My honest thoughts on the Hillbilly/Leatherface changes

So we will begin with Leatherface. I will start off by saying that his changes are indeed buffs. He received a nerf technically in his camping abilities, but why should we care about that anyways. His chainsaw feels smoother to activate, feels much more threatening at particular loops, & he doesn't have to be on top of players in order to make use of it. You can control how long you chainsaw for with the charge aspect of his ability, which also limits how long his tantrum lasts. His add-on changes are both good & bad. Some of his add-ons have little to no use. Others definitely enhance his overall gameplay. I do wish they gave him add-ons that impacted charge speed a bit (at least make them not stackable to fix instasawing), but his power does seem to compensate for the lack of them.
Hillbilly on the other hand received a "minor nerf", or what actually turned out to be a massive nerf. The devs gave his chainsaw an Overheat mechanic to limit his use of the chainsaw, but it honestly overheats way too fast. You're lucky to get about 2 good attempts at a trick shot with his chainsaw around particular loops. At that point, you might as well purposely Overheat your chainsaw because then at least it will cool down much faster. He has lost most of his potential in trick shotting & feathering & what not. He still has good mobility as long as his chainsaw isn't overheated. They did seem to throw in some buffs though to his sniping cababilities. He has add-ons & perks to really aid in sniping more efficiently, which is a bit of a plus I would give him. His add-ons in general though are quite lackluster. The higher rarity add-ons seem to have such useless effects or are overly situational. His weaker add-ons seem to actually be some of his strongest oddly enough.
Overall, Bubba seems better off while Hillbilly is much worse after this patch. If this were to go live as is, I think Hillybilly has the potential to fall to low B/high C tier. Bubba seems like he would be somewhere in the B tier, & probably would be a stretch to say he is A tier. I would hold off on the Hillbilly changes as of right now, as it feels he needs some cleaning up.
"some cleaning up" is a nice way to describe how dirty they did Billy.
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Im salty af at what they did to carb tuning guide on bubba
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Leatherface changes were warranted, he was pretty trash and he was only good for camping. But Billy, he did not deserve this. I am fine with the add-on changes, but NOT the Overheat change. So unnecessary and takes all the fun out of Billy. Nerf the funnest Killer in the game with the most skill potential but Behavior still lest 4 man SWFs run around slamming Killers and trash talking with no repercussions. Even though they have said they want to give Killers some bonus against SWF like extra BP or whatever. But they go ahead and nerf a Killer that nobody was complaining about.
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is what happens when the dev only listens to people who only know how to cry for losing instead of learning to play
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"I'm generally happy with the taste of my meal and how it was cooked, so I threw it on the floor."- BHVR, probably
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If you're salty.. then watch Tru3 completely break Bubba.. he's a god now
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Yeah i saw that earlier. When i read that add on i thought something like this was going to happen but i didnt expect it to go THAT long 😂
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Survivors needed the nerfing though. They still kinda do with certain perks they have. New survivor perks entering the meta is much harder than killer because survivors already have the perks needed to survive almost any match. Exhaustion perks (DH & SB in particular), DS, BT, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Iron Will (which is busted), Spine Chill, etc. These perks may need to toned down like they did to ruin, especially DS & BT.
As for Nurse being top tier still, that may be true but now she's overly hard to learn. No one new is gonna be encouraged to play her bc of how restricting her cooldowns are. Basically the only people that play her effectively against the best teams are god tier Nurses. This could be the same thing if they leave Overheat the way it is on Billy. People will get tired of playing him if he becomes too hard to master. I do think it will see some changes before going live, but if they are still quite crippling to his skill cap then don't be shocked when his pick rate falls quite low like Nurse's has.
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Well it feels like the want to squash the killers Tierlist and scratch everything except a,b and c tier, which in itself would mean all killers would be equally balanced.
The problem is that the devs form of balanced aligns a little bit too much with the edgy part of the survivors. This kind of survivor would love to be able to 1 vs 1 the killer, since the teammates are inconsistent from being liability/useless up to carry potential. But this is still a 4 vs 1 and atm it feels like only the 1 has to put in bigger amounts of effort in skilled matchups (not noobs in red ranks that didn't get filtered out since ruins rework).