How to describe all Deathslingers in one image

No bother saving teammates. I would never ruin the amazing fun.
I hate to say it, but where else is the last survivor going to be at 3 gens besides going for a save where two people managed to get downed and hooked right next to each other.
still boring though.
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To date, being completely honest I still have yet to see a Deathslinger that doesn’t proxy camp.
He really is one of the worst killers they’ve ever put in the game. I think I’d even take a Legion over this chump.
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I dare say you're being a bit untruthful.
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With 1 dead and 2 on hook next to each other, why should he both crossing to the opposite side of the map? You're clearly not gonna pop 3 gens before they die so the timer is on you, not him.
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Wait do you mean you don't find getting quick-scoped in a milisecond fun?
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Well you’re wrong. I’m being completely truthful.
At least with Ghostface ive seen maybe 2 that dont do it. With deathslinger not a single one since his release
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This image sums up all Deathslingers, imo.
No One Escapes Deathslingers
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He is a known Survivor Main. Don't take any words from him serious.
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Where else is he supposed to be? you aint gonna do 3 gens before they die, you either go for the save, finish a gen and tell him your exact location, or you hide in a corner for 2 minutes on Yamaoka Estate, as a 110 killer, his best bet is waiting instead of trying to find a hypothetical immersed survivor & possibly throwing the game.
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Deathslinger is stupid slow and generators are too quick. The most effective thing a Deathslinger can do is down a survivor close to a 3 gen they want to keep and patrol that survivor and the 3 gen, unless they wanna lose the game after having multiple less than 20 second chases.
But hey, at least survivors can ONLY complain about the killer you're using and not you camping or tunneling.
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Deathslinger is definitely the ultimate proxy camper from his small terror radius and ranged attack. Still on the fence on whether that's a bad thing yet.
I mean the latest killer encourages tunneling tormented survivors. And why wouldn't they?
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That's not the point the op is trying to make. The vast majority of Deathslingers, at least that I face play exactly like this. They proxy the area and wait for you to come to them. Even then they won't chase you. And most of them will run Monitor to avoid BT so they can immediately slug the unhook. Sadly I've yet to have a single enjoyable Deathslinger match.
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The picture shows none of that though. All it DOES show is OP working on gens on the opposite side of the map from where the action is while distortion is hiding them from BBQ. Looks like the killer is standing on a hill trying to get an idea where the last survivor could be.
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I dont lol
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Yes, they picked a poor picture to represent their point. Unless I've deeply misunderstood what they were trying to convey. Based on the picture the OP provided I would say the killer is making the correct play. But that looks like nearly every Deathslinger match I have. Regardless of how many survivors are left. Or gens there are to go.
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yes I play survivor and I see many Deathslingers play like this, as have a lot of other survivors.
If you played survivor maybe you would see it yourself
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From what I'm seeing, OP working on that gen is so low on the list of priorities, theyd be better off hiding in a locker than actually popping it. Theyre the only ones left so unless they plan on letting their teammates die, they need to get moving. If they DO plan on letting their teammates die for hatch, announcing their location is the worst thing you can do. With all this in can't expect the killer to go across the map to check the gen in the corner. Theres really nothing in this picture that suggests the killer was playing cheap at all and looks very likely that OP was just popping gens in the furthest end of the map while basically every other player was on the other side.
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People could say, don't change billy the way you do, change this garbage instead.
Well this the fun you choose.
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Like I said, they didn't pick a good picture to convey their point. Personally I disagree with the Deathslingers choice though. It might be the most efficient play. But in the situation above i would want them to get saved. I have one dead with 3 gens to go. I'm clearly in control and want to secure more points in that situation.
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Yeah it’s not very fun to face. Unfortunately if they don’t do it they’re asking to lose against any survivor team with a brain since he’s so slow. Split up and rush gens and he can’t do #########.
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I get that, but you cant expect the killer to assume the player is doing the worst thing possible either. The Deathslinger got up on a hill trying to spot the last target because their BBQ hasnt told em anything on where OP was and unless they have Whispers... Theyd be searching the map blindly on a very bush dense map to begin with.
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I kinda wonder why not more Deathslinger mains run what I like to call 'cranky handyman' build (intervention, tremors, switch and whispers) (granted, I'm not good at playing, but I actually got more positive comments even from high ranks than negative)
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Mr. YeeHaw is one of my favourite killers to play as and I never camp. I wish people would stop putting killers into groups. Not everyone plays the same.
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I get that. But if the OP had time to snap that pic he was on that hill for a while. Personally I'd have used the hill to see if I could spot them then move on. Yes he'd be blindly searching. But again from my perspective I want the points. He's not in any real danger of losing. I'm not saying he's playing it wrong. I just care more about points than securing the sacrifice.
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It's his kit that is built for that. 110% speed with wonky TR and a ranged attack that can't snowball like a Huntress's hatchet. He's made to proxy just outside TR with monitor.
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I agree. Low movement speed, low terror radius, poor map pressure and a ranged attack its just asking for proxy camping.
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It takes like 1 second to snap a picture. You just hit F12. If thats all it takes, I could put on kindred and hit the button after EVERY hook to claim its camping. What your asking the killer to do is basically to stand in a corner, and even then... We clearly see OP has poor priorities so they probably STILL wouldnt save. This gen the OP is on is very likely the only gen remaining on this half of the map.
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I don't see the problem in this picture to be honest. Why should he leave the area of interest, where you are most likely going to be, to go on a wild goose chase in the middle of nowhere?
On a related note, as a Deathslinger main, I can tell you that often times I don't even get enough time to leave the area. I always turn around once or twice while leaving the hook area just in case I might catch someone going for the save. If you can't wait for me to be fully out of sight, you deserve to get harpooned.
I had also never heard the term 'proxy camping' until I got called a proxy camper in one of my games. Because it's totally my fault that there are gens being worked on in the near vicinity of the hook. Guess I should have disappeared to some far out corner of the map where exactly nothing is happening.
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Did you not know? After you hook a survivor you’re supposed to go straight to the opposite side of the map. Face the corner and wait for somebody to get the save. Then and ONLY then are you allowed to resume normal gameplay.
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All in all, we can agree this is another instance of someone being cranky at their opposition for not handing them the victory with cream and cherry on top.
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You really have to give them kudos from devising a Killer campier than Hag.
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Pictures take a little longer to grab on console. But yes they could do what you described. However, at least in my experience nearly every Deathslinger plays like this.
Also I'm not asking them to do anything. I'm saying what I would do. Of course there's no guarantee they will save if you leave. But it's a guarantee they won't if you don't. If they don't save I have a head start looking for them. If they do I get more points. For me leaving better suits my goals.
As for the OP's priorities, what else would you like them to do? They have two options. Try for a pair of yolo saves when the killer can see them coming from a mile away. Or work a gen and get some points. Letting their team die isn't preferable, and depending on how that match had gone I'd probably try to save. But I also understand not feeding the camper regardless of if the camping is justified.
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Hag has a build that allows teleporting from all across the map without the traps triggering visually iirc... (i think such builds exist for all teleport killers) how do you get the idea Deathslinger's more camping than any 'the whole map's my campground' killers?
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In no way is Deathslinger used to camp more than Hag. The biggest campers in the game are Hag, Leatherface and Wraith. Especially on console in red ranks. I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen a Gunslinger camp but I rarely see him unless I’m the one playing as him. The example in the OP is not a good example. As he has two people hooked next to each other and an advantage point to find out where the last person is. I don’t think what he’s doing is camping. He’s actually being strategic.
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reworded my post. I wasn't trying to state Caleb IS more camping than any teleport killers, but to say 'how do you get the idea he'd be'
I main Caleb, and I must agree with one of the other posts that a lot of survivors camp out near the hook. so of course I'll either look for them and hit them upon unhook, or am quick to be back at the hook when they get there because they didn't really give me the chance to get any further away.
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Like, he has 2 in close proximity with one left to get. At this stage, it's his job to secure his kills if it is in his power role to do so. Regardless of what killer it is. What works for Deathslinger is the ability to pull you off getting a save using his rifle. In this situation that's not on killer for proxy camping really as it's in his favour to do so. It's more on your survivors (if bad) that they put themselves there. If they're good, then he's just better and outplayed them. In my opinion, Deathslinger is better than what people give him credit for.
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I was agreeing with you. I was just adding to what you said, not disagreeing. 😂
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I dont think this was console, otherwise OP wouldnt be able to take a picture WHILE working on the gen if they had to go through a menu. As for what I would do...Lets back track real quick. Theres 3 survivors left, 1 guy gets hooked. Lets give him the benifit of the doubt and think the first guy hooked WASNT the one with kindred so OP didnt know where his other teammate was. The moment his other teammate took damage and it became clear he was being chased, OP shouldve been moving for the save. Its real easy to wait til things are completely out of hand to stop and go "Well what else am I suppose to do NOW" when the time to act is already over. OP turned this into a hatch game by not prioritizing a save when it mattered. Since it IS a hatch game, doing that gen will only give away their position. The only smart thing to do at this point is to wait til they both die while standing away from things like gens.
Now, I'm gonna present you a similar question. You're the Deathslinger. You down and hook one guy, then get into another chase and manage to hook another guy. You have 4 gens on the side of the map your at and 1 in the far corner. What do you do now exactly? Judging by the bars under the names, its been about 30 seconds since your last hook. Thats enough time to verify at least the gens on your side of the map are still sparking.
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ahhh XD
we're both great at words then
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Don't see how him being a survivor main suddenly invalidates his everyone else's it should be respected. Even if you don't like the guy's takes you shouldn't treat his opinions like a joke just because he plays the other side. What a ######### mindset to have.
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Because she cant teleport from all the map "only" 40 meters and there is certain counterplay to their traps, you can destroy them with flashlights or crouch to avoid trigger them, especially with Urban Evasion.
A hidden Deathslinger with M&A can stay on range of shooting the unhooker while leaving his Terror Radius out of range, also there isnt much Survivors can do when the harpoon is flying towards them during the unhook animation.
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Although you have to admit that an opinion such as "I have never ever since the release of this character seen a Deathslinger that did not camp" is a very questionable one.
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I can barely find the energy to p2 Deathslinger, but my Legion p3 50 all perks and I play him daily.
Deathslinger is so meh you might as well play Huntress.
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there also isn't much survivors can do when hag teleports to them during the unhooking animation, or when nurse blinks through through the floor during it or... I don't see your point.
As stated, it all sounds like a different flavor of people complaining their victory isn't handed to them upon matchstart (something you get from everyone, survivors and killers alike)
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It hasn't been that long since his release, and the hype for him died quite fast so it's entirely possible.
I also kind of doubt his claim but he shouldn't be immediately disregarded just because he plays one side. See it happen a lot on the forums, your opinion on a killer is automatically void just because you're a survivor main, for example.
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Don't know about xbox. But on ps4 you just tap the share button to get a screen shot. No menus involved, no need to stop what you're doing. Even the switch has a dedicated screen shot button...
Also, depending on the settings you have, you can hold the share button after a match, press square, and then you have the entire match and more saved in video. So you can easily look up any part you want and take a screen shot. (I think the xbox is limited to 30 seconds).
This "it's hard on console" thing he's saying is absolute crap.
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Might be different personal experience? I face Deathslinger on a daily basis. If anyone's hype died down pretty much instantly it's Pyramid Head, whom I haven't faced all week even though he was just released.
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also, thinking about this logically:
He's a quite new killer, so the camping will rather come from killer mains that would and do camp to begin with, regardless whom they are playing. Like, when playing survivor, I haven't yet seen a PH who didn't camp. but it's not on the killer, it's on the player.
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He's a 110 killer with a limited range attack. When you make killers weaker or place restrictions on them to prevent them from being "OP", players have to find workarounds. Deathslinger is best as an area control killer due to his terrible mobility and limited range. Especially in that picture, they'd be throwing if they left that setup.
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Is it camping? Yes.
Does it make total sense in this situation? Hell yes.