It's insane how easy it is to manipulate this Community

Just a few days ago majority was agreeing that the only needed change to Billy was nerfing his crack Billy addon combo. That his basekit was fine and should remain untouched.
And Now, bhvr is "listening" to us and throw a little bone into the round of us hungry players with them little number tweaks and the majority switched tables and defends them now?
"be happy you got something"
"be grateful, stop being so entitled"
Excuse me? I should be grateful that I won't get punched my face anymore but instead they spit on me? Because it's "better" it's enough to be happy?
Bhvr THEMSELVES stated Billy was fine. WHY do they go out of their way wasting resources, time and money to make basekit changes and piss off Billy mains when all they had to do was changing 3-4 addons?
This Community is slowly digging their own hole without noticing it.
They’re trying to find a middle ground. Maybe try being civil instead of acting like a bratty child who didn’t get the toy he wanted for Christmas.
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It's all about the money my guy. Survivors are the majority and they cried until they got their way.
The only thing that should've been nerfed was instasaw , other than that Billy was in my opinion the most balanced killer in the game , hes loopable. He can end chases quick if you're skilled but also has mindgame potential for both sides.
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The middle ground was already there!!! Maybe try to be logical? If bhvr and 99% of the community saw basekit Billy fine, what are you trying to achieve with a change? "middle ground"? Lmao get out with this nonsense
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Yeah, the community that cries everyday on the forums about the same thing for months straight is “easily controlled” because they can find a middle ground on one thing for one killer who’s still going to be high tier. Especially with changes on the time for overheating.
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I don't want to be rude but the little tweaks they made to Billy instead of reverting was like giving your little brother the broken controller, so they can shut up about it. That's my opinion though.
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Let's go back and look at what the devs actually said, shall we? "For the most part, we are happy with the way The Hillbilly performs."... "Given that we’re already pretty happy with the way The Hillbilly performs..."
Those statements are not the same as "Hillbilly is fine." That "For the most part", heavily implies there's at least something about Hillbilly's power they weren't OK with... and the changes make it clear what that thing was. They weren't quite happy that god Tier Billies could basically ignore the existence of his hammer with no down time. Did they make the overheat mechanic too restrictive? Yep. Are they fixing that? Seem to be.
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It's simple supply and demand my man. They don't want to go against 80% of the customers. Obviously they will treat survivors with silk gloves compared to killers. I already accepted this long time ago i play most of the survivor now and killer dailies.
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And it was his strong addon combination. Like everyone said.
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They do listen and they’re doing their best to make it fair and fun. Go ahead, voice your opinion, but there’s no need to act so arrogant and entitled.
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lmao this community is anything but manipulable, its has become massive circlejerk of "give me what I want or you hate me!"
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I've been enjoying these topics. I need to start making popcorn. Devs do anything and they get hate for it.
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If Billy was a new killer being introduced, you can bet your ass there would be complaints about him.
The devs can’t do ######### without people like you whining and crying that it’s unfair.
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honestly sounds like a great idea
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How ridiculous. This has nothing to do with manipulation. BHVR is just trying to listen to both sides, not just the people that think Billy is completely fine right now before his nerf. And now they are trying to listen to feedback by toning down the nerf, to try and make as many people happy as possible. Many people here are just smart enough to understand that this game isn't only about them.
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No there wouldn't be.
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Do you think balance is only about nerfing survivors, removing pallets and windows on the maps and making the gens closer to each other? lol
Billy needed that nerf, he had an insanely good map pressure without any risk, especially after the map layouts that got reduced.
Post edited by Ihatelife on9 -
Stockholm syndrome.
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This ^
Obviously the devs felt strongly that there needed to be some kind of overheat mechanic, were glad they scaled it back some.
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10/10 argument. Very enlightening. /s
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I don't know what they would gain by being manipulative. I feel that they have been doing good as a team. They throw a 4 year anniversary event and people complained about that too. They technically don't have to do anything like events or killer changes. They do cause they care about the community and listen to people. The game started small and it was a gamble for them in the beginning. It has grown into one of the most popular modern games of this generation with tons of people in every platform, even Switch. They have kept up with the growth and have released quality content.
They have done much better than the devs at Friday The 13th where community got too big and they got overwhelmed and the game is basically dead now.
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Nobody will revert him to old broken billy with indinite mobility + oneshots. Billy is old and should be changed for modern dbd state
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people are complaining pyramid head is op and he has no map pressure or insta-down. you sure?
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They didn’t have to do anything if they didn’t want to. They responded to complaints as they saw fit because they wanted to, because they care. And still you wanna throw a tantrum. Boo f*cking hoo.
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Another one emerges from the Dead Sea. Hello, salty one. I’m just gonna point you to this here post:
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Here we go again. I’ve heard it all before. 😴
The key word is MOSTLY. He used to be fine, but that was a long time ago. He became unbalanced as the game gradually changed. Horribly so? No. But he had intense map pressure & camping abilities with no punishment / drawbacks.
Argue it all you want. The nerf was too much so they’ve changed it. Sorry you can’t have infinite Billy gg ez 4k anymore but it is what it is. The devs did as they saw fit. Cry about it all you want lol
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Ah yes, the ultimate strawman - if you disagree with this nerf you must be a bb killer who only wants ez 4ks. This argument in a nutshell.
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It's insane how hard some people are to please. They're roughly cutting his overheat mechanic in half, while nearly doubling his cooldown. PTB Billy was a Low B Tier Killer, with these changes he probably goes back up to A. Especially in the right hands. He'll be much more fun to play as a result. And they may tweak the numbers more later. Most people probably know the overheat mechanic wasn't going anywhere. To reduce the overheat, and increase the cooldown, is excellent progress.
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It's the opposite from what I've seen. If someone has an opinion on something here, it's really hard to change their mind. But that's something that every community has.
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Vote with wallet.
Vote by not playing killer
Vote by not playing the game
Continue to speak out against things civilly
give prompt honest ptb feedback specifically what doesn't feel good or what doesn't work.
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Well if a couple of killer main streamers thought Billy was balanced it must gave been true. Bottom line guess who knew base kit Billy wasn't balanced. The devs. Be thankful they backed off as much as they did.
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The only middle ground is reworking his addons and leaving basekit untouched, because the problem was in the addons.
The ENTIRE idea of putting cooldown on billy's saw WITHOUT adding any secondary power or compensation to that was, is and will remain an awful idea.
I would be glad if billy got any secondary power, which would make sense in case his saw gets CD. Otherwise that is just stupid.
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Middle ground would revert the changes to base kit. I can work with the stupid addons.
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He doesn't have to be thankful about anything. They're not doing him a favour.
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dont get it worng we try but they or dont listen, or they dont care or maybe we get at best something in between, is not like if we are not creating post all the time to actually try to make them realize. but tbh this little changes are not enough to be called something in between is more like on ther side than in between but is the best we can get but they said that they are able to make some changes with hotfixes so, we still can get something in the future.
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Once again.
Just another thing they shouldn't have messed with, and made unnecessary problems for themselves, as usual.
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The devs use stats to determine whats too strong or too weak in the game. I'm a science guy. Has a lot more meaning than the feelings of a handful if people that fancy themselves as influencers.
PS: No boot licking, just logic and science.
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99% of the comunity didnt agree Hillbilly was perfectly fine and "the most balanced Killer EVER", there were a lot of threads and posts of people (myself included) saying his ability to sprint all day long and spaming his power with minimal drawbacks (a minimum stun after bumping) was over the top and he had this coming.
On another note, BHVR can say one thing and then, after months have passed, examine more data and change their opinion, when I started playing I tought old Freddy was superbroken and massively OP because I couldnt see him coming, after some months I changed my mind and saw him as not very good Killer, opinions can change over time.
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Your whole argument is based on your belief that the nerf was not justified. The statistics show it was. Unlimited use of his power was out of line with what the devs have done with every other Killer power since. His kill rate was too high. So they nerfed him. And you should be thankful. If they should have taken 4 and instead only take 3 that is a benefit. All a matter of perspective.
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Jesus if you are gonna be like that then let me do the same
Devs are showing they are listening while you are acting like a child when they get something soft from a christmas present, you really need to remember what a PTB IS
Edit: Being tired really hurts sometimes
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i hope you had equal disgust and outrage to the DS nerf, Balanced Landing nerf, etc.
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Because he doesnt have counter play just like slinger it's a guessing game they dont need map pressure for insta down to be unfair.
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As it was, so it shall be
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except WE are the customers that have PAID FOR A PRODUCT
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it is an objective nerf, they are still slapping an overheat on him, he will be straight up less fun to play
stop being foolish
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And when you paid for the product you agreed to play a game that is subject to change as stated in the EULA.
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as a paying customer i have a right to disagree with those changes without being labeled a "spoiled child", stop being a corporate bootlicker
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Bnp is fine it's been nerfed 4 times leave it alone we already have enough useless addons (oddbulb, intense halogen, hesl, grips)
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Oh, of course you have a right to disagree. Whether your "disagreements" will actually help in the making of choices of your product is not really up to you, but the people behind this game. You can choose not to engage in it by simply not playing anymore.
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->Odd Bulb
We are not playing the same video game