Stridor and iron will

What do they have in common? People saying iron will shouldn't be countered by stridor and spirits running stridor to counter iron will.
Instead of gutting spirit over perks or nerfing one perk I say rework them both. Sounds are bugged enough as is and when you can't tell when someone has built in iron will or actually has the damn perk it just meshes together. Not to mention both perks are actually pretty darn powerful and in my opinion unhealthy for the game, i think changing them is best. Just make it a rule to not mix sounds with perks and you'll have a working game. Hopefully. Probably. Nah lol. But you get the idea i hope
well I mean, your kind of correct. think about this, Iron will has been bugged for over a year to also work on survivors while they are healthy so that they don't even make breathing sounds.
mix this with survivors sometimes just having iron will for free and not make any sounds at all including footsteps it makes stridor as a perk not even worth running because theres a chance that the survivor sounds will be bugged and not work.