DCing should prevent the hatch from opening for at least 60 seconds.

3 games in the last week I've been cheated out of 2 kills because someone just decides "lol I'm gonna DC so my friend can instantly use the hatch.

This isn't even like slugging for the 4k or anything, just out of the blue someone tells their SWF friend "found hatch" and boom, my game just ends in the middle of nowhere.

I just hooked the third remaining survivor and there go 3 more possible hooks.

Hey but at least I get brutality points that I already maxed, not sacrifice that literally cannot be maxed because of 2 people cheating their way out of the match.


  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    The problem with this suggestion, is that like most of them, it's based on what you want the game to do because of a bad experience of yours, and not exactly what would make the game better.

    "That happened to me, thus we need this change so i can have a better experience."

    As you said before, there is situations where this kind of behavior should be tolerated (slugging for a 4k, for example). And the presented "solution" would not really fix the issue. The last survivor could hide for 60 seconds until the hatch is free, and else, the game would turn into a mouse hunt situation for the survivor, who alone can't do much versing a killer for at least a minute without being able to escape.

    There is also situations where a solo survivor would be punished for ragequitting DCs, or people getting penalized for internet problems of other players. If that is a problem with SWF teams, the DC penalties should be enough to deal with it. So we just need it back as soon as possible.

    Or we can think about a solution that doesn't hurt a lot of players just cause we have a few problematic ones.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I absolutely disagree with you. Slugging may not be friendly, but it is categorically not cheating, and cheating is not tolerable just because you don't like how the other team is playing.

    The solution would at least give the killer a chance to find the hatch, rather than instantly ending the game by it opening under a player's feet. And the amount of cases of cheap, scummy, cheating, far outweigh the cases of "2 survivors left and my internet just happened to drop out at that moment!"

    The devs already said they were thinking about making the survivors' husk remain after a DC, but that was over a year ago, so I'll believe that when I see it.

  • pedroframil
    pedroframil Member Posts: 45

    In any moment i said slugging is cheating. I just said the dc against a 4k slugger is something "tolerated", cause it's just not fun to wait minutes lying on the ground without being able to do anything.

    Basically what i said is that although it is a little frustrating to experience that, the DC penalties are already enough punishment (when they are working) and that we can't get something as situational as this and create a rule that can penalize players that were not hurting fair play.

    I had my fair share of situations that would get me punished by the change you proposed without even playing on SWF groups. That's a one side biased proposition, since it would really offer the killers an unfair advantage on 1-surv left situations. Solo players would be punished for actions of some SWF players. It's a "give the killer a free win" situation, especially when we know that specific situation only occurs after you have already defeated at least 3 of the survivors. It's already a win, just now a flawless one.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    It really does mean the system needs a FIX at this point. Hatch closing brought this on. :(