My Idea for Moris


I personaly think Moris are fine for the most part, but other people have different opinions that Moris are unfair to survivors because it encorages tunneling. So this is my idea to make Moris strong but not cheap.

The new mechanic I will introduce is called "Maimed". Maimed survivors have some hook progress instantly upon being hooked.

Maimed survivors will jump halfway to the struggle phase on their first hook or halfway to the death phase on their second hook. It still puts a tons more pressure on survivors to rescue but isnt unfair for survivors.

Moris will work like this

Common: One charge of Maime

Uncommon: Can kill any 1 survivor who has been hooked 2 times. 1 charge of Maime

Rare: Can kill any 1 survivor who has been hooked 1 time as long as a two unique survivors have been hooked. 2 charges of Maime

Rare: 4 charges of Maime

Ultra Rare: Can kill any one survivor who has been hooked one time. 2 charges of Maime.