rarity, do people think they will be doing this to survivor add-ons as well? To keep the add-on situation consistent?

Also which killer fo you think is most likely going to get this "add-on pass" next?


  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    They did rework Medkits and Toolboxes add-ons not long time ago, so it seems this add-on formula set is only for killers add-ons.

    The next killer to get an add-on pass will be most likely Huntress, as she will be the only killer missing an ultra rare after this patch.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    I really don't want to jynx it but if they change huntress I will legitimately give up with these devs. I've tried to be positive, look at their side of things, but this Billy change really does put a sour taste in my mouth. I've tried defending them time and time again but if huntress gets her basekit nerfed then I guess I'll just sit in my corner and wait for Freddy to be next.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Probably Huntress. They'll change her Iri Head to make her weaker than basekit and nerf her basekit too. She'll probably get a cooldown meter on her hatchet throws so you can't throw multiple in quick succession. Some of her add-ons will reduce the new cooldown, one will make her Undetectable for 15 seconds after landing a hatchet hit, and one will make a survivor hit by a hatchet have no skillcheck warnings for 60 seconds.

    On the bright side, they might buff Beast of Prey.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Next change is -0,5% to gen speeds and -5% to killers movement speeds.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Won't happen to survivors. The point of the pass is that from killer to killer they each have a similar spread of similar strength add ons so that they are on a more level field. Before Billy had like 75% of his add ons as brown and yellow, while Doctor had a whole heap of purple add ons. It made levelling them up cost differently, it meant Billy was more likely to have exactly the build you want available more often than doc, etc. Survivors all have the same items so there's no discrepancy between different survivors going into a match.

    I would also agree that Huntress is next other than Myers (who only has 1 yellow add on that would have to be made brown) she's the only killer without the right add on numbers at the right rarities. She's also got basically the most complained about add on combination in the game; Iridescent Heads and Infantry Belt.

    I do believe the devs mentioned Pig was somewhere in line for an add on pass after the chainsaw bois, but it was years ago and I can't remember who else was mentioned. She seriously needs one too, as 90% of her add ons are absolute garbage.

    Personally I think Wraith needs a revisit, because the entire point of the add on pass was to make killers more equal in terms of each other, but for some reason they decided Wraith's brown add ons should be closer most killers' purple/pinks.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Survivor items have been getting add-on passes. The medkit and toolbox got theirs when they were looked at.

    As for upcoming add-on passes, I'm expecting Huntress and Myers.