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being "toxic" is part of the killers job.

Member Posts: 1,138

As a killer, you have to.......kill! I don't get it when people get mad at me for tunneling, like I understand it's not the nicest thing to do but I don't care. I want to win. Keep in mind these are the same people sitting at the gates waiting to teabag.

Also, doing horror movie things like saw references is a no go either. Like shutting the hatch in someone's face. I'm the bad guy! I'm supposed to be evil! Just to be clear, I don't care about pipping, or bp.

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  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited July 2020

    I agree. People in this game are nothing more than ai with loud mouths to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I had someone tell me once that i wasnt a very nice killer. I had to laugh at the absurdity of that sentence

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    I'm going to correct you here:

    >Being toxic is intentionally going out of your way to ruin the game experience for the other side just for your own satisfaction.

    That's it, last part is unnecessary. Most toxic players do that not to satisfy themselves, but to piss off the other player for whatever reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,550

    Part of the problem I think is perspective. From the survivor standpoint, the killer comes back, sees them fresh off the hook, and chases them again. Seems like intentional tunneling. From the killer standpoint, however, they wasted a good few seconds looking for the unhooker who has now disappeared into the ether, who was their true target, and now the option is "go after the unhooked" or "lose any pressure you could have gained from going here." At that point, it's the intelligent play, even if to the survivor it looks like intentional douchebaggery.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Honestly? This.

    If you're playing this game because you want to have fun, complete objectives, or just keep in practice for the next set of rift objectives, then yeah. You're not gonna read as toxic.

    But when you say stuff like this

    That suggests to me that you really just thrive off of trying to ruin the game for others. You don't like being called toxic? When you admit to actively trying to make the game less fun for others because you want to win above all else, like how are you surprised nobody ingame likes playing with you?

    Like, closing the hatch doesn't sound toxic to me, that ######### is funny af tbh, but tunneling isn't even fun killer-side either. It's the most boring way to play killer. Idk what you're expecting from this thread, really. Validation? You wanna play in a way that makes people dislike you and you don't care about people AT ALL, yaaaay? Other players are AI you don't care about? YaaYyY!

  • Member Posts: 4,620
    edited July 2020

    You can be a Killer and Kill without been Toxic, I think mori's and keys should be gone from the game, tuneling is NO fun, how can it be for the Killer too? I never tunnel in games as I myself get fed up of soon as I am off the hook I am after again and downed, so that is not a rule, it's how some people play the game. Yes you are to kill, but some go after an easier target, I see no fun in that as a Killer when I play it, to tunnel I don't do as it's boring. I agree with some of the things others have said BUT, been toxic is a choice, in the game to Kill isn't as that is a Killers job, so NO been toxix IS NOT part of a Killers job, is choice of the player :)

  • Member Posts: 824

    You can "win" without being toxic. Whenever I play, I focus on bp and making the game exciting for the survivors. Especially if there's a streamer in my games. I love rewatching the VODs of myself as killer and seeing how people react in my games. I keep my toxicity levels low and ramp up the tryhard/exciting gameplay especially against streamers.

    Especially since I usually play Ghostface. The jump scare reactions are the best.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    You said 'most toxic players' implying there is a minority that do it for satisfaction.

    My definition still stands.

  • Member Posts: 520

    Tbh most of killers think like you, So thats why they dont like perks like DS and Unbreakable.

    You guys need to remember this is a game, people here to enjoy and have fun times, getting 4k with the most toxic ways not gonna make you scary killer.. people will forget you after they -rep your steam profile and go to their next match.

  • Member Posts: 143

    It's literally not all that dramatic, though.

    If I run perks as a survivor to give me every possible advantage, if I get into a whole SWF group and we load up on flashlights with the singular goal being to bully a killer, that's toxic.

    Nobody gets upset about losing, people get upset about whether or not they were able to play the game before losing.

    Losing because you keep getting caught? That's fine. Because hatch was closed in your face? Also fine. Because you tried a stupid play and it didn't work? Fine.

    But going out of your way to tunnel or camp effectively is choosing to make one player unable to play the game and it's inconsiderate, the same way SWF groups will load into a lobby without the intention of doing gens, totems or any kind of daily objective and will actively aim to make a killer chase em around til they DC.

    Survivors, in that situation, get little to no choice in what is going to take place in the game, while the killer is afforded the option. To tunnel or camp or not to tunnel or camp? To play the game with no skill or effort or to actually try? Why even play this game if you don't want to patrol gens, outsmart or hook different people? If you want to chase down the same person over and over and secure kills that way, you may as well play any sort of FPS out there.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    It has already sort of been said in this thread, but as long as your intention isn't to piss off other players to the point where that goal overrides even trying to win, it should be fine in my eyes. I always compare it to spawncamping in objective-based games in my mind. Spawncamping while your team completes an objective? That's just winning very dominantly. Ignoring your objective just to spawncamp until the timer runs out? That's a bit of a dick move 😄

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Survivors, in that situation, get little to no choice in what is going to take place in the game, while the killer is afforded the option.

    Yes, that's what the role was made for, to be put in a situation where you have to overcome a stronger opponent who has more agency than you. I don't understand why so many survivors seem surprised by this.

  • Member Posts: 143

    I am not talking about normal gameplay, like YEAH, clearly survivors shouldn't be OP and able to overcome ANY situation. I am talking about tunneling and camping specifically. How are you supposed to "outplay" that without loading up on every single evasion/exhaustion perk in the game? Which only really gets you so far in the first place. Nobody is playing this game so they can be chased around the map, unable to do gens, totems, or anything other than get hooked and released, hooked and released, then hooked a final time while all their teammates are ignored until they've died at which point its someone else's turn.

    Which, nobody is surprised by this, but somehow killers seem surprised when survivors hate them for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,522
    edited July 2020

    The big difference there is that the SWF is ignoring their objective just to be annoying. The killer is just doing their objective.

    The rest is just the DbD equivalent of some new Street Fighter player saying, "GUILE KEEPS THROWING BOOMS AT ME ITS BORING ######### DO SOMETHING ELSE SO I HAVE FUN" and this is the only community where I've ever seen such nonsense seemingly supported by the majority.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    It's just called playing as the killer, use anything to your disposal that would benefit you. Mori, camping, tunneling and so on. And if you want, act in anyway you want.(slugging, hit hook, anything really.)

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    First off, I'm not trying to "validate myself" I'm putting my thoughts out there. Secondly, when I say ai, I mean I don't care if you rage at me for trying to win. I probably should have worded that better.

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    To me, a killer being toxic is usually one that will literally face camp at 5 gens remaining. Camp away if you like, but you can't deny that just ruins the experience for the other player who's stuck for 2 minutes unable to do anything because even if they manage to get off, they're straight back up there. In times when a killer just directly targets the unhooked survivor rather than the unhooker, then again, it feels like another ruined experience. I won't say camping/tunneling is something I agree with, but it is a tactic, but personally, I just find this gameplay style to be boring and very unfun. But, everyone plays their own way and nothing can change that.

  • Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2020

    i try not to ruin somedoby experience unless they are SWF you have to or you get destroyed. because they are as efficient as survivors can get, and is not like if they cared about playing nice to you or whatever they just rush those gens like no tomorrow so, well i guess i dont have to care about your fun neither, unless of course you are a nurse with full understanding of how she works since she can end chases so quick that she doesnt even need to tunnel most time, similar to spirit, the rest dont have that luxury of finishing chases AND PATROL GENS fast enough at the same time usually they may have one thing but not both.

  • Member Posts: 3

    ok I play killer and survivor, yes you have to kill, yes some of the things people gripe about is just things you have to do, but "Toxic" is when you slug one of two remaining survivors, go chase down the other one hook that one and close the hatch as doctor where you can see where the downed survivor is for a 4k. If you don't think that's toxic, then you're wrong.

  • Member Posts: 75

    you can play as you want, you should not follow their rules that they invent, those kind of immature people who do not know that this game is a hardcore game and only know how to cry instead of learning to play and respect, ignore them, it is your game not of them

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I wish to disagree that it's a part of their job. I can get by without being "toxic" (at least by my standards) so idk why you think it's required to play killer.

    Of course you can play however you want, but it's not part of your job to ruin someone else's experience, like it isn't part of your job to ensure everyone has a great time. That's the great thing about a game; you can play it however you want.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    You can kill and do your job without being toxic. Why people think it's ok to go out of their way to ruin the game for other people is beyond me. People like you literally make gaming not fun :)

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