Wraith: yay or nay?

Hey guys. I am fairly new to the wonderfully terrifying land of Dead by Daylight and have loved almost every suspense filled step of my journey. I have tried to play as both killer and survivor equally and have about 50 hours played overall. I consider myself an extremely "fair" player, as I am all in for the thrill and fun of it. With this being said, I have a question...

Who ACTUALLY enjoys the Wraith? I have never had a fun match playing AS or AGAINST this character. Everyone dies. I think this character would maybe be more balanced if invisibility mobility was hindered or slowed. I love playing with and against the Spirit, which seems much more of a balanced character by taking away the ability to see survivors and implementing an ability cooldown... But Wraith seems way too over powered. What does the community honestly think about this killer? I'd like to see a large nerf done. Thoughts?


  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Wraith is far from overpowered. So far that most people think he’s low tier and needs a buff.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 967

    He's only faster when invisible. And, he cant hit anyone. (Although I find it funny he can discharge generators in his invisibility) and his uncloaking is slow when he needs to hit anyone. Even when he's right behind anyone doing a generator. The bell tone warns anyone just as early than his cloaking can uncloak to get a hit in. It's only really when a fearless survivor sticks to finishing that generator a good smack lands. If you didnt have to hold down to uncloak. Things then would be different.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It might not be considered good, but Shadow Dance is actually kinda fun for doing everything while cloaked. Just zooming through those gens and pallets and walls. 😁

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Welcome to the game and the community!

    Your opinions about how strong or weak killers are will change all the time as you sink more hours into the game. I remember when I was much more new and used to think Pig was the most OP killer ever, and now I don’t think so at all haha.

    Most people here will probably disagree with you about Wraith being overpowered - a lot of people consider Wraith quite weak, and he’s definitely a killer that can be harder to do well with against experienced survivors. If you want tips on how to survive against him, I’d recommend checking out some looping guides on YouTube. Using windows and pallets effectively definitely helps you to perform better against him!

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I enjoy playing Wraith, and I LOVE playing against him, but I fully recognize he's not a strong killer. It's an uphill battle playing against even decent survivors, which is what makes it so satisfying when I pull out a win anyway.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Hes only been playing for 50 hours...

    50 hours really isnt a long time. I thought clown and huntress were op when i had 100 hours into the game

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The Wraith is considered a mid-tier killer (or even low-tier, but I disagree on that) by the community. He is kind of a noob-stomper, since his main strenght is the element of surprise and newbies are easy to take by surprise. Be sure that with enough experience you'll find him easier to face.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Imo, the Wraith depends on how good the survivors are. At low ranks, wraith is lethal, but mid tier he can get run into the ground.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Welcome! You might get some people laugh at you for your thoughts on wraith, don't take it too personally, most people change certain opinions after a long enough time playing this game. I have bad memories myself of my early survivor days, pretty much 2/3 games were a wraith who just stood cloaked next to the hook after hooking the first survivor. Wraith was also my first main as killer although I play him less often now.

    Against survivors with a lot of experience though he's a bit more limited, his stealth can get him a first hit easily but after that he doesn't have much to help him against good use of pallets and windows. When he's approaching you can still hear him although a gen might drown some sounds out, he has very stompy footsteps and he snarls.

  • DeadFreakWalkn
    DeadFreakWalkn Member Posts: 20

    Thanks! It's good to be here!

    Everyone's comments makes sense to me. Hopefully in due time, I will view him as low to mid tierred killer as well. I was curious to how the community viewed him. I will just have to suck up my dislike toward him!

    Unrelated to original post, but I currently think matches vs Freddie (The Nightmare?) are the strangest and most interesting matches I've played against. Would love to see more trippy killer techniques =)

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940

    Wraith might cause some trouble for you because you're new but you'll get used to him. He can be decent if played well and used with correct Perks and Add-Ons.

    Regarding Spirit, your fun against her will probably fade soon because you'll recognize that she doesn't really have any Counterplay besides having Iron Will equipped.

  • PissedWraithMain
    PissedWraithMain Member Posts: 93

    nay, unless you're playing against low ranks

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,113

    Wraith is very add-on dependent to be decent.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340


  • FabsRinas
    FabsRinas Member Posts: 169

    I know my boy is not the strongest, but he's definitely the most fun for me

  • branchini1979
    branchini1979 Member Posts: 295

    Wraith is best with a hit and run style, with for me Sloppy, Thana and Nurses.

    Get everyone injured and gens go slow. If they want to heal with sloppy, it will take them longer and with Nurses, you can get that second hit in to down them 😀

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited July 2020

    I remember when I thought Wraith was boring, Billy was OP and Spirit was ok and had counters...oh how dumb I was to say these things. Now Wraith is by far my favourite killer to play as and against next to Myers and Demo (and Billy until the next patch hits), and now whenever I get to play against one in a survivor game it's such a breath of fresh air. Your opinions on killers will probably change when you make that transition from "Idk what I'm doing but I'm scared and enjoying myself" (Something Spirit can make fun but Wraith can seem oppressive) to knowing all there is to know in the game (where the opposite usually applies).

  • BansheeEC
    BansheeEC Member Posts: 6

    I'm a wraith main playing in red ranks and he's far away from being overpowered. I can believe you're think so because you're new to the game. You can see the wraith while he is invisible and start running away before he even starts uncloaking. Spirit is definitely stronger than wraith.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Yeah I've been leveling Wraith recently and I've found this build works best for me so far. Nice to see someone else give it some confirmation! I've been trying a lot of fiddling.

    Wraith is def fun to play as and against but imo opinion so far he's pretty low tier. I need more experience though with him.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    First of all, welcome to dbd! I think since you're new, you might find stealth killers like wraith difficult to play against. As you get better, you will easily be able to counter him. Make sure you turn your camera at all times and when he starts uncloaking, drop a pallet or vault a good window. Wraith is one of my mains, and I love him for his super lunges he can pull off.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    If u hate wraith i suggest you use the perk spinechill

  • Pennosuke
    Pennosuke Member Posts: 100

    Wraith is an add-ons dependent killer, his base power is really weak.

    • Without "Windstrom" add-ons, He's just 10% faster from his base movement speed when cloaked.(While uncommon/rare/very rare Windstrom can increased movement speed when cloaked for 12%/16%/20%)

    Moreover, He's still far from overpowered. He has a lot of drawback and weakness too.

    • He can't attack while cloaked.
    • Without "Coxcombed Clapper" (ultra rare add-ons), He needs to warn near survivors by uncloaking for 3 second before he can attack.
    • Shining a flashlight for 2 seconds upon the cloaked Wraith will stun him in place for 3 seconds.
    • He has same weakness as other stealth-killers, "Spine-chill" and "Open spaces map".
  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Wraith was my go-to killer when starting DBD. After having played many more killers, I will agree that Wraith is definitely one of the weakest killers. It eventually got to a point to where survivors were just wrecking me, and that's because The Wraith doesn't have any map pressure or antiloop potential. He very much relies on other teachables in order for him to be effective at higher ranks.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    He’s definitely far from OP. The only thing he can really ‘abuse’ is being able to camp and render BT useless. But if you’re a decent enough player, you’ll just rush the gens if a killer is playing that way. As other people have mentioned above me, he’s very add-on dependent. I do love going against good Wraith players as they do a lot of sneaky stuff, like running ahead of you to block a pallet etc, but unless you’re really good as him, he gets abused a lot.