DBD always manages to give me a full sweat SWF group when I'm just starting to enjoy my matches.

Late night with 1 last game for the day. Full 4 man with meta perk builds, 2 decked out toolboxes with 1 Brand New Part, and 2 instablind flashlights. The map is Ormand. Am I supposed to feel outplayed by this? Am I supposed to honestly believe that survivors deserve any respect at all when this is what their optimal gameplay looks like?

I have to deal with a ######### map on a killer I don't even play while they tell the other 3 people over discord to hold space bar on a generator and pop them all in under 6 minutes.

And survivors somehow have the audacity to say they're "weak" and ask for killers to be nerfed while claiming THIS flaming pile of garbage is fine. And the developers are listening to these people????? Like holy #########. The survivor players, the developers, both of them are actually a really sick joke at this point.


  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836

    you might just wanna take a break, bud

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    i've had to deal with survivors behaving like this most of the time they all have flashlights and the perks you'd expect. They loop flawlessly and teabag after you miss a swing or when they throw down a pallet. These are the SWF groups that need to be dealt with. Not all groups act like this but i feel playing with the mindset to literally bully the killer as much as you can is a sad one.

  • just_a_noob
    just_a_noob Member Posts: 247

    I find that all the sweaty/toxic survivors come out at night. Games in the morning/afternoon are generally way better. I’ve also noticed that it’s pretty much all red ranks that come out at night too. I’m a Green rank killer (because I hardly ever play killer) And at night time I get full red rank lobbies pretty much every game. I’m Pretty sure most games they are SWF. Or they are just really co-ordinated. Either way, I always have a harder time at night

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    That's probably MMR running secretly already. Since 2-3 weeks im versing only sweats, probably because I play sweaty aswell and MMR says "well you are supposed to play sweaty players only now".

    As soon as I play poorly on purpose or go afk a few matches I instantly get bot lobbys again for a few matches till I roast enough bot lobbys to verse sweat lobbys again.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    These type of survivors line the dev's pockets with cash from cosmetics. Don't expect anything to change, they will actually get way worse.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    "The game's only fun when I'M winning."

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    To quote H3H3. Look sometimes you just gotta get punched in the vag. And while your at it throw out a few dick punches.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723
    edited July 2020

    Ok but like... how many 3k and 4k games did you have before you ran into the McSweat Brothers??? Are you mad that sometimes you run into teams that are better than you or decided to use their annoying items and offerings on you?

    Cause when I run into a Huntress with iri head + iri mori, a Myers with aids add ons, a tunneler with a mori + sandbagging teammates, I'm annoyed but I actually realize that I'm not going to win them all or even have the best time and that there are games that will be better.