Sick and tired of this game

Alpha8512_Xbox Member Posts: 34
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I love this game, but lately it's been so frustrating to play as both roles. On the survivor side of things it's not as bad, I'm only frustrated with rank 20 survivors in my lobbies even though I'm in a 3 man red rank squad. This literally makes zero sense. I know matchmaking is borked on consoles at least. The same thing applies to when I was ranking my killer up. Rank 14 killer against rank 1 and 2 swf. Okay that's cool. On the killer side its soooooo boring to play. Being a red rank, I feel that I'm somewhat decent at the game, but after pretty much every game I feel like there was nothing I could do. I'm usually up against red ranks and about 2 minutes into the game, at least 3 gens are done. I'll think, 'What is actually the point in continuing to play?' But nonetheless I carry on. I might get 1 or 2 people down before the next gen pops. If I'm lucky there'll be a 3 gen but it still doesn't matter since I haven't killed anyone. I've tried Ruin but usually doesn't last long. I've tried corrupt intervention but doesn't matter if you cant find anyone. I've tried pop but still doesn't matter. I have no clue what to do to slow the game down unless I get early downs.

In short; survivor is the power role and is enjoyable. As killer I feel as though I'm bullied more times than not. And matchmaking is borked. Does anyone else feel similarly?

Pls leave your 'git gud' in the comments.


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    I felt almost the same about a week ago. Took a break for 4 days. Came back and I'm loving it.

    My best suggestion is to take a break and enjoy the time away, it sounds like you've got a bit of burnout. Return and things become a whole lot more enjoyable.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2020

    Most of my games come down to two gens left. It narrows the playing field. If they're feeling confident, they may stall to try and find totems and those gens will last awhile giving you time to hunt.

    If your games are commonly too short, there's always NOED to punish them for gen jockeying.

    Oh and you could also bring in all non-meta perks. If all else fails, you were screwing around anyways. Win win in my book.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    If you are sick and tired of the game take a break. Or just delete it. I got sick and tired of COD due to constant 20gb+updates and hacking so stopped playing altogether and now it doesn't bother me

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Red rank full swf 95% of the time. I can never be sure if they are total swf but if they are so coordinated such as getting team mates up way quicker than normal, unhooking the very second your terror radius starts to descend, chasing survivors into head ons multiple times or always there with a flashlight or toolboxes to break hooks the very second you pick up the survivor. Yes those times I feel bullied. The other 5% are the far too altruistic ones with bt as another tries to block you, those fail most times.

    Solo players I don't feel bullied at all, whether I get a 4k or have 4 escapes. Yes you can get some noob types or you can get really good players but even if 4 escape I still don't feel as if I have to sweat as much as swf. There is mostly a weak link in solo though, you just have to seek them out, not to tunnel but to know you have someone to at least get a 1k if things turn ugly.

    Matchmaking is more bad for me as survivor than killer, rainbow ranks all over as survivor, mostly red ranks, sometimes a purple thrown in and on occasion Green rank. I don't think I have had lower than green as killer.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I read somewhere that devs are going to do something to help the killer on the early game.

    Its a fact that gens are done too fast, even with DLC perks like Corrupt, Pop, discordance, etc...the moment you commit on a chase you better end it in 15 seconds or you lose the game.

    Which means that as Killer you have to choose wisely which chases you take and which not, 1 mistake and the game is done. Survivors can do plenty of mistakes bc you know, DS, BT, DH...

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    You play in a 3 man swf. Thats where the power role feeling comes from. You get 1 rank 20 in your game? Play solo and try having 3 of them, or having a red rank but who doesnt have many hours on the game and still plays like a rank 20.