Help me learn deathslinger please

As title states I need help learning deathslinger because I just don’t see what others are talking about how he is stronger than huntress. Anything helps but would prefer in detail on how to play him such as tactics, playstyle like hit and run and also the build and reasoning behind it so it makes sense to me why it’s on the build. I know people say don’t play him like huntress but there’s differing ways people mean that so I just want a big pool of what the strategies and builds are. Not here to argue the strength yet since I have yet to see it but needing new lenses from the other side so I can try it out multiple times so I can form a proper opinion and maybe even new skills. If needed I’m red ranks and what I consider winning is at least a pip.
As one of the top Deathslinger mains on leaderboards I'd say that best 3 tips for learning him is to practice your shots a lot, experiment with loops(finding out new ways to shoot&reel over them) and general good decision making on 110% killers (like when to defend certain part of the map insted of going for far gens that you won't be able to hold anyway etc).
If you're interested I've made a DS guide some time ago giving a piece of my mind on how he should be played, where he's in the meta, etc. If you're interested you can find it here:
I also have YT channel where I kind of regulary post pure Deathslinger content so you can see the way I play him and possibly learn something.
If you have any specific questions be sure to ask.
I hope this helps and good luck in your Deathslinging 👍️
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Thank you so much! I’ll watch and read these links you have sent me and work on my deathslinger today. I’ll quote you again if I have questions or thoughts.
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I’m not a death slinger god but I have played him since release.
add ons: the terror radius addons are a bit gimmicky but can useful in niche situations. A good addon combo to use for starting him will be the reduce shot cool down this will encourage you to shoot the gun more often.
range indicators: his range with his gun is 18m. 18m may seem short to some but you be surprised by what’s considered 18m. Their is a unique score event called sharpshooter you will only get this score event by catching the survivor with your maximum range while this is great for both bloodpoints and a potential down this is the most dangerous shot to make due to the breakout bar will be more then likely close to full when reeling in.
reeling: when you have a survivor on your spear the survivor on attack will shift their body towards you this is where either the shot was a miss or a hit. When you reel in the survivor you need to back up to have the most control. The only time to move forward with the reel is if a survivor is blocking the survivor from MOVING to you. Coming back to first point,when I said the survivors body shift toward you when speared is when you do corner shots ex(I shoot a survivor at the door to the entrance of the garage in gas heaven on hit move immediately back so the survivor can’t get stuck on the wall and so you shifted the survivor back to the door of the entrance).
last point: deathslinger is about predictions the Speer when shot has a travel time the equivalent of a charged huntress throw but It is not a hitscan def(the bullet has no travel time and is a instant hit or miss) therefore you will need to watch the survivors how they run and loop each survivor is different but their is one thing to keep in mind, be careful about OVERESTIMATEING what I mean is try not to assume everyone in your lobby knows how to dodge slingers or any range killer they may just run in a straight line and you assume they are going to dodge but really they are just running without a plan.
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Wow! That worked very well and better than expected. Imma consider red ranks both in the way they played and reset was quite recent so I’m assuming the purple 5s were red before reset. I chose addons that would help me experiment with shots so faster reloading and aiming down sight walking speed for added pressure if they are too fidgety it will result in a hit. I’m going to keep trying this build and other builds from others. If anything it has helped me at least find a good base build for him.
I do have a question though for reeling. I see a lot of people say if you back up while reeling they struggle less but if you walk forward that’s where they can do those wide sweeps resulting in getting stunned is that true? I remembered trying to do both in my game and seemed like they were unable to move as much when going back so if so that’s another way I have been playing incorrect. Also what happens if DS stays still while reeling is it in between or is it always good to just back up?
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Glad it helped you. DS is pretty good when you play him well. I've been 3-4king with him in red ranks very consistently almost since he released so I can assure you that he's viable for playing in red ranks while also beiing really fun.
For the reeling question, generally yes, if you walk backwards you lessen their ability to move sideway significantly (be sure to adjust your movement to sides according to the movement of your chain/them) and if you walk towards them they can move much more. Overall it's a good idea to be used to walking backwards whenever you land a shots and it's viable to reel them to you (no objects that would break the chain are in the way). Ofc there are quite a few scenarios where it's required to do something different (mostly when outplaying loops) but for almost any longshot you're better off to walk back so that they can't mess up your chain. It's a learning process, to know how to play each shot correctly.
If you stay still (no reason to do that I'm pretty sure) and reel you'll be pulling them towards you but slower and they'll still have decent control over the chain. Not advised.
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I mean I’ve just seen it a lot recently on these forums calling for a nerf for him because he is apparently so OP and some saying he’s better than huntress. I don’t agree but I also never asked how to play him by said people who thought better of him so thought it’d be good to try out stuff I haven’t seen or tried. I still don’t see it yet considering every shot I see I can make with him can be made with huntress. I think I’m going to try to focus on him baiting shots since that’s the thing he kinda has on huntress is ability to quickly threaten his ranged attack. He has tight shots he could do but usually they don’t result in much and the ability to do so doesn’t happen much either.
I have tried most of these build already except for noed but I will still experiment to see which one seems to get results and what not. Thank you.
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Thanks for the tips! Really helps and will keep it all in mind as I try out new build and maybe test with my own made up ones covering up some of his own weaknesses.
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Ok awesome thank you! I’ll take this all with me into my matches and hopefully by end of today I can have a better understanding.
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Don't think/play like a Huntress, because he's not especially "a weaker huntress" but a totally different long distance killer and one of the best 1vs1 killer in the game (the best for me). My build : (Pop/BBQ/M&A/Nurse's)
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It looks like your deathslinger has a bandanna over his face.. how did you get that skin? If that's not it, which skin are you using?
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Sorry replying so late life got busy but yeah no bandana just the anniversary 4 skin. My camera took picture and guess as he was moving it blurred it so that it looks like a bandana.