

Old Billy: "In a fine place" or in need of tuning?

Member Posts: 114

Given the fact that Billy is about to receive one of the top 3 largest nerfs in DbD history alongside Day 1 Freddy (sufficient community crying) and the Nurse (previously a god tier killer), do you agree with the devs he was "in a fine place" (and should've been left alone!) or do you think he was problematic and needed a cooldown mechanic?

I personally won't waste another bloodpoint or minute on him after his change and i honestly expect a relatively soon reverse on his massive cooldown in which he can't even M1, just like the doctor had his 3 second eternal stun after shocking "fixed" relatively quickly - but then again i'm merely one vote. Let me know what you feel about the change, what rank you are and which direction you wanted him to go in.

I'm going to miss him mostly as an opponent. Sure i've been utterly dominated by great billy players but it always felt like they needed the skills to pay the bills to dominate me. I'd have taken 20 losses against skillfull billies over 1 more spirit splatting me from invisibility (thanks for the nondirectional warning telling me that the killer has indeed NOT ended the chase, such useful information before i get hit lol)

Old Billy: "In a fine place" or in need of tuning? 19 votes

He was in a fine place (no nerf needed)
12 votes
He needed tuning (base stats)
4 votes
He deserves burnt hands (Bring the PTB)
3 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,419
    He needed tuning (base stats)

    He needed an addon rework to get rid of instasaw billy, which I... guess would be the second option? I dont wan't to mess with his base kit though.

  • Member Posts: 4,212
    He deserves burnt hands (Bring the PTB)

    Billy's power was a complete outlier amongst all killers.

    Permanent high mobility. Permanent one hit downing. No cooldown. No drawbacks. (Unless you missed and hit something like a rank 20.) And that was all before his 'broken' add ons.

    Bringing his power down to a more equal footing with the rest of the killers means that the killer role in general can see more global changes without Billy making them ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 114
    He was in a fine place (no nerf needed)

    But can you reasonably say that he was stronger or offered less counterplay than Spirit and Nurse, even in their nerfed forms? Global mobility as an ability overall has become SO much less usefull in the advent of the Ruin nerf and the attached "Just hold M1 on the gen at any cost" meta. Sure IN THEORY you'd be able to reach threatened gens but in practise that just doesn't happen.

    He can't close out chases anywhere near as quick as Spirit, Nurse, Huntress or even Legion, Deathslinger and Clown. He has to chase like a standard M1 killer if he wants that second hit for the down, or he needs to catch survivors massively out of position to get the M2. A good survivor will never get chainsawed, not even with the instasaw addons, they'll just force window cycles over and over until Billy opts for the M1 - and at that point is he really THAT much stronger than a legion who can land 3-4 chain-injures on people in literal seconds.

    I just don't see the need to give him the Freddy Kneecap treatment outside of the low rank players crying because he has a dominant kill ratio against them (what a surprise if you stand in the chainsaw) or because the Bubba buff HAD to elevate Bubba higher than him (and i can't stop myself from thinking maybe it's because he was the strongest of the 5 free killers while Bubba is a cash only killer that can't even be unlocked through grind, even though i understand the reasoning due to license fees)

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