How a 4k as Killer isn't even a pip?

I guess it depends on the game but...this is something that should be fixed, isn't it? Or maybe I'm missing something?
Is not like I care about ranks, but I'm a really bad Survivor and I'm rank 1, while as Killer I'm dancing between rank 2 and 1 even being main killer.
Seems weird.
Well cuz the game isnt just kills or escaping each side has 4 categories refusing to do them will black pip or depip you
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I don't think a 4k should gaurentee a pip, the way it is now means camping hooks wont level you up. You need the multiple hooks, chases, using your power.
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Well I did 23k, didn't camp, just survivors were trying to rush gens and they didn't want to save teammates. I played Doctor so I used my power a lot and stuff...
I guess bc two of them died on the first hook I didn't get a pip.
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It's an imperfect system. I would honestly recommend just skipping through the emblem screens unless you are specifically trying to get gold/iridescent emblems for a challenge or trophy. That's what I do anyway and I'm happier lol
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I think the game should be able to tell if you are camping the hook or not. So if you hook someone and for whatever reason the survivors don't rescue them but you also don't camp the hook you should score points as if it's 3 hooks on that survivor. If the killer leaves the hooked survivor and somehow manages to keep all 3 other survivors occupied so they can't rescue their friend on the other side of the map he should be rewarded not punished.
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Because the pip system rewards you for outplaying people of similar skill, if you played against a bunch of newcomers and stomped them to the ground you won, but you didnt really proved anything.
Its similar to putting Djokovic or Nadal against some guy who plays tenins on Sundays because he loves it, they will probably win but they didnt prove much, should that win give them points in the ATP ranking? (it shouldnt low their rank either).
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I totally agree
How do you know if they were that bad or not. Is not like I'm like Federer* on this game or something.
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While the system is not perfect points can tell how well Survivors performed overall and also you take other factors like number of hits, number of saves, number of gens done etc.
Getting 4k in 2 minutes with only 4 hooks usually tells the Killer is way way better than the Survivors, same as Survivors completing the gens in 5 minutes and getting out without anyone getting hooked, they are way better than the Killer, they shouldnt pip either as they just steamrolled someone who wasnt up to the task.
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Even people at the professional level of any sport/game/etc get stomped sometimes. It's just the nature of things.
A system designed to punish players for doing too well against players - players that they were matched against by that system! - is absurd.
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4k - ing doesn't mean that you played well, same as way as escaping doesn't mean you played well.
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Yep, but nobody is talking about playing well or not, I'm playing about geting 23k points, killing them all and not getting a pip.
It is just bc Im curious, as I said rank is not important at all for me, I prefer to farm points and prestige my chars.
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If you don't care about it, then why make a thread about it?
In the game's terms pipping means you played well, double pipping means you played really well. The fact that someone got a 4k, doesn't necessarily mean that they played well, thus a 4k doesn't guarantee a pip.
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Because of how stupid this ranking system is. Killers like Oni, plague, Myers and any ranged or one hit down killers will barely ever pip, unless you don't use their power
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"Playing well". Oni will barely ever pip, and if you snowball and kill all 4 survivors and don't pip, it's the ranking system that screws you over. The only way to pip as Oni is to do "man with katana". Same with every other ranged attack or one hit down killer.
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Absolutely not true.. I guess you're generalising based on your own experience, but that's not a way to build an argument.
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Because the fact that is not important to me doesn't mean I cannot criticize if the system is bad.
Its so much hard for killers to pip than survivors.
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Because the fact that is not important to me doesn't mean I cannot criticize if the system can be improved.
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I think it's too easy for both sides, but it's getting scrapped anyways, so it doesn't really matter
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The Pip system has more to it than killing or dying, and in fact BOTH sides staying around and slowing down the game is more beneficial to them.
As it currently stands, if you hit a lot of survivors and they run off to get healed, you gain Malicious and Chaser for hitting them and having them bleed, then they get some Chaser for having you ditch them and "escape the chase", then the team gets Benevolence for healing each other.
Instant downs, or even hitting constantly injured people hurts a killer's chance of pipping, as you get half the chaser emblem for doing half the work.
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Should you really get a pip if you camp and tunnel and mori people, ending the game prematurely? Personally, I don't think so.
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No, but what if you don't camp, neither tunnel, and you still don't get a pip for a 4k.
In this case, it was a game where they were too obsesed on rushing gens that they didn't unhook.