Chapter: breached contamination - The Thing

55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54
edited July 2020 in Off-topic

Chapter: Breached contamination

survivor: MacReady

Map: Antarctica site

killer: The parasite - The Thing

weapon: tentacle

power: contamination

you can use this ability on any survivor or crow within your range. When using this ability you quickly jab a long tentacle tube into the crow or survivor. It takes 15 seconds for a survivor DNA transfusion and 5 for a crow transfusion. When the transfusion is successful the survivor will be put in dying state or if it is a crow then it will die. The main usage for this ability is you will gain that strand of DNA and be able to form into the creature you mixed with. For the survivor it takes 5 seconds to form and unform into them however the crow is much smaller and will take 13 seconds. When you transform into the specific creature you will look exactly like them but after 60 seconds you will unform into a abomination that if it is a survivor will look like a large abomination of the survivor and monster combined or if it a crow the crow will reform by tearing apart to the original size with a awful transformation but then it will go back to the original size. If you are using the crow then all crows will think you are normal but you will be able to fly around the map anywhere you please as long as it is a visible height range in the air. You will also be able to porch on the top of structures and generators but you will not fly away if a survivor is attempting to fix it and you can nip them doing no damage but kicking them out of the generator process with a quick pinch animation then they can go right back into the process and you can nip 5 times before a 20 second cooldown. If you transfer to a survivor then go through the transformation then you will lose your terror radius completely but a survivor can tell when you randomly let out ghastly moans with a unforgettable face expression. While looking like a survivor you can bust generators instead of fixing them but you cannot spam this but can do so in the middle of when a survivor is already fixing it and if there is no space you can push a survivor out of the way. In this form you can also hit survivors however every time you hit them it aesthetically changes a part of your body into something similar to your original form. After 10 hits on a survivor you change back into your original form but you will also get a 3 second stun before the transformation. The last possibility while looking like a survivor is breaking pallets and closing exits however this does not deplete it’s progress. When shifting to the original form if you are changing from a crow or survivor both will cause the crows to get frightened and fly away within a close range.

secondary power: living cells

the ability to place other living organisms from your body into a generator or totem of your choice. You can place up to 5 of these in any generator however there cannot be more than one. If a survivor attempts to fix or break one of these then the organism placed inside the generator or totem will burst out of the item and cause the survivor to panic and scream and then the organism will grapple onto there arm which they will be stuck there for 12 seconds until they can break free without problem and their scream will also reveal the survivors aura. If the survivor is working on a generator when this happens it will explode or if it is a totem it will break.


process of evolution: the only key to success of hunting is evolution so you evolve to your terrain to fit better in the habitat. The scale for the chance of this perk getting increased is increased by 10% every time you get over a window, increases by 5% when you miss a direct hit, is increased by 15% every time you get stunned by a pallet and another 10% every time you break a pallet until it reaches 100%. When this perk is activated you can break pallets 30% quicker, leap over windows equally as fast as the survivor and get a stun decrease by 55% for 45 seconds.

monstrosity: you are a powerful creature seemingly unnatural in comparison to others. Your monstrous features compell the survivors in a distance causing them to have a 30% chance of screaming when you are visible to them and this reveals there aura for 5 seconds if they scream while looking at you but for that reason exclusively. After screaming from your horrifying appearance your terror radius is increased by 14% for 22 seconds.

skilled predator: The prey on this planet are unique but vulnerable creatures and your skill at hunting gives no chance to this species surviving. When a survivor has escaped you 3 times you learn there nature and let your primal instincts kick in, your speed is increased by 19% and your terror radius is decreased by 70% for 20 seconds.

message: I understand that most thought of giving Pennywise something similar to this but I gave my own separate idea for Pennywise and decided to go with this idea and somewhat used the concept of that power so I am not trying to copy it.

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