Who is your least favorite killer?
Exactly what the titles says, who is your least favorite killer and why.
I like every killer, but I'd probably say huntress just because i always go against her atleast once a day when playing as survior - would be nicer to see other killers that nobody plays
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Pyramid Head.
Clunky, slow and easily countered.
I hated him from the first time I used him.
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Hag to play as or against (thankfully very rare in red ranks).
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My least fav is (believe it or not) Michael Myers!! Now as a survivor Mike is scary af when he just pops up out of nowhere but it takes HOURS AND HOURS of playing and he has to be pretty leveled up with nice perks and add ons to be that good. I like a killer you can just jump in and play with, without having to run crazy perks and spend 1,000,000 bp to get them where you wanna be!!
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Freddy. I hate going against him and I think he isn’t fun to play.
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Fredward Von Kruegerson. While i dislike playing Billy more, Freddy is extremely 1 note, while lacking the mindless simplicity of Bubba, then as survivor he's just painfully boring as you just go down with a side effect of halving your FPS.
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Every trap killer, Hag being on top and demo as an exception. Freddy is annoying to, he requires no skill to play and can be extremely boring.
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Least favorite lore-wise? Clown. To face in game? Freddy. To play as? Probably Nurse or Hillbilly because I have never played as them and they're some of the hardest to master afaik so I would probably have an awful time trying to play as them.
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Any killer that i played against multiple times
AKA: ghostface, legion, doctor
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Spirit. I rarely think a killer is OP, shes the exception.
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Deathslinger and Hag.
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I don't like facing Doctor and Ghostface. Doctor can be annoying at times and when it comes to Ghostface I just come across camping Ghostface manis TOO MANY times.
And when it comes to who I don't like playing as it'd be Doctor as well and Nurse - I just can't get used to using their powers
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To play or go against? To play I would say Deathslinger, but also not a fan of Myers.
To go against Doctor, Legion and third Freddy.
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Freddy, more specifically, Forever Freddy.
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To play: Huntress because I can't aim for **** in this game.
To go against: Jumpscare killers because I jump. Every. Time.
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To play against - Legion AKA mending simulator.
To play as - Spirit. I find her incredibly boring to play.
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To play against Trapper. Its just soo ######### frustrating to be the last ducking survivor just to run into that ONE trap he placed 10 hours ago
To play as: 1st Clown 2nd Nurse and third Doctor Clown is just a losing simulator or dbd on impossible mode. I want to main Nurse in the future, but right now it's just difficult man... I'm mentally not prepared xD And Doctor is just sooo boring! I win every game and its not satisfying at all
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Lore-wise or game-wise?
When it comes to the lore, I absolutely despise Kenneth and Fr*ddy Kr*eger. Danny and Herman are alright, but they're on thin ice.
To play as, I'd say Nurse, Deathslinger, and Huntress. I don't like being slow, I'm really bad at aiming.
I like playing against just about every Killer, except Clown. Get outta here with your gross bottles and VHSes.
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My teammates in solo Q that hook farm with no borrowed time
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It is very difficult..
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To play: Nurse
To go against: Deathslinger, Pyramid head and Spirit
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Possibly plague, both to play and to verse
When I play plague her vomit feels unbelivably clunky
When I play against plague its either cleanse which will enables her lethal puke or not cleanse which gives her a free insta down on me. And I don't like neither of my choices.
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Probably Deathslinger or The Shape
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Playing as: Changed as i just remembered nurse from someone else's post. Just goes to show she is a dust collector on console!
Playing against: Spirit
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For the design: Trickster, he just doesn't belong in a HORROR game where all other killers and general atmosphere are creepy and dark.
Playing against: Hag, I just hate the way she is too easy to play as, camping issues (in basement espacially when 5 traps are set through stairs) and not much counterplay (yes there are some, but if you haven't equipped a flashlight or urban evasion, you just can't know in advance)
Playing AS: Nurse, I am a console player and I know ppl say she can be much more easy on PC, but she is hard AF to learn and if you are not even a bit skilled with her, your whole game is f***ed.
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Freddy. Just Freddy.
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Huntress. Not overpowered bud god she's frustrating to play against. Deathslinger at least needs to aim at you but huntress will hit you even behind a corner
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Leatherface, I genuinely hate going against him to the point I literally just don't even care about the DC penalty, I've gotten 3 15 minute bans just because I can't be asked to even try. He's honestly the only thing keeping me from playing survivor, I wanted to get into survivor so bad but moment he started popping up more and more in my games I've just stuck to killer. No this is not a joke, I genuinely would rather face 10 tryhard spirits in a row rather than 1 casual Leatherface
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Doctor,huntress and spirit.
Hag is currently annoying to play against, some changes to her traps can make her better to play against without hurting her power. Her traps can be a bit brighter in colour a bit like trapper's traps and walking over traps shouldn't trigger them. People with flashlights should see same dark traps as current ones.
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Hillbilly, Spirit and Huntress.
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To Play As: Hag. I just don't like trapping killers.
To Verse: Probably a good Nurse. You just die and that's it.