Harsh truths for survivors that complain.

Every day I see someone complaining that this killer or that killer perk is overpowered and needs to go. Let me lay down the harsh truth for you as someone that plays both sides.

Survivors have the advantage in this game, not killers.

Objective times are heavily slanted in survivor favor, they're capable of being done in under 4 minutes. The numbers favor you, 4 survivors to a single killer.

Information is also survivor sided. You see in 3rd person, you have a 32m head start on the killer, you know which way the killer is facing at a loop. You also know when you're hexed. Add in swf and you get even more info. Meanwhile killer is crippled by awful fov and deafening chase music.

Perk strength is heavily slanted to survivors. Look at prove thyself vs thanataphobia, one grants 40% faster gen speeds, the other gives 16% slowdown. Don't get me started on object, ds, dh, unbreakable, spine chill, and soul guard.

Map strength is in your favor. Killer has like two maps that are strong, survivors have the rest.

Rng is in your favor. Kobe's, trap escapes, map offerings, hook spawns all trend toward survivors.

Finally, matchmaking is in your favor, there's far more yellow rank killers facing red rank survivors than the reverse.

So basically what I'm saying is that no killer or killer perk is overpowered. If you're losing, you only have yourself to blame. You have every advantage handed to you and can win 95% of your matches if you're a top team. It's ok to be less than a top team, but when you ask for killer nerfs, you're widening the gap at the top.



  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032
    edited July 2020
  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Where are you getting your numbers? Prove Thy Self does not give a 40% boost.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Sorry, its 30%. Gain 10% repair speed boost for every other survivor in a 4 meter range.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Exactly, the data is after the Killer - Ruin nerf, the Survivor - Small Map Nerf, the Survivor - Toolbox Nerf, the Survivor - Instaheal Nerf, the Survivor - God-loop Nerf and the Survivor - Gen Slowdown Nerf when multiple survivors work a gen. And honestly, Ruin is still used and is still useful.

    That data is only 8 months old with 4 major survivor nerfs, 1 medium Killer nerf and 1 medium Survivor nerf. (There were individual killers, such as Nurse and now Billy, who got nerfed).

    And the data shows massive kill rates for all killers except Nurse. Usually hovering around 10% or more, better kill rates.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Damn it, wrong again, stupid wiki. Its 15% for every survivor in 4m, so it's actually 45%

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Technically it's not even the full 30% the way DbD math works. Even then all it does is partially negate the negative. Which is not to say alot of the perks for killers don't suck. But honestly I'm sick of both sides whining about the other sides perks.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    ruin nerf happened in january, map changes and toolboxes happened in april. the data is from 8 months ago so the only nerf in the list that you mentioned that would have been applicable to the stats would have been the instaheal nerf/medkit rework.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Those weren't major survivor nerfs, ruin was major. 70% isn't even a 3k average and it didn't count suicide and dc.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    also all of those nerfs were after the data was released, they dont count for the data cause those changes hadn't even happened yet

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2020

    ^ this is hard truth! I play 50/50 red rank both sides if I'm having a rough day and want to chill I play survivor. Just saying

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I started as a survivor main too, then switched. But again, I play both sides and all killers.

    Again, give me examples of killer having the advantage, I want to hear this. Moris are better than keys, and they get more points. That's all I've got.

    The whole thing here is that both sides are frustrating, but you don't get to be the power role and still ask for nerfs.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    That is a loaded statement. Some killers, like my Trapper, struggle vs coordinated groups. Others are naturally strong, Like Spirit, Billy and Nurse. Towards solo groups, killers can be very strong. I destroy solo groups with Trapper, Pig and Doc.

    At red ranks, which is not the majority of survivors by far, the survivor cadre is tougher, but 2 to 3k is pretty average. At lower ranks, killers destroy both solo and SWF.

    TLDR: There are plenty of situations where the killer is the power role, and plenty where he is not. A lot of the times you get either killers or survivors who are not as good as they think and blame the game for their mistakes.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Because the game is still too easy for survivors, the power role should not be struggling to keep up with "weak" survivors. You realise how OP survivor's were back then? And they're still very strong today don't even get me started on swf.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    The reason I stopped playing killer was the billy nerf. Now it wasn't because of billy specifically Just the thought of the next killer I find fun being nerfed, Its absurd. Why should i put time into a killer i enjoy just for them to be nerfed because some people don't know how to counter them. Now while all the factors op listed are somewhat accurate to an extent, I don't think they compare to your favorite killer being nerfed you know the one you put hundreds of hours into just for them to be ######### after an update. It makes no sense why you should put time into something you enjoy just for it to be taken away later.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583
    edited July 2020

    Yeah that's if there's 4 people working on one generator, which is really inefficient. It works maybe at the beginning with a Shroud of Binding but how many generators actually allow for all four survivors to work on the same generator at once?

    Currently all Prove Thyself does is:

    Does nothing to single man gen repairs, unless you count babysitting a teammate a good way to complete a generator.

    Negates the penalty for 2-man repair speeds, making it mildly efficient.

    Gives great efficiency for 3 and 4 man gen repairs. But only for one generator. The rest are completely unworked on.

    And yet again, there aren't a whole lot of 3-4 man generators that don't put you in a really precarious position. In the middle of nowhere, or right in a big blind spot, or blocking the rest of the map.

    Most common scenario is you get 1 person being chased, another working on a gen by themselves, prepping to save the player, and two others working on a single generator, one or both prepping to save the player being chased. Unless the killer is sitting in a corner with their ball, pouting that survivors gen rush too much, generator speeds aren't that fast. And once a killer has killed one survivor, chances of the rest surviving drop significantly based on how many gens are left. If there are at least 2 generators left, it's pretty low. More and it's almost a guarantee you're getting a 3k, 4k if you find the hatch first.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Marth88 proved that you dont need perks as survivors if you just sit on gens. Sure, you're not actually winning but the killer will get 1k at most.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    There are never missing in these discussions the typical survivor main that do not fall below the rank of 10 as killer saying that the game is in favor of the killer

    why are there so many ignorant people in this game..

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    That was how long ago? The game has changed massively since they ran that experiment.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    They did it again and concluded nothing would change. It's still fundamentally broken because a single survivor can waste a killer's time for way to long IF survivors are just shitting out gens (Which admittedly most survivors do not do)

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    So the killer should've left them and focused on someone else, not every survivor is going to be that optimal in a chase, there's usually always one weak/weaker link. In the rare case they all are that optimal in a chase maybe the killer should've tried to pressure them off said gens, or tried to force them into a 3 gen, which while not impossible to solve would at least extend the game.

    Sometimes you go against survivors so optimal when playing killer you just have to take the L. Especially against coordinated SWFs, or even the rare coordinated solos. Like you said though, not every SWF is going to be going full gen jockey.

    They DO need to go back to that promise of theirs of buffing up Solo Survivor somehow and imo adding a second or third MANDATORY objective for the survivors to do (totems don't count). I'm hoping they actually do something useful with this start game collapse of theirs.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    You don't have to be optimal, you just stop playing like it's some game and take the game seriously. No risky plays, no searching chests, no trying to save somebody from NOED if you can't find it. Is the game fun then? Of course not, but that's not the goal of a balance discussion.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Any kill rate data right now, even purely from red ranks, is invalid due to the terrible emblem system and matchmaking that exists in the current state of the game. The skill range of red rank survivors goes from "extremely good top tier" players to "actually rank 10 boosted" players. It's nearly impossible to derank as survivor right now and many people who do not belong in red ranks are sitting in there. Likewise, while it's harder to rank up as Killer, there are red rank killers who don't necessarily belong there.

    I still see people miss skill checks and run away from a killer that's not heading their way at red ranks. I still see survivors waste full minutes of time crouching by a rock while a killer camps a hook at red ranks. I still see survivors that can't run a loop and get caught by a killer within 10 seconds vs a killer that I later on loop for a full minute at red ranks.

    These people dilute the pool and heavily skew the statistics. Until they fix the emblem system/matchmaking there will be no good data for solo survivor. SWF data however is easier to get due to the small community of competitive teams. It shows that, at least for good swf teams, the game is heavily in favor of survivor over killer. But this data is likewise not good as it only counts the best of the best survivor teams.

    Basically any data right now is worthless and BHVR has to fix their ######### before you can quote data as if it means anything.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Also let's not forget people suiciding, trolling or simply throwing the game by for example doing challenges.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Correct, but you can pressure area's enough for survivors to not return to that location for some time. This is why giving up a chase can be beneficial to killers.

    It is normal. Killers are much taller than survivors, and dont claim you can see your belly button when looking forward. Because that is where survivors are. If they take half a step back, you can see them. And no, totem spawns are more hidden, have more spawning places and new spawning locations are added over time. And while you dont want a hex totem to be gone, the design of hex totems is for survivors to be off a generator looking for it. So you want them to search for it as long as possible while you hook other people too. Once 1 person found it, its practically gone and it did its job. Same reason why wiggling isnt meant for survivors to get out, but its only designed to not bring survivors to the basement unless it is within range. As survivor you would want to wiggle, even though you cant get out. So whether you want it or not. Hex totems are there to distract survivors from generators. If they dont, they get punished for every second they allow the hex to work.

    Yes, just as guns are not the ones who kill people, even though they obviously can. Change my mind.

    Music and sounds can be modified, but not specific in-game sounds in aspect of other things. Aka, if you want to lower chase music, you need to lower breathing sounds too. But you do realize sounds can amplify and cancel each other out right? Making sound louder makes the amplifications larger, meaning that if you should be able to hear someone entering a locker nearby while in chase, but you dont, there are 1 options: 1, you have hearing damage. 2, your sounds are too loud/too soft. That was my point.

    It can, eat the DS early game. That is the counter. Just as the counter to NOED is to cleanse all totems. As for Unbreakable and Soul Guard, well, yeah, but thats because slugging is so incredibly powerful. So if you down someone instantly after being picked up, you wasted SO much time from that survivor. It's not strong. DS and Unbreakable are strong EGC perks, but outside that, they are quite weak. Sure, annoying, but weak.

    No, 2k is not a loss, that is your own bullshit definition. We all saw what happened to the game when kills were actually related to ranking, and the game was boring as #########. And even back then, a 2k was considered gaining a pip(aka a win) and a 3.5k was required for a double pip. Your definition comes from whiney killer mains who think that the average game should have a 3k. Which it isnt, no dev has stated that, the game doesnt state that, it is a headcannon win. And in fact, technically, as killer, you could claim whatever you want to be as a win. You'd be wrong, but you could. I could say that hitting survivors 0 times, is a win. Meaning I could win with a 0k. You would disagree, but its no different from your deluded definition.

    Oh, thats bias. I've had all 4 survivors being hooked in the first 2 mins of the game, and had none of them being able to Kobe. So yes, it is a flat 4%. However, statistically, you're guaranteed to see all survivors being able to unhook themselves first try without any aid. Your personal experience has no influence on what is in the game, and it is a flat 4%.

    You can reach all hooks on Haddonfield in time, with survivors bodyblocking you. Even if they are upstairs in Strode Residence. There is ALWAYS a hook right outside one of the doors, and a second one within reach. 50 meters is a LOT of distance you can carry a survivor, and a lot of killers underestimate how far they can carry a survivor. I've never had a survivor escape my grasp without all 3 other survivors intervening and sabotaging a hook. Which is 100% fair. They risk multiple downs to safe 1 person. High risk, high reward.

    Oh yeah, it does, but that was not your claim, and not my point. Your claim was that matchmaking was survivor sided, its not. I've seen a rank 17 solo survivor in a red rank match. I've seen a green rank swf+solo me against a rank 1 killer. Matchmaking IS NOT survivor sided. It is bad, but it doesnt side with anyone. You may think so, because you're biased as #########.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    the fact that you got so many upvotes confirms that this forum is a circlejerk filled with entitled killer mains

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    I felt the same way until about rank the mm system kicked in and I started playing against 50% rainbow matches and 50% all red rank matches. Now I get why everyone complains. In low ranks survivor half the killers are just campers and playing killer half your matches are solid red toxic swf

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    There are still things that are frustrating for survivor. Survivor's are allowed to be annoyed by things that they find annoying as killers are. And im not denying that survivor's have the advantage but it sucks that people are saying "survivors aren't allowed to be frustrated or annoyed".