Why are devs not listening to the community at all?

Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

When they nerfed legion,all he needed was to get rid of the moonwalk abuse,they destoryed him.

When nurse was nerfed all she needed was to get rid of her triple blink,they destroyed her.

When billy was nerfed all he needed was to get rid of his insta saw,they destoryed him.

See a patern here?At this point,I think devs purposely want to make old killers obsolete so the players will play the latest ones,especially the licensed killers.Also way to go devs,trying to make a fun killer like Billy not only bad,but unfun to play with frustrating cooldowns.


  • averycoolname
    averycoolname Member Posts: 22

    I dont mind the Nurse rework that much

    all she needs is being allowed to still gain her Blink charges while she is charging a Blink, thats all

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,039
    edited July 2020

    They do.

    But I guess they put more thoughts into e.g. the Billy Nerf than most of the whiny people who complain about it.

  • MrPotato
    MrPotato Member Posts: 71

    You would think, because they themselves don't even play the game, at least not both sides, they would listen to a source that actually does, maybe not the entire community, but at least well known streamers and top players. But instead they all play one side, usually survivor, get destroyed a few times and come to the conclusion that it wasn't their fault for losing, It was the killer being too strong, or the terrible team they had, not being strong enough.

    After that instead of trying to see what they could have done better in that game, they have the power to just change the game so they don't have to adapt. If they actually knew what was wrong with Billy, they would have only changed his addons, in fact they would have only changed the charge and cooldown ones. But instead they decided even though the community is fine with a non-instasaw billy, and even though they themselves said they think he is perfectly fine as he is, Nerf his BASE KIT, and make literally all of his addons besides 3 worthless.

    On top of that there are addons for new billy that literally do not change his power. There are 2 addons that have to do with flashlights. This would make sense, to compliment his teachables, Such as resistance to blindness after being hit by a pallet (enduring) But lightborn literally prevents being blinded in the first place and they literally JUST MADE IT THAT WAY.

    This game could be so, so legendary, if just one, just ONE developer played the game at least 10 hours a week. I can't wait until they nerf Wraith too by making his bell shatter if he uses it too much.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Legion was already weak to begin with, it was just that players abused his power. Basically nothing changed.

    Nurse was far too strong, and is still the most powerful killer. Basically nothing changed.

    Billy had infinite power, that was changed. Hes still A-tier. Basically nothing changed.

    But cause were here to complain, that wouldnt fit in well, if you have to look at the reality.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2020

    so true,in the end the game is made for the community not the devs,why dont they listen do the community,they obviously dont play the game much,I will never understand why so many devs force their ideas that obviously dont work on a community that shows dislike on them

  • IMilkNobody_108
    IMilkNobody_108 Member Posts: 41

    billy was changed you can only backrev now all mindgames/featuring is gone cause you overheat to fast

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,060
    edited July 2020

    I think the more telling thing that devs should pay attention to is that I don't think any streamers have touched the PTB since day one because it in general and Hillbilly in particular were a hot mess. I would think they'd pay attention to that because, while streamers are themselves a minority, they're a small group that reaches out to a much, much bigger one. Sort of like how that D/C Penalty hack was being looked into very soon after it got Tru3Ta1ent banned for 72 hours.

  • IMilkNobody_108
    IMilkNobody_108 Member Posts: 41
    edited July 2020


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I dont know the game Depth, but it looks interesting. Apparently it is not very popular and seemingly not growing. I can not judge if this is a prime example on how to do it.

    Not sure where the obvious problems in DbD are. Everybody sees it a little bit different, and just because some on this forum are complaining about genspeed does not mean anything. This here is maybe representing 1% of the community, if even and only because many here are longtime gamer does not mean our opinion values more then others.

    Just put it in perspective and look alone the controverse we have here. Some say Genspeed is fine, some say its not. Some think a certain killer is to weak and the other half even think he is to strong.

    A good example would be you and me. I dont have any issue with bugs, its the least problem i see in this game, same with genspeed. On the other side, i absultly think Deathslinger should be reworked completly, because his mechanic is a mess or that Nurse is still totally overpowered. Not everybody would agree, even tho i am 100% sure i am right. I hope you my point.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632
    edited July 2020

    i know otz has been saying that he keeps giving them advice on balancing perks/killers/maps but they dont listen to him he said something like "ive been trying to help them balance out perks and such but i guess they have there own ideas and thats okay its their game"

  • rabldong
    rabldong Member Posts: 91
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    While it's true that the developers ignore almost every piece of feedback that the community gives them, there is a very good reason for this: most of us are selfish arseholes with opinions in direct and equal opposition.

    That's honestly the likely source of their stats-worship as well, though it doesn't excuse their incompetent data gathering and analysis. I'm sorry, Devs, but any statistician worth their salt could tell you to look at the hard facts behind the chart in order to understand it, not just at the chart itself.

  • pizzamess
    pizzamess Member Posts: 209

    I mean sure but it's the main way they open themselves up to feedback and twitter and the billy changes have been just as negatively recieved, so if the forums dont represent the player base then ehsts the point of them in the first place, cause it certainly isnt promoting non toxic community making, most of the threads on this site are about people bitching about camping, tunneling, DS, and DH.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    ^^ this 100% you can listen to somebody but you dont have to do it. Heres an example: you and a freind are on the swings(i dunno) and a karen says to get off. You can listen and hear her but you dont have to do it. I dont kniw if that was the best example but hopefully the rest of yall get it.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Yeah just look at king,by far the biggest shill on youtube for dbd.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    They do listen to the community, but they also have their estabilished path for where the game must go and the community is not privy to the grand scheme of things.

    I believe the Billy nerf, which leaves me very sad anyway, is part of a general balancing of the game. With reworking maps and other features to be introduced, Billy's power being insta-down mobility on-demand would have probably presented a complicated outlier to be reconciliated in a general game balance, considering that none other killer power works like that.

    Let's be real, they invested resources to make the overheat mechanic, it's not getting reversed. I still hope they'll significantly tone down the penalties on it, though.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I agree with the first two really, I think Legion and Nurse are both pretty much fine, Legion could do with some more QoL tweaks such as not losing your power after an m1 attack anymore.

    While I pretty much agree with 2/3 of your reasoning and your point, I think current PTB Billy is C tier personally and I've even seen a few tournament level survivor players calling him D tier. I think he's genuinely been gutted.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    They do listen to the community, that's why things keep getting nerfed


  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    they only release new dlc, ignoring the balance and bugs of this game

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