Lmao, yes goosebumps had tons of gore, pedophililia, miscarriages, mutilation... come to think about it Saw is fairly childish, better get rid of the Pig to stop the kiddies from playing.
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But here's the thing: HOW will he work? Explain how "vents" exist on a map like Dead Dawg Saloon for example. Traversal or ranged attacks wouldn't be a power for killer that isn't even much of a killer in their current state, let alone even be armed with a weapon of any kind.
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I agree, the FNAF games are jump scare fodder, that's why I dont play them. But to say Springtrap would not fit into the game is just stupid. Putting him into the game would not make DBD a junpscare point and click game. Also nothing in DBD is scary hate to break it to ya. Ghostface is a joke, Demogorgon has kids toys, Freddy and Myers have children's Halloween costumes, most of these older movies have been turned into a mockery over the years, the ONLY licensed killer in the game that has anything remotely scary in its source material is PH and PH on his own is not that scary, and all the original killers are a joke. So if "scary" is the bar set for admission the roster needs to shrink quite a bit.
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And Myers has taken Jason's and Ghost Faces story. Guess Jason can't be added and GF needs to be removed because that's some solid logic right there.
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Already went over this previously and a team of people could do a better job than I could. It's called creativity, get some. PH didn't have any of the powers he has in DBD he was literally just a monster with a sword. Holy ######### this argument is beyond stupid and it's one of the few people keep regurgitating.
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DBD is cringe so goodbye. You better leave now.
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And I gagged when people got excited for kiddie fun time Stranger Things.
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First off:
1) All three don't have the same backstory, more so DBD's version of Ghost Face being original.
2) Jason is actually a ripoff of Michael
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Who said scary? We're here for respectable franchises.
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Creativity is limited to the subject at hand, and Springtrash is a huge limit smh. With Silent Hill's level of creativity, it works with PH, yet Springtrap has nothing going for him for power potential. Don't even try, please.
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Yeah so Jason cannot be in the game. And they are all slashers. Any minor differences can be ignored. I mean that's what you all do comparing him to Freddy.
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Lmao, these franchise are no longer respectable. Where have you been the last 2-3 decades?
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Maybe to an uncreative troglodyte. There is plenty you could do with him.
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I used to despise the franchise as well. I have never played a game. Just going off a few searches Into the story around him I could see that one specific character fitting into DBD. Why do we have to be so close minded about this? I really do not understand it.
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oh you sweet summerchild
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Judge me all you want, but I seriously think FNAF can be huge hit to the game!
Common Compliants / Objections
[FNAF is directed towards younger audiences, which means it wouldn't be a great addition to DBD]
[Answer]: That's because FNAF doesn't have disturbing content (I.E. Extreme Romance, Extreme Violence, Extreme Gore, Severe Cuss Bombs, and so on) to give it a higher mature rating. Moreover, having a lot disturbing content doesn't automatically make something scary — it's all about the execution! The fact that FNAF didn't need to use a lot of disturbing content and still give players a great scare is very exceptional!
[The FNAF community is very cringey and would be a bad influence on our community]
[Answer]: It's easy to see the bad side of a community and slap a negative label! However, if you actually gave the FNAF community a chance, you'll see that it's not as bad as you may think! That's why our community is labeled as the most toxic community in gaming because people seen our bad side and slapped a negative label to us (kinda ironic that people think FNAF will be a bad influence on us)! In reality, I'd say our community is pretty relaxed and supportive to each other! We have our ups and downs, but that's because we want DBD to be enjoyable for everyone, even if it gets a little heated sometimes!
Moreover, you cannot determine how good or bad a FNAF DLC will be in DBD based of its community!
[FNAF isn't scary, the mascots are a hilarious]
[Answer]: Just look at the entire FNAF series instead of picking the one that fits your narrative. There's a few FNAF titles that have pretty well modeled Animatronics that are made to look terrifying!
Perhaps you should give them a look, and that's also the main reason why people want Springtrap as well!
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A vocal minority of crybabies means a killer should not be added?
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It does have gore and disturbing content though. Spingtrap, the one people ask for is a serial killers rotting body trapped inside an animatronic site. You can see his entrails and other bodily fluids oozing out of the suit.
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So much gore. A puppy robot with bodily fluids oozing.
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That's basically it (besides other minor things), but disturbing content doesn't make a game good or bad — it's dependent on how it's executed! 🙂
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Lmfao, I never played the games either but you already show that you know less than I do after just a few google searches. Stay ignorant my dude.
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Well it seems to be executed poorly, it's a jumbled mess. ( this is just coming from a little research, maybe it's more put together than it seems) But what is there is some pretty grim #########. Parents really need to pay attention to what their kids are into.
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I don't see how I'm ignorant for just thinking Springtrap doesn't look anything remotely gory. But hey, at least you can feel superior while defending ######### looking puppy robot.
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For one its not a puppy so you are ignorant for not even knowing what the character is yet claiming to know what he looks like. Keep going please, the ignorance is more apparent every time you speak.
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Where do you get half? Did you happen to poll the entire player base? Go cry elsewhere. Bye bye.
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Well for one he is not a puppy. So you are ignorant for crying about something you obviously have not put any effort into researching. But please by all means keep going. The ignorance becomes more apparent every time you post.
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I am not crying, I just stated that thing looks like a puppy robot. What do you mean by research? How hard it is to use Google images and see that #########?
I'm done with you. You can't do anything else than keep repeating same old things while insulting everyone who disagrees.
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Literally every Springtrap thread:
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I'm not insulting you, I'm stating a fact. You are being ignorant.
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Lmao, the 1% of the player base that uses the forums.
I can make up numbers too.
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I am not ignorant. Do you even know what it means? If I say what I think about how that stupid thing looks makes me ignorant in your eyes, you should just piss off.
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First of all the reason when I see people call this franchise 'childish' and is not scary is due to the marketing of the game. When Fnaf came out, this was during a time You tube had very little restrictions, so when people like Markiplier, Jacsepticeye, and so on recorded themselves playing the game, it was somehow directed to younger audiences and they watched it( though they shouldn't have). SO when this franchise was originally meant for older audiences instead became something for younger audiences, and when it was set in stone Scott couldn't really make it more for mature audiences while not killing the love that the younger audiences had without destroying his life's work. Even with how the fan base is, fnaf overall is a disturbingly creepy game, to some not so much but the original fnaf games ranging from 1-4 were scary it just people keep thinking about the newer fnaf releases and how childish it is.
And for those of you who really want this guy in the game, I'm with you on it too I would love to see Springtrap in the game. But right now instead of being so defensive on the subject, just take the hate, because if you retaliate back at them and be defensive over it then you give the whole Springtrap idea a bad look, and increase the hate for the idea. Recently I heard a Dev showing hate for this idea, I'm not sure who it was but form what I can tell, he was annoyed to talk about it. So by arguing over the idea of having this killer in the game and being annoting about it will kill the chance to it ever actually happening. Now I'm okay with you expressing your love with it but if someone shows negativity about it just take the bullets man, just suck it up. Because this shows you really want this to happen by showing maturity in it, and that is how the idea will work in your favor and maybe come true.
I'm not trying to state anything I just want to get this off my shoulders right now.
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Holy #########, this will be my last reply to you, you fkin twat. I am not ignorant. I looked up how that ######### Springtrap looks, so I am well aware what it looks like. Therefore, I did my ######### research. Google the definition of the word ignorant before making a fool out of yourself. Oh wait, you have already done that several times. ######### idiot. Piss off.
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You might need to google the definition. You are in fact ignorant.
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I don't really care of it gets added. I'm not even a fan. I had to actually look into the series when I heard about it in the forums. But I know many people do what this killer and am sick of seeing ignorant posts attacking an entire fandom. Maybe it's time to look at your own fandom of gatekeeping #########.
Not you specifically btw. Your post was nice.
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Yeah these threads need to just stop tbh. Each side has merits to their argument because it's all based on opinion. What I see is fans of FNAF that "get it" and people that don't. The people that don't have no interest in understanding or researching the game's lore and see the game at its face value as a childish jump scare fest. It just comes down to "I like this" and "I don't like it". There's really no discussion to be had there. Let's end this pointless posting nonsense. For players that actually want FNAF in the game, this is hurting the cause tbh lol
It's pointless to continue discussions since none of us actually have a say in what BHVR puts into their game.
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I don't care if others think it is childish and I don't care about the lore. And I don't see any reason why I should "research" the lore when Springtrap looks so stupid. Even if the lore is good and gruesome but the thing looks like a puppy robot, I'm not interested.
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Exactly! You shouldn't have to lol
If you dislike it, you dislike it. Some people have looked past the "stupid" looks of the franchise and found something they enjoy.
That's it.
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That is what I've been trying to tell certain someone but he doesn't get the hint.
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Yeah the FNAF threads always devolve into that it seems. It's best to just let it go imo.
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I understand, you want to allow people to speak their mind about this guy with out being attacked, and I get that. But please tone it down dude just say do you have any reason as to why, and if they do just live with it you can't change their minds just like that.
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Stranger things wouldnt fit but hey here we are.
Scooby doo wouldnt fit but people want it.
Ghostface BARELY fits but people opened their legs and wallets for him.
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Yeah but if you do have support and love the idea greatly, then great show your appreciation, just done make it into something that is terribly stupid and pointless argueing because it kills the possabilty of it actually happening, and I do want Spreingtrap in the game and others do to, but showing aggression towards those that despise it isn't the way to go.
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I said that about the ST chapter and all of its contents but it's in game. And guess what? I dont ######### on people for liking it or wanting it.
I dont think it fits with DBDs original goal, but their goal changes a lot.
At this point if its horror and people want it, anything is game.
Hell, CHUCKY would fit and hes even more comical that FNAF.
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Nope. Not even the dead children, bloody dog corpses, and people/children being absorbed, crushed, and stuffed into other animatronics or left to die in the alley while a serial child murderer harvests their souls to power further creations make it dark....
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How is this not drab and depressing but pizza boy dwight, purple elephant clown, and candlestick wraith are? Let alone all the shiny neon rainbow outfits.
FNAF aesthetic and color palette is almost EXCLUSIVELY dark and drab.
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I'd prefer Springtrap over Candyman, if anything. But.. its just Springtrap I'd want. The rest of the FNAF cast are.. lame.
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I agree, but that conversation just isn't happening. The pro FNAF people feel attacked because of the way the other side is conveying their opinion. "Trash, childish jumpscare game made for babies lel". Not much discussion to be had there.
I would love to have a FNAF chapter, but these threads always spiral out of control because of how polarizing the franchise is.
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Aww, cute little puppy robot.