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Why are survivor perks hidden from other survivors in lobby and in game?

Dsalter Member Posts: 239
edited July 2020 in Ask the Community

one of the biggest canyons between SWF groups and random match making is the ability to share information.

shortening this gap needs to be pretty big on the list of to do's if we want to see better balance in future otherwise SWF will always trump playing solo in EVER aspect.

one such difference is the ability to know who has what perks, sitting in lobby with other players as a solo survivor is one of the most awkward things because you need to guess what everyone is bringing or ask them in that tiny time frame, if you are lucky you will get an answer but usually more than not they end up being either silent or outright insult you for asking.

just having the 4 perks the survivor is running above their head and above their player icon in game thats only visible to the survivors would go a long way in bridging this gap.

you could also work this into making the oblivious status hide other survivor perks so you cannot see if they are active or not.

but what about SWF?

they already share this information ahead of time, this would actually benefit randoms more than it would benefit SWF groups in this regard.

found an image while asking this question on google that perfectly explains my point

information shared in this image would go a long way in bridging the gap between SWF and random survivors so we can start having better matches since by order of least stressful experience to most experienced experience at higher ranks its: SWF - Meta killer - non-meta killer - solo survivor. (edit: not sure why this suddenly became a quote)


  • D3_destr0y3r
    D3_destr0y3r Member Posts: 120

    I think it's about time solo queue players get equal info to SWF and then killers should be buffed up to that level, Eliminating/quelling the swf problem

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2020

    technically it'll never be on equal footing since SWF will always have the advantage of voice comms (for now) and the experience of playing with said player(s) for multiple games but bridging that gap will go a huge distance in allowing killers and survivor perks to be adjusted so they are better for both ends, i mean as a SWF half the perks are dwarfed by voice comms alone

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347

    oh yes such a thing is clearly not enough in the game, then it would be possible to adapt to the teammates and thereby playing the solo would be much more pleasant