Wasent the new matchmaking meant to be released in june?

Title ^^
I'm waiting for it too, but I don't think they shared any date
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From a dev stream in May they said the exact words "Next month". The next month from May being June.
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OH I missed that! Thank you
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the only thing thats always on time is new dlc and cosmetics.
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I'm surprised they gave any hint as to when it will come out. Usually when they give a specific date and something pushes it back, the community gets in an uproar.
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They're eradicating Ranks right?
Our Rank 1-20 is going away?
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AFAIK yep. They'll be there for achievement purposes but MMR and those should be seperate.
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No ranks are going to stay but we can only see our own rank.
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I remember reading somewhere that MMR is actually already implemented. Ranks are still visible, but not used for anything.
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Thank you. =]
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Maybe they’re releasing it with the mid-chapter?
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Actually, someone posted here mid-June that Patricia from BHVR said on Discord that MMR would come in October. I didn't see the original Discord message though. If it's true that they're currently aiming for October, that means we'll live with the current system until at least December, if not early 2021.