Legendary skins

So legendary skins will be able to completely change the base model. What are some skins you would like to see? I'd love it if they managed to have legion skins that changed them to the different members of slipknot. They'd fit the game, and legions playstyle I think. Apart from clown, obviously legendary skin for our very own clown
Honestly? I dislike the idea of legendary skins and don't like the restrictions placed on them. They also really push into unfair pricing territory, something the regular skins already do.
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They are still completely optional and the only way we got Lisa Garland for example. If it wasn’t for legendary skins then the option wouldn’t be there.
that being said, I think they are too expensive too.
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I hate the excuse that they're optional. Just because something is optional doesn't mean it's 'fair' or 'good'. The Lisa skin makes sense that there is a restriction on it but why are other skins that are just random OC designs hit with the same restrictions? It makes little sense.
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I like the idea of legendary skins but I do agree with you that they are very expensive, I like them but for example I wouldn't buy the silent hill nurse one for that price
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It's hard to care for legendary skins when, quite frankly, they are absurdly priced. The regular 1,080AC price is already enough and, just like sets, I feel like the loss of the ability to mix them with other things lowers their value.
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How is a price unfair if it is the same for all players?
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I would love to see a "Legends of Horror" Survivor Chapter, with a set of licensed Legendary Skins...
Adrienne Barbeau
Tom Atkins
Linnea Quigley
Dick Miller
Thom Matthews just off the top of my head... I think this would be the perfect application of the Legendary skin idea.
Obviously Tony the Pimp deserves his own chapter...
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Rly? Can you tell m why not?
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The only legendary cosmetic we have is Lisa so far.
With the possibility of Oni coming up
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I would like some human skins for some people like the spirit humanized
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Lisa is the only Legendary skin so far. You are whining about sets. Which have another ‚excuse‘: clippings and creativity in design.
its still the same. It just is optional. If it wasn’t there at all you couldn’t complain though..
The devs explained it: legendary skins are a way to include characters they wouldn’t normally add because they would need their own perks etc.
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They're charging more than a full chapter for the skin. You seem to completely miss the point entirely.
It's obvious I got sets and legendary skins mixed up, though my point on their pricing still stands.
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I wanna see Robin, Joyce, Hopper & Billy from Stranger Things as legendary skins.