End Game Chat

It's high time that it is removed. Completely. If someone really wants to talk to someone they can add each other on Steam or X-Box post game. I'm not saying be rid of pre-game chat, only post game.
The toggle isn't enough. There are too many people who get way too thrilled by just throwing their insults in there regardless if the the other parties can see it and it just encourages toxic behavior. It's just bad, needs be gone. 4 years of playing this game and I can promise you some of the worst exchanges on games that I have ever seen are in DBD post game chat. It makes monsters. Do it. Kill it with fire.
PS: Thats an idea, we need a fire killer. One that burns survivors. Sets them on fire. Run to water or become broken, stay on fire go into dying state. blah blah blah
X-Box doesn't have a post-game chat and we rarely get any messages at all, and there's also less teabagging and #########? That doesn't speak for literally facecamping or outright tunneling, because on X-Box the real toxic ass holes are killers. Including myself.
Also, stay on fire go into dying state is genuinely broken as ######### and not balanced in the slightest.
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Yes, lets not just have people that don't want to chat afterward just leave. Lets completely remove the feature entirely.
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Someone expand on this please. Can I turn the end game chat off? How???
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You know the small button next to the chat with two arrows in it? That closes the chat.
It stays closed until you reopen it again.
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By god....
Thank you! The salt can finally stop.
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Well I have been playing this game for a long time too and I can assure you there are different types of reactions in the end game chat. If you see anything that's offensive and toxic in the chat then you should take a screenshot, in game report and report them through a ticket. Game rule suggest they can get a perma ban for threats and temporary ban for harassments, insults, intimidation or hateful speech.
Not everyone in this community is a d-head. I have faced many survivors and killers who respect each other, say gg wp, don't trash talk and even compliment someone if they deserve it or you can simply ignore and move on like nothing happened. Make you choice ( pun intended xD )
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Yeah endgame chat isn't a bad thing, yesterday I had to go afk as killer in the middle of a chase to get a package delivery, we had a laugh about it in endgame chat as it went from a game going well to a 4 escape depip.
Nothing wrong with endgame chat just ignore the salty children both the bad winners and the bad losers.
Perhaps an option to turn it off if you like wouldn't hurt.
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The end game chat is a feature that if they enable in console cause of crossplay, i will disable OR never allow crossplay.
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I rarely ever get salty chat any more, although I mostly play Clown and Legion so if I win they cant talk crap because they know they got beat LOL
If I play Hag though, I get the salt
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Close it, now you can stop crying