killer balance and killer issues.

before I start, i have to explain why most people who posts threads on forums are negative and why almost all forums seem negative, most people are more likely to respond negatively or post out off frustration when they're upset or had a bad day, when people are happy and satisfied they dont feel a reason to lash out on forums or other forms of media which is why most of the posts are of people complaining and you see less of people actively making positive posts, that doesn't mean people hate the game or are generally just negative people, its just negative reinforcement creates a need to post and get their frustration out, its a form of catharsis.

so I love this game, even with all its flaws big and small i still recommend this game to friends and try to get people to either play it, or play it with me, but whats been dissapointing lately is how Killers are balanced and how issues on killer side is handled, i dont get what the philosphy arround game balance is for the game devs, they've stated 2 kills 2 escapes is what they're going for, they said they were happy with Billys performance as he is right now, but wants to add more depth to his base kit, which is fine. This lead to the impression that his tweak weren't that big of a change and the only thing it really affects is his ability to spam the chainsaw or people using crack billy or insta saw addons, but that isn't what the nerf achieves at all. Insta saw is completely gone, which is for the better, but his ability to curve arround loops or mindgame with the chainsaw is gone too, only thing hes got going for him now is backreving survivors like old bubba and map pressure which makes him less fun to play, the PTB had 300 ping so its hard to judge objectively with all the hawkins and lerys offerings people came with to mess with the testing.

A game dev said on the latest stream that clown was underrated and not as bad as most people think and that we haven't found what makes him good yet, so is clown the end game for balance? hes unfun to play and frustrating at red ranks when people know how to play against him, hes a worse freddy with no map pressure, when Doctor got his rework it was mean't to make him less annoying and frustrating for survivors while making him easier to play and bit stronger than he was, but since the change hes just gotten even more annoying to play against, and he isn't that much different than he was to play, exception being static blast as a tracking toll which is way to strong, and madness 3 in my opinion is worse and more annoying than legions feral frenzy and deepwound ability which have been universally hated by the community since it came out.

Billy was the communitys "gold standard" for balance, he is a fun killer to play and to play against, gets nerfed to oblivion while things like monitor and abuse deathslinger, freddy in general, iridecent head/exhaustion addons huntress and spirits base kit who has minimal interaction in chase, is just a guessing game and frustrating to play against is still in the game, why? nobody asked for this change to billy, insta saw/crack billy with infectious fright who slugs is boring and annoying for survivors whos on the recieving end, but was still counterable, his addons needed a tweak to make him less oppressive, but now hes a boring M1 killer with okay mobility, that is way to easy to juke now and the overheat mechanic is way to punishing, I think base kit should be viable and fun on its own and addons are meant to change up how a killer plays, but his addons except for browns are objectively bad, why ruin (no pun intended) a fun balanced killer with lots of counterplay? that was fun to go against, but these other unbalanced killer builds that aren't fun to go against are still in the game? even with the DC penalty people DCed against iridecent head hatchets or people killed themselves on first hook going against a spirit, they're 10x times worse than billys strongest builds and I hoped balancing atleast these were a priority before making major changes to killers that doesn't need a big change. the bubba buff is very much appreciated and well deserved, even tho the legion addons are a bit much, and his facecamping ability is probably gotten better, i expect them to tweak things a little before live, but patch after patch have just been disappointing when it comes to killer balance.

sound bugs on killer side aren't a priority, everytime sound is broken it takes almost an entire chapter before it gets fixed, while survivors falling thorugh the shack floor gets fixed within days, survivors abusing safe spots or broken infinites in the pasts doesn't get bans but people using certain legion addons or hooking people in the basement when basement is bugged out get banned for abusing glitches? I hope to see more changes to better the game health in the future, the tome challanges skewes killer selection and I hope changes aren't made to killer because of popularity because of that.


  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    A minor nitpick:

    The Legion Blades glitch could be triggered intentionally and consistently, so banning players abusing it was totally fine imo. The basement fall-through bug could not be triggered consistently, it was random if it happened, so killers were not banned for this as far as I know. Both bugs could be considered game-breaking, so it's a good thing they were fixed fast.

    Yes the sound bugs are annoying and went unfixed way to long, but I wouldn't say they are game-breaking. You still have the majoriy of sounds, scratchmarks and sight. So they are no candidate for an urgent hotfix imo. It would be different if the sound broke for killers entierely, no gen sounds, no auditory cues. Or scratchmarks not being displayed. That would really break killer gameplay and I'm confident that such a thing would be fixed fast by the devs.

    The thing about "surv bugs get fixed instanly, killer bugs never" is, often the bugs are not comparable. Imo it takes much less for a bug to be game-breaking for survivors then then for killers. Let me try a stupid example: If the pallets could not be used for whatever reason (or no spawn), the survs a heavily crippled in their defences, it would mean a near-sure loss, and I would consider it a game breaking bug. If the killer would not be able to break pallets, thats also game breaking for certain killers an pallet locations, but e.g. Nurse, Huntress, Doc, Freddy could still play around it. So still kind-of game breaking, but not as severe as for survivors.

    Another thing is, we don't how difficult certain bugs are to fix. Legion blades stacking the mending timer up is easy to reproduce, so the buggy code can be located and fixed easily. Missing sounds for dubious reason sounds way more diffcult to me.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    Im not advocating for killer and survivor players to get banned for abusing things or any of that sort unless its completely game breaking and intentional, Im talking about how the devs prioritise stuff that aren't important to game health, they make weird decisions on balance, survivor bugs get fixed way faster than killer bugs, I have been playing survivor almost exclusevly since PH came out because sounds are so broken and frustrating, if it affects survivors in a negative way they get fixed almost immediatly, and sound is a major key in tracking survivors, scratchmarks sometimes doesn't make sense or generate in weird ways, on Ormond scratchmarks and generator auras are objectivaly bad and hard to see, especially for people like me who are red green colorblind. and these other killer addons and builds are bad for survivors and aren't addressed at all, they are the most frustrating things to go against as a survivor, spirits power is completely broken and frustrating to play against even after the collision change, you're forced to use iron will 24/7 just incase you match up against one, and they all use stridor 90% of the time anyway, unfun killer to play against. Iridecent hatchet with infantry belt is the cheapest thing in this game and I can't understand why that haven't been fixed, exhaustion addons were from a time were exhaustion recovered while sprinting, which it doesn't now removing dead hard and balanced landing from survivors who run those perks, dead hard doesn't work 80% of the time anyway, hopefully tick rate increase and server side hit validation fixes that issue which they are going to test later today. Deathslinger with monitor and abuse and freddy are also just horrible killers to play against, freddy is small, his red stain is hard to see in the dream world and his lounge doesn't fit his size at all, doesn't help that the meta freddy build is the forever freddy build with POP, sloppy, thana, bbq and his teleport with snares that are better than clowns whole kit, he even has addons that slows everything down and waking up is such a waste of time.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    "Im not advocating for killer and survivor players to get banned for abusing things or any of that sort unless its completely game breaking and intentional,"

    I din't say you would advocate for bans. But you named these two bug, claiming killers were banned for it. At least that's what I understood there. And I just wnated to point out the difference between those bugs, one easily triggerable making bans necessary, the other not consistantly triggerable, so no reason to ban someone for it.

    "Im talking about how the devs prioritise stuff that aren't important to game health, they make weird decisions on balance, survivor bugs get fixed way faster than killer bugs"

    Like i wrote, we don't know how difficult it is to fix the bugs. And hot-fixing some survivor bugs is pretty important for game health.

    "sounds are so broken and frustrating, [..], and sound is a major key in tracking survivors,"

    Yes sure, but it's far from unplayable, at least for me. Bc. sound is just one thing, there are many other sources of information. The sound isn't even broken all the time, just acts weird sometimes. Hearing footsteps is nice, but it is no game changer, imo. And who cares if a surv has Iron will through a bug or bc he actually equipped it. You only know the difference at the end screen. It would be a whole another topic if there was no legitimate way at all for survs to fall silent.

    "Ormond scratchmarks and generator auras are objectivaly bad and hard to see"

    That one I can totally agree on. How this has not been changed yet is beyond me.

    "you're forced to use iron will 24/7 just incase you match up against one"

    Iron will is great against other killers as well.

    "iridecent hatchet with infantry belt is the cheapest thing in this game and I can't understand why that haven't been fixed"

    Huntress addons will likely be reworked next, given that she is the only killer left with old addon rarity scheme. Her exhaustion addon will likely be changed as well.

    "dead hard doesn't work 80% of the time anyway"

    Use it to gain distance to get to a pallet instead of trying to prevent a hit with it. I see many survivors putting it to good use in my killer games.

    "freddy is small, his red stain is hard to see in the dream world"

    Since you are oblivious in the dream world, you are not meant to see the red stain, or am i wrong? Does oblivious only prevent TR?

    "forever freddy build with POP, sloppy, thana, bbq"

    Forever freddy was buried when his slowdown addons were nerfed. It's still obnoxious, but not as bad as before imo. I also very rarely face a freddy in red ranks, interestingly, so I somehow don't understand the Freddy hate. I also don't think playing as him is boring, quite the opposite. I feel powerful and confident with him, something I can't say about most other killers.

    "waking up is such a waste of time"

    Complaining about forever Freddy and Snare usage, but refusing to wake up ... sure.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229
    edited July 2020

    TL;DR not reading all of this, but the fact that you think you can wake up during a chase against freddy after he hits you and puts you to sleep and the notion that he was buried after the slowdown nerf KEKW. you are a bill through and through.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I take the time to answer to your rambling, put you disregard my entire post just bc you have a different opinion on Freddy, nice one!

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229
    edited July 2020

    Okay I'll admit my mistake, whenever people quote stuff in arguments they always try to pick apart stuff, argue semantics and use logical fallacies to prove something so didn't bother reading it besides your final statment about waking up. my bad.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    @CaulDrohn I use Iron Will almost 24/7 because its soo good against all killers but I don't like having to use it 24/7 just to hard counter spirits, and all good spirits use Stridor anyway so it doesn't even matter. problem with dead hard is it only works for distance if you want to reach something like a vault or pallet, but If youre in a deadzone, DH for distance is useless and only gives you extra time when you dodge an attack, which it doesn't, I only end up exhausted on the ground when I use it for that, and reacting to a spirit coming out of phase usually ends in being exhausted on the ground. I know huntress' addons will be reworked, but IMO that should have been a bigger priority than billys. all Freddys at red ranks use eternal/forever Freddy, and hes short so looping arround tall structures is hard and if youre not supposed to see his red stain in the dream world, which i believe you do, its just hard for me since im color blind, makes him just annoying and boring, dropping every pallet early like your facing clown isn't fun, his got map pressure like billy and is basically a just a pain to go against when the killer is good.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    If you use Iron Will almost always bc it's good against all killers, why is it an issue then that it helps you against Spirit? Just the sole fact that you feel it is required against Spirit? If you play it regardless, where is the problem?

    Deadhard in a deadzone to avoid a hit is equally useless to using it to gain distance. Bc. if you are in a deadzone, even if the killer misses you due to Dead Hard, you are still way away from anything to protect you, aren't you? Exhausted on the ground is BS, yeah, but I'm hopeful that this will be resolved soon with better servers.

    I can see that Huntress Addon rework is considered more urgent than Billies. I guess it only went this way bc it was considered even more urgent to buff Bubba, since he was/is one of the weakest killers. And since Bubba and Billie share(d) the same addons, it makes sense to rework them for both. The totally screwed Billlie basekit nerf came on-top. I do not even mind the overheat mechanic too much, I just find it to punishing. And the fact that his new addons are mostly underwhelming, with his best addons removed without proper compensation, really hurts him.

    I am red rank and play Freddy from time to time. Of course I use BBQ and Pop, bc it synergizes well. Maybe sloppy, but certainly no thana. Recently I was memeing around with BBQ, Nemesis, Furtive Chase and Make Your Choice, which worked out rather well too. So your claim that EVERY Fredd uses this is wrong :).

    Every killer is pain to go against if they are competent, imo. Sure some killers are worse than others, but I dislike Nurse, Oni or GhostFace much more than Freddy.