OoO on Midwich map is so broken.

Devs fix this pls its so broken.I just had a game where someone used it and ran around the whole map.I downed him and face camped him3k).And in the end game chat he told me that im piece of **** and bad killer becouse he held W and it took me a whole minute to catch up.While I chase someone I can see him looking at me with OoO.Also he told me that he was way better than me becouse I had "good perks on freddy".No perk for killer in game can help me there.Also he was doing adept for Laurie and that im bad becouse of that.He only used"adept" perks form which 2 are broken as heck.Please look into this its just so unfun and I was fuming after that game.New map looks amazing but gameplay is pretty poop.Plus game stutters alot when I play freddy even tho I have pretty good pc.
How is it broken if you caught him in a minute?
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That is why I apologized when I did my adept laurie.
OoO needs major tweaks or needs to have major drawbacks, that perk is just annoying on a lot of levels.
I hate playing trapper against OoO, I suggest learning the names of the survivors just in case you see them again then just bring a fair and balanced irri hatchet with soldier belt since they don't care if you as the killer is having fun.
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it took me a whole minute or something to just catch up to him.Then I hit him and he goes downstairs and there is a lot of vary safe pallets.One guy has done a gen alone while I was just cathing up to him.
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Dont worry I just leveled up freddy with a plenty of ebony moris for another laurie and whole team that also told me I was trash.(SWF obviously)
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Freddy against OoO is not the way to go, if they are oblivious they will be able to see you at any distance, if you do remember to use the blindness addon against OoO that way you will see them and they won't see you.
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Imagine 4 OoO on Midwich...
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You are so right.I was like ######### becouse I was able to see him up close thus him seeing me as well.Thank you I didn't know that.
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I already experienced, took a break mid game after I got my bbq stacks and just went to make a sandwich instead of playing since that was hell.
Yeah, OoO is the ultimate counter to Freddy sadly but some Freddies already use the blind addon just in case OoO happen.