Console players, would you enable crossplay and why?

PC players would likely enable crossplay for the shorter queue times but console players do not suffer from queue time issues, so it is more so optional for them. As a console player, would you enable crossplay and why?
Lol, I have tried console. The queue times are god awful compared to pc. To answer the question, yes I would so my friend and I can play
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Yes. And the queue times are awful on console.
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Correct me if Im wrong but at least survivor isnt any more difficult to play on console than it is on computer. Third person gameplay usually isnt at least. So all the killer mains on console shouldnt see much of a problem turning on crossplay.
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With ps4 and Xbox together yes, with PC no, not until the current consoles can have steady ping, reasonable latency, and consistent frames. How can you combine platforms with such drastically different play experiences for both roles?
Puppers said it best yesterday when asked why he only plays on PC: "Why play at 40 frames when I can play at 100? Or at 10...."
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I play on ps4 and I would try to play as survivor. But I'm not sure, if also will try to play as killer.
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Well my queue times on console arent actually that bad, morning until about 6pm my survivor queue are almost instant, but killer queue times between that time are awful, but after 6 is the other way round, killer is instant and survivor takes alittle time. I probably wouldnt need to switch it on much, my only reason for it would be really just be to play with friends who are on other platforms.
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Yes. Mostly because one of my friends plays on pc and I can't wait to team up with him.
Been playing solo queue near exclusively in dbd for nearly a year.
I haven't been too bothered by the queue times. I usually find a match within a few minutes.
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Absolutely with no regrets. Queue times are awful here.
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I might for the survivor side, I wouldn’t want to play killer on console VS PC survivors for just the FPS difference alone.
Then you have a joystick to control (I have lobbied for directional pad use before, no answer) that is much less accurate than a mouse which is why things like God Nurse’s are extremely rare on console...I havn’t played against one in 4 years.
Lastly you have the visual effects. A console player can’t do things like widen their screen to show more info in the 3rd person like PC players can. Console players cannot adjust colors or brightness either.
If you think playing killer is a real challenge (as it is) on console, playing VS PC survivors will only make it worse.
No issues with cross platforming between consoles.
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Yes. I don't care if PC players have an advantage. I think most of us console players will be largely unaffected by playing against mouse and keyboard players. If I am wrong, then I might be down a rank colour. I can cope with that.
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If they devs actually implement their new matchmaking system before crossplay then if console players arent as good as the same rank players on pc or vice versa. Then they shouldnt face them anyway. I cant imagine thats its gonna be that big of a deal. And the one thing that will get destroyed by this should be long queue times.
So as a pc player I hope for it. Usually I dont have long queue times but it happens and the more people you are capable of playing with the better overall imo.
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Well its a stupid comment from the guy quoting him. But in the case of puppers it makes sense. He has both, so why would he play on console if computer is the same game but feels better.
But yeah it has absolutely nothing to do with crossplay.
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If any console player is worried about KB/Mouse, let me ease you. I just switched to PC in February, one of the first titles I bought was DbD, I still use Controller because I personally am not into FPS titles. I am Rank 5 with Killer and Rank 6 with Survivor, nothing to brag about, yet I hold my own is my point. Also I have played some titles where I notice a difference in movements between my opponent and myself, DbD is not one of them. I also seen a post in here, worried about Ping, Latency, and FPS. PC experiences bad Ping/Latency in matches (I do even with 300mbs speed internet), it really depends on what server you get plugged into, and you are capped at 60FPS on PC unless you edit the game files.
Bonus: even the titles where I do notice a difference, its not like I do vs every opponent, its more like sometimes I face 1 individual and go wow, then take the L or move on to the next. Unless you are playing Call of Duty/Fortnite or something similar, I suggest giving crossplay a shot, because for the most part the being worried about KB/Mouse is a false narrative.
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Semi switch gamer here
Yeah I would, not just so I can play with a friend on PS4 but also because Switch queue times are god ######### awful, especially low rank killer.
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It'll be funny to see how many ppl blame getting paired against PC players when they do poorly. Theres always SOMETHING to blame and point a finget at. In the past, ppl have been quick to shout "lagswitcher" or "VPN" or "SWF" no matter if it was the case or not. Feel like this'll be the same thing.
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No never. Nurse is supposed to be even better on PC so not fun for me when playing survivor, and when I play Nurse how fun would it be when everyone thinks I'm a PC Nurse just because I'm good? I see no benefit playing with PC players in any circumstances.
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Uhh well you cant really spin killers on console not that it works most of the time anyways but it's an ever so slight restriction, also pc has 60 fps and higher which is another advantage pc players get inherently but that's not just survivors.
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I like how most people think that console players are worse than all PC players, so far in my case I've had less issues with pc survivors.
Pc survivors tend to not sweat every single match, PS4 players (or at least) did when I was on ps4.
M&K is only better for killer like Nurse and huntress, other killers can be easily played with a controller almost the same way as with M&K.
The only difference is the crappy FPS on console, meanwhile a somewhat decent PC can play dbd on 60 fps, the ps4 pro barely runs dbd like at 25 with the hardcore drops when BL becomes a thing, a 360 happens etc.
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From my understanding they are trying to have a majority of people in the crossplay que. They worked the system so if you opt out of it, you're only ques with other players who have opted out on whatever you're playing on. So eventually you're going to have worse que times from not opting in.
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I play on Switch and I wouldn't say that the queue times are bad, but I do play against the same people again and again. I would probably turn on crossplay to face a wider variety of players than the same names I see all the time.
I do hope however that they do a big optimization patch for consoles, including finishing the memory leak problems. I won't hold my breath though.
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I am on ps4 and i won't enable crossplay dont want to play against vpn and/or cheaters.
Furthermore I think due to the lower framerates of consoles, pc players would have a bit of an advantage.
Edit: i would definitely enable crossplay between consoles (:
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Yip, better cues, more nurses..the occasional pc bot squad, and just to tone down PC a peg XD
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Yes, because i dont think pc players will have as much of an advantage as everyone thinks. This isnt cod
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What's the memory leak issue?
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Well that explains why i was Litrally playing on 15fps a few days ago
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This feels like a good time to urge the console players to consider
Instead of considering the next gen console XSX or PS5, doesn't have to be that one, but that is a real good build for the price.
Not posting for a debate that will go on ages, more of a suggestion.
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If it was a FPS, i would never enable crossplay. But, as survivor, a control is better than mouse to deal with killer. And as killer, not having a mouse affects only Nurses blink swing, but i think general keyboard survivors will be easier than the console control ones.
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Definitely not. Why would I want to play with or against a bunch of unskilled hackers?
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Probably as survivor but not killer. As survivor I come across the same killers fairly often so would be nice to have variety. Killer with how fps drops would probably be pretty miserable.
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Yes since queue times suck. I also run into the same players often, so it would be nice to play with a wider variety.