If BP was equalized between surv+killer and the grind lessened, I'd buy more cosmetics.

derppug Member Posts: 239

Everybody constantly brings us the issue that the bloodweb/perk grind is way too tedious at this point, perhaps because it is a dated system. As someone who began this game a little over a month ago, I agree with this point. But I know that changes to this system need to be made incrementally, as it would be a lot of work to uphaul the current bloodweb in place.

I think one of the best ways to do this is to equalize the BP gains between the killer and the survivors. As it stands, Killers tend to net several thousand more points per game (and even more so if you are knocked out of the game fairly quickly). To make matters worse, WGLF is a useless perk. It's sole use is to farm the bloodweb, but the grain makes it feel like you must use it for an obscene amount of time if you main survivor. It also requires the killer to be doing well (as if he gets only a few hooks, chances are you won't get much BP bonus)/ If you just compare this with BBQ, you'll see just how badly implemented David's teachable is. For starters, BBQ without the BP modifier gives amazing detection that rewards you for doing your job (hooking survivors). It also is much easier to stack and does not create as much pressure as the need to actively "farm" this bonus. This perk is so good that many killers run it in their set builds, so it rarely will feel like a waste of a perk slot. This makes it really common for killers to get a +100% BP bonus per match on top of their already average gains.

If the grind was lessened, by the very least through an equalization of survivor and killer BPs, I'd probably spend much more money on auric cells in this game. I get a lot of entertainment customizing skins and enjoying the appearance in game. Luckily, most survivors are just skins. But I obviously have favorites and have started purchasing outfits that tempt me in the store. But one thing stops me from buying more - I'm nowhere near close to feeling like I can comfortably play other survivors. This is because I want a good perk loadout (tier 2, preferably 3, of perks that I enjoy using) and, being a completionist, I won't grind any bloodwebs past level 50 because I want to prestige. ON TOP OF THIS, you must prestige so many times, so the process takes forever. This makes it so that it would take 100 hours just to get a loadout on a survivor I like, delaying my purchase.

In short, please rethink the bloodweb system. It would not only benefit all players, both new-comers and veterans, but also it would probably encourage more people to buy more skins (benefitting BHVR).



  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited July 2020

    Killer hosts the game and is 4 v 1. Survivors can do gens the [Bad Word] off with zero interaction.

    No way are they nerfing killer blood gains. Nuh uh.

    Edit: And it's cute you're correlating your own personal demands with net profits when people will buy cosmetics regardless because they want to look like bunnies or whatever no matter the state of the game.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    This. I don't know if I was unclear, but I suggested making the overall grindless. This is done by upping the survivor's side to be on par with the killer's.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    Because I am not going to buy cosmetics when I want to P3-50 + perk deck out a character before I even consider purchasing a skin. Less of a grind would get me there faster, so I'd want a skin for that character more (as I will play as them more often).

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    This comment needs to be pinned, that's all there needs to be said. You took the words right out of my mouth here.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Well I feel like BP for survivors is a good amount it's just the survivors don't have many opportunities to get BP in every category because they're only involved with the killer 1/4 of the time. Meanwhile killer always is getting BP in each category by playing. Survivor has to actively seek out killer if they want to get more BP. Removing that barrier for BP would be preferable I just don't know how. Good example is let's say you get chased all game and boldness is maxed but you never touched a gen. Chances are you're going to come out with like 12-15k BP. May be the case for another survivor if they were forced to do gens all game.

    To reduce the grind and make prestige more worth it personally I wish that each prestige started perk tiers at that level on the blood web. First prestige could be considered worthless in this regard but let's say you get P2 and P3. All perks on the bloodweb would start at that level. Grind is reduced by an insane amount that way and it gives an incentive to prestige early. That way you can always get new perks when they come out quicker. You can argue that this removes progression but if a player is at a point where they are just aiming for new perks chances are they have everything else.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I have dozens of screenshoots where i got more points than the killer. But usually it is not just a 5 minute game, but a longer one.

    Dont rush gens, and you might get more points.

    The only thing i think that needs to change is survival. There is not much you can do vs. all killers to get those points, other than surviving. I would like to reduce the survival bonus from 5000 to 2000, but give bonus points for each other surviving team member (giving an incentive to help others come out instead of just leaving them or lead them to the slaughter), as well as additional events that give points in this category.

    The problem is, i meet people who dont do totems (unless its a hex) because it takes time away from gens, but also dont do gens because holing m1 is boring. They just run behind the killer with a flashlight and then cry for not having points.

    In my games, i never seek a chase with a killer, but if he finds me, i am in it. A killer stun nets you 1k bp, a dull bone as well, and a hex nets you even 1.5k bp. Easy to max out boltness, because nearly noone else does bones.

    Do gens with other people. Its a litte inefficient, but you get the individual gen done faster (so it cant be regressed), and you gain a cooperation bonus. 3 gens done with someone else, 1 done alone, you maxed out (or close to)

    Unhook 3 survivors and heal them, maxed out.

    It doesnt take too much to get points as survivor, but you have to do different things, not focus on just running the killer "because thats what makes the game fun".

  • AgitatedPenguin
    AgitatedPenguin Member Posts: 93

    Killers do 4x the work of survivors so they deserve more BPs.

    My suggestion to survivor BPs is to cap the maximum that you can get so the 32,000 but not cap the category so instead of getting capped at 8000 per category yo could get like 16,000 if you do all the gens by yourself or 20,000 for boldness if you're running the killer around for the entire game.

    So if you get 16,000 objective, you are then capped at 16,000 for the remaining 3 categories.

    The overall problem for Bps and ranking in general is that you have to do a bit of everything in order to get them. It doesn't reward you for carrying in 1 category.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    playing killer is a service I expect people should be paid for. And given how bad it is should be hazard pay. They definitely need to double the base gains for killer.

    I may be bias but I want my survior que to be less then 20minutes thanks.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited July 2020

    It's true that survivors get less bloodpoints on average than killers, then why don't you try playing killer more? A lot of new players choose 1 role and stick to it, which prohibits them from enjoying the game in its entirety.

    In terms of the current progressions system (bloodwebs) and it's grindiness - I'd hate it to go away. It might be a bit overwhelming for newer players, but it's also pretty much the only thing that drives replayability in the game at the moment. The fact that you can only unlock content in the game by playing it gives you a reason to come back to it. Otherwise myself and probably many others would have stopped playing and switched to something else a long time ago

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Just FYI killers do not host the game anymore. That was only when the game was P2P using their connection.

    The servers are now the host of the games.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Lmao, you get less points a survivor because you sit and do gens or hide the whole game. Getting chased and escaping, cleansing totems, saving allies, will all net you big BP. I always get just as many BP with survivor as I do killer but then again I'm not a filthy gen rusher or hide n seeker not contributing to the team.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    not just that, killers have to level up all killers to play them.

    A survivor can basically play the same survivor all day everyday and never have to level up any other survivor further than teachable perks.

    IOn order to play a killer they need to be lvl50+ in theory, I dont really start grinding a killer until they are p3. I pl;ay them with odd builds getting them there, but only focus on builds once reach p3

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Just rework WGLF?! Make it actually a usefull perk like bbq. WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT DEVS?

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    If you play survivor as intended you can earn just as many blood points. You can really tell who the gen rushers are by posts like these. That or they make a locker thier home the entire match.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    It's really not true though. People get less points because they only do gens. Cleanse totems, get saves, heal allies, unhook allies, get chased an lose the killer. All these will net you big points.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Survivors have MUCH less of a grind, and can do it all on free characters. Leveling up Bill or Meg gets you a TOP TIER BUILD with just their perks alone. Kindred+Spine Chill + Borrowed Time-Unbreakable / Sprint Burst-Adrenaline

    To get a top tier build, killers need to level up multiple characters to teach each other the necessary stuff. Look at the top tier perks and see how much of a variety there is. BBQ, Discordance, Pop, and whatever is 4 perks you need to teach first, then unlock on the character you want.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    The key word is on average. You don't necessarily get the opportunity to do all these things every match (e.g. the killer didn't manage to get many hooks; you got tunnelled all game and didn't get objective points and so on). That said I agree that if it was a fairly balanced match up where the killer got at least 9-10 hooks, you should easily get 24k points even if you don't escape.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Same with the killer, sometimes survivors straight up DC or you get a SWF who gen rushes and ends the game in less than 5 min.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    If playing killer is that unfun for you then why do you even play it?

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    I didn't get what exactly are you offering? To increase survivors' bloodpoint gain rate to match killers, to decrease killers' bloodpoint gain rate to match survivor or to take some bloodpoints from killers and give them to survivors? I'm ok with the first option but hell no the latter two.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    Dedicated servers. Killer hasn't hosted the game in months now. Possibly over a year?

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Anything that adds more BP to the game is a good change. The grind for new players is ridiculous. I've played off and on since just after the beta and I'm still grinding through prestiging all my killers.

    I think it's also important to point out that killer mains need more bloodpoints in general. On survivor you only really need one or two survivors decked out with all the perks, right? At the end of the day they're just skins of each other and getting all perks across all survivors is quite pointless. Killers on the other hand are all unique and require a lot more point investment because of it. Plus addons are incredibly important for a killer's usefulness meaning every match you have to invest around 8k BPs in addons. You also have to remember that a survivor who gets 10k points and dies 4 minutes into the match is getting very similar points per minute compared to a killer who had to be in the match for 10 minutes and got 25k points. Killers getting more points is OK, but increasing BP gain or altering how the web functions/perks function would improve the grind significantly.

  • Keeper
    Keeper Member Posts: 27

    2 things its simple.

    1. rework WGLF to be easier to get stacks/tiny bonus like seeing killer aura to the unhooked survivor so he can escape and less tunneling.. is this even op? sounds fair to me for such a small bonus and perk slot compared to BBQ meta perk.
    2. Add more ways to get survival points cause atm no escape = no survival points and even if u escape u can barely max ur survivor points #########?
  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    He clearly stated that it stops him from buying cosmetics because he wants to have the character leveled with good perks before he buys anything.

    Honestly, hard agree on the WGLF part. The killer BP perk is top tier, but survivors have to waste a perk slot?

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    I run WGLF on my survs and what more do you want to be able to stack, you can literally unhook someone, take a hit and bam you got two stacks right there.

    The idea you can get a stack by taking a hit for someone is enough tbh.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited July 2020

    you know wglf works off of protection hits too? If you have bt and are willing to trade a hook possibly (probaby you should assume) you can get two stacks pulling a guy off, unless you're against leatherface or somebody equally stupid to do it near, then soak up the protection hit so their bt ensures they escape and you just got two stacks to top yourself off after a totem or two at least and a gen or two along with a chase. more than enough points by that point. if you know totems are done or they've hit somebody and there is no noed, you can also take a protection hit for the guy on the gate or to cover an injured guy inside the gate if you're full health to top off a remaining stack. you're probably not playing "right" as some would put it if you have trouble getting at least 2 stacks easily enough even during a game without many hooks.

    If the bp gains become too close, as annoying as it is to deal with killer and considering we're dopamine driven... plenty of people playing killer for that incentive would stop since it isn't worth the literal countless days straight worth of hours you need to endure to start getting a bit better at it and getting used to cheese like object swf. Your queue times would skyrocket once they could justget as many points for playing the role that's more fun for many of them, and more dopamine chasing, which would be survivor. I guarantee you I would be sitting on 3 dailies forever until eventually rolled survivor were that the case. And no matter how many or few others feel the same about killer right now, I guarantee there are others whow ould never touch killers again as well without the potential bp gains over playing survivor if they mostly just have fun potential as survivor and get trolled or frustrated on killer. And no amount of guilting/shaming/insulting them is gonna make most of them play killer since over the internet nobody cares about a bunch of strangers' opinions lol. Hence ignoring the "survivor rulebook" in favor of the "survivor cookbook" for more bp or satisfying kills whichever they seek more out of a match.

    not everybody cares about pips over bloodpoints or chasing the dopamine, btw, unless those pips give them more satisfaction. a lot of people just play killer for the extra bloodpoints. Those and the fact that dailies 99% of the time seem to be or roll into killer rituals, probably to keep the killer pop from dying out too much. as a killer depipping isn't necessarily a bad thing. Especially if you mainly bear it for dailies or to top off rift levels, or occasionally for some faster bp. who the hell would wanna face super loopy/sneaky swf even more oftent han the bad matchmaking already puts them through, unless they main killer and are super sweaty themselves and experienced with it. Then top it off with no bloodpoints incentive. Only those that truly enjoy the sweat would still do it. And from what I hear, possibly part of the reason matchmaking is so screwed up is because once killers hit purple or red rank they stop playing killer until reset. It would get even worse if you took away the BP incentive.

    TL2R: You can't have matches without killers, most killers probably aren't super sweaty experienced tryhards that enjoy going against the sweaty swf so you need to give incentive to killers especially if you want to add new killer players to the game and not experience gradual decline in the amount of killers over time while survivor pops may rise at points. Leave killers their incentive, if survivor bp goes up to much (and some of it is on how you play and what you do as survivor in match and not on the game) killer bpw ould also need to rise as incentive. And protection hits also stack wglf, but do them wisely since health is a resource and if unsure about noed don't blame the game or killer for being impulsive seeking stacks.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Its more efficient (and fun) to get 1 to p3 50 with all the perks then use that obe to grind for the other killers. I used to do it the way you are and that takes way longer. Its good for experience with the killer but thats about it. Id also recommend doc or legion be your grinder as they can get a ton of points most games.

    After you got 2 or 3 killers like that the game is way more enjoyable cause you can mess around more

    Ive only got 4 more killers to get to p3 50. And more than enough cake to do it

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Majority of my killers are p3ed bro, I use Legion for BP and dump the BP into other killers to get them to p3 50+

    Maybe I said something confusing I just meant, I play my mains and stack the new killer with BP , I then play the new killer to spend all the Survivor Puddings etc, thats what I meant by "odd builds" I prestige to next level once I play all the "cakes" and puddings, and bloody party streamers etc,... but on the bloodweb,. I try go cheap route and spend as little as BP while leveling them up. Then once they are p3 50ed, I take the builds more seriously

    hope that makes more sense

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh right on, yeah me too. I didnt get much sleep last night and am a little out of it so could be on me

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I too would like to see changes made to WGLF. In its current state it's used to farm bloodpoints and nothing else, whereas BBQ has the added advantage of highlighting survivor locations. So my question is, why can't the same work for WGLF? If the Killer is outside of a certain radius, then why can't we see the killer's aura when pulling a survivor off of the hook? If nothing lights up - just like with BBQ - then we know they're close by.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    all good bro, nah probably my run on sentence lack of grammar and still having coffee myself too LOL

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    The problem is killers gain more BP on average due to add-ons for killers being available ONLY in the bloodweb. As a killer you have to spend more BP on average to keep your add-on stock supplied.

    Survivors can get free items from chests or other survivors during a match. They can also get add-ons using a single perk. They even have a perk that allows them to get high rarity stuff. For this reason you can essentially get anything you want for free.

    While I agree that the grind in DBD is bad (getting a little better with challenges from rift giving BP) taking survivor BP gain up to the equivalent of killer would feel bad as a killer player. Again they gain more on average because they have to spend more on average.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I disagree about killer bloodpoints being add-on dependent. I rarely bring in add-ons during my killer matches because I don't want to have to constantly rely on them to get the job done. So long as I can hook survivors and get into good chases, then I easily walk away with close to 30,000 bloodpoints, double that if I have BBQ.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    There's more that needs to be done besides re-working WGLF... as stated If you die you get no survival points... so

    I would change either unhooking or healing to count towards Survival points (cause to me I'll sacrifice myself in order to have the others escape)

    On the other hand... there does need to be more negative score for survivors cause right now there's one or two negative scoring events for survivors and 4 +/- on the killers side... if survivors realize that certain actions (Unsafe hook rescues) are bad then it wouldn't happen as often (or having a teammate die on first hook should be a team wide negative (unless it's a facecamp and there's no way to save)

    Taking away tiered perks is another way to lessen the grind... only having to get a perk once is good enough now a days (seeing that there's over 100 for survivors and over 60 for killers... P.S. I might be off on those number I'm sorry in advance) Plus 3 killer perks are either good enough or best left at T1 (M&A, Discordance, Surveillance)

    Getting more shards for leveling up after Devotion 1 (or sooner) also helps... having access to more shards allows players to utilize the shrine and get some cosmetics as an award for whatever their goal might have been

    Implementing a "market" (no real money/auric cells transactions would be allowed) like selling unused offerings (for BP) or trading them in for something you would use (like BP offerings... # of browns get you a yellow, # of yellow get you either a green or a pudding, # of greens get you a BPS)... I don't know if the same can be done for addons (but maybe)

    Did I miss anything???

  • will_i_am_14_85
    will_i_am_14_85 Member Posts: 489

    I made this exact point on Reddit, if it was a quicker process to level up characters, i'd be more inclined to buy cosmetics for those characters.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    To the people that feel killers get so many more bloodpoints than survivor I honestly have to know....what the hell do you do all game?

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    People who argue that survivors should not get the same BP as killers because of reasons are so problematic. It literally does not take anything away from killer. It only adds to survivor side of things.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    For starters, killers get +100% most games. Most survivors don't run WGLF. Regardless of what you do now, the grind is cut in 1/2 for killers.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    So we are talking about bbq then and not just the base bps from each side?

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    This happens a lot less frequently on the killer's side. And most people who d/c, don't do it on first hook (although it does happen). So you will get the BBQ modifier. And d/cs also affect survivors gains too, as they will probably gain less that match because it will end faster. Same goes for gen rushing.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    The fact that BBQ is such an amazing perk that 9/10 a killer will run it, means we're talking abut both. Survivors need to have an easier time hitting the 32k OR WGLF needs a buff. Both of these are preferable, but one of them should be a no-brainer change already.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I disagree. I have no issues scoring as many points as the killer does in my matches and sometimes more. I don't think it needs to be easier for survivors to gain bps. Now comparing wglf and bbq yeah i agree completely. wglf offers no incentive other than bps and is usually not run in favor of perks that will at least do something for you in the game.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    On average, most survivors will get 14-20k, whereas killers will be upper 20s. It's problematic.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Stop fooling yourself. The problem is that you are a filthy gen rusher. If you actaully played the game you would get much more.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Where did you get this data? Not saying you're wrong, but I would like to see this as it would be interesting. If your main concern is the grind in getting bps, and your fix is to equalize survivor and killer bps...wouldn't it just be easier to play killer when you need/want more bps?

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Problem is that survivors would get just as many BP if they actually played the game. Put down the tool box, pick up a med kit. Get chased, cleanse totems. Get saved, get heals. Play some DBD not Gen Repair Simulator.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    Yes, I literally said gen rushing makes survivors earn less points. That was my entire point. Thank you for regurgitating it.