Thoughts on hillbilly nerf from a billy main

Billy was, the most balanced killer in the game. His chainsaw allowed for high skill gameplay with a high skill cap, and had counter play on both sides. Many considered him to be the most fun killer to play against as he was neither over or underpowered. This new billy update absolutely cripples him. He has moved from A tier to C tier. The “small change” to his base kit gives him a 15 second cooldown if he tries to use his chainsaw 3 times in succession. Gone are the days of skilled gameplay, now are the times of a killer that can barely use his ability. This has destroyed the once most balanced killer in the game.

How can you fix this? Well I see two routes to take here.

The first is the simplest and most logical. Don’t add the overheat mechanic. It’s not a good idea and it doesn’t even fit with Billy’s base kit.

The second is more complicated and kinda dumb, but it’s better than the current build. The chainsaw should only heat up during the revving, and when the spring starts it cools down completely. This stops billy from holding the chainsaw at 99% constantly (which is what I’m assuming you were trying to prevent for some reason) but still allows for billy to use his chainsaw to the fullest.

Another thing. What the actual hell are these new addons. I’ve been pushing for a billy Addon rework, and this is just atrocious. “Gain movement speed while a flashlight is shined at you”? Are you kidding me? You removed the faster charge addons? You added a ultra rare that crippled billy by making his chainsaw only deal 1 damage state?

Billy needs an Addon rework, but this is not a rework, it’s a straight up nerf. Don’t change billy this update, buff bubba as planned but take this “rework” through another session in the think tank. This is not the right direction to be taking the most balanced killer in the game.

-Sincerely, A concerned hillbilly player.


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    This sounds all to familiar to my Nurse ears. I feel for Billy mains.

    I like your idea of overheat only applying while revving. That seems like a good middle ground and stops the holding the charge problem like you said. I also agree his addon pass was a complete failure. Same as Nurse. I don't even have suggestions for a majority of them since I don't play Billy and I don't even know how to begin to fix half of them.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    There was no need for a Billy rework. That said, he is nowhere near balanced by any gameplay mechanics. He has the ability to cover the entire map in seconds and instantly down players. He can game loops with his chainsaw and make a joke of pallets.

    Still, he was not game breaking and there was some counter play. He is a weird killer where the skill of the survivor was more key than that of the killer. Counter play vs Billy forced the survivor to have to be better than the killer and also rely on some level of avoidance.

    That is what made him fun for skilled survivors. This rework is going to take that away. I would love to see them toss it out the window. Though, I do like the idea of breaking a pallet and getting a hit on the survivor in one swoop. Haha