Lightborn... possibly the most underrated perk of all time?

Once Franklin's came out, most people completely forgot about Lightborn, seeing it as just an inferior version of it. That's where I disagree my good sir, for Lightborn is a godsend against toxic survivors.

If you ever see two or more flashlights in your lobby, I strongly urge you to run Lightborn and see the world of difference it makes. Obviously it'll make you completely immune to blinds, and to anyone saying it's still possible prior to the buff, it's not, at least realistically. You can down a healthy survivor in the time they're trying to blind you before they can even slightly affect you. Running it immediately makes the flashlights brought in by survivors completely useless.

While that's extremely helpful, I think it's better in chase. For most survivors, they'll try and blind you while breaking a pallet, and since you'd be running Lightborn, they'd just be wasting their time, allowing you to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to down them. Some survivors might be able to realize that you're running Lightborn after the first failure to blind you, but like I said previously, the perk is so rarely used that you will likely trick a survivor multiple times.

To sum it up, run Lightborn, and sit back and laugh as they try and blind you.



  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    no, lightborn grants at best 1 free hit when somebody tries to pallet blind or flashlight save. period. sure, it's always good not being worried of being blinded, but that wouldn't be a problem if flashlights angles weren't so ######### up.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    It's extremely satisfying to pick up a survivor while not facing a wall knowing there's someone waiting for the save. There's absolutely nothing they can do.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    How is it outclassed by Franklin's? Franklin's requires you to hit the people with a flashlight before any flashlight shenanniganse are possible, and even then, they can be picked up while you break a pallet. Lightborn has the potential to save many seconds in a chase. Its not the flashlight saves alone.

    Let alone the fact that people who practiced flashlight saves know when they should start flashing to get the free save, with lightborn, they would need very specific addons that almost no one runs to pull off the same thing. Let alone that it allows you to see twice as fast as you would without it.

    Lightborn is stronger than Franklins against flashlights at any given time. The fact survivors can bring more than simply flashlights is why Franklins outclasses Lightborn.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    By simply practicing good habits, you can eliminate 90% of flashlight saves. If you simply, face a wall, 90% of Survivors will not be able to hit the save. Additionally, if you pretend to pick up a Survivor, you can usually bait another Survivor into coming closer, then you can get a free hit and make them drop their item, if you have Franklin's.

    Lightborn is a niche perk. You would be better off running other things.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    at higher ranks you learn to outright deny all use of flashlights. The only time they can confirm it is when you are breaking a pallet, which actually LOSES you time, because the killer has ears and can just follow you while invisible. The time it would've taken to break the pallet actually awards more time than the investment in the flash. With the lightborn update flashing will now be incredibly dangerous, as 7 seconds of aura reading after an attempted flash save will allow the killer the benefit of bbq at close range. Flashing was bad before, but now it really is just worthless

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Yet you're saying it would be dangerous when at the moment, the only thing the buff would do is allow you to see their aura for 7 seconds. Also it doesn't make the survivor lose time, sounds are broken, they're unreliable for hunting down survivors while blinded, this gives plenty of time to throw the killer for a loop. Also not every scenario allows you to just face a wall, and smart survivors will crawl out in the open if they notice someone trying to save, and while the bait can work against dumbasses, standing over a survivor is completely different then picking them up. Lightborn is ONLY useful against a team of flashlights, I said this clearly in my post, but it works wonders against a team of them. I used to believe the same exact thing until I started actually running lightborn, if there's multiple items that aren't flashlights, then run franklins, but like I said, if there's multiple flashlights, running it can make your life so many times easier.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    I agree, Lightborn after version 4.1.0 would be an excellent and balanced perk. if the devs don't change it.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I wasnt talking about flashlight saves. I was talking about flashlight blinds in general. There are tons of survivors that flash you while you vault, flash you while you break pallets. Flashing when you open a locker(yes, this happens when you see 4 flashlights in the lobby). Flashing when you're finished hooking etc. Once there is more than 1 flashlight, it can save minutes of blindness.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    lmao no

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    I'd take any slowdown perk over Lightborn. Face a wall, slug or fake the pickup almost always works. Flashlights really aren't that big of a deal.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    All fast blinding addons have been gone for about 3 years so what are you talking about?

  • ins0
    ins0 Member Posts: 118

    Lightborn is hella good..Getting pallet hits while the survivorbro just stands there and tries to blind me is satisfying as hell. Going against SWFs that bring lots of flashlights and watching ppl pop our from behind cover to try and get a save for their toxic friend while I preemptively used Agitation+Lightborn or Iron Grasp+Lightborn just to mess with them when they try to do that, is priceless.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2020

    You have the assumption that having lightborn at a pallet blind will benefit you, it does not. You are getting blinded at the pallet for points, nothing more. You can hear survivors at the pallet while blinded so them blinding you is doing nothing in terms of "juking" you.

    Also, if you're getting blinded at pick ups or anywhere else you are misplaying.

    Even the new Lightborn will be alright for new players that are still learning the game, but that's the end of it. Any decent killer can counter flashlight blinds without wasting a perk slot and even if you did waste the perk slot you aren't gaining much at all from it.

    Lightborn is basically Windows of Opportunity, a learning perk.

    Also, Franklins is a trap perk as well, just like Lightborn. You are wasting a perk slot.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    I agree that Lightborn is a niche perk, but so is Franklin's.

    If you hit someone with Franklin's, they drop their flashlight, it loses maybe 1 second of flash time, and they can just pick it right back up and use it on you. Meanwhile, Lightborn makes their flashlights useless. Franklin's makes you less vulnerable to flashlights, but Lightborn makes you essentially invulnerable to flashlights. Lightborn is therefore better suited to countering flashlights.

    Franklin's is only the better choice when you see other annoying item combinations, like two maps and two keys.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited July 2020

    A scenario that can happen sure, just very rarely against actually decent survivors, making it quite niche.

    To me if a perk is situational it needs to be extremely strong when that situation arrives to warrant its use. I don't feel Lightborn succeeds here.

    Seeing as the effect of being blinded is avoidable in 95% of situations the fact of it preventing blinds is near irrelevant to me. So the perk basically reads, if you would be blinded, see that survivors aura for 10 seconds. Is that worth a perk slot to me? Not even remotely.

    Now if maybe it showed ALL survivors auras for 10 seconds we might be starting to get somewhere. Even then, still probably wouldn't be worth running.

    The point is that the benefit you get from being blinded while running this perk needs to be a big enough payoff for the perk slot as being immune to blinds is near irrelevant.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Getting blinded at those points doesn't matter at all. You can still hear where they are. If they blind you at a pallet or a vault, they just lost a massive amount of distance.

  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    are we really calling survivors trying to flashlight save toxic? really?

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    lightborn is great at doing his job , but you have better perk to use on your slot

  • YeetoDorito
    YeetoDorito Member Posts: 55

    Okay, but you're missing out the part where these 'toxic' or 'good' survivors have played the game long enough to know that if they cannot get a flashlight blind then you must be running lightborn. Therefore through maybe one or two extra hits, they will stop wasting their time blinding you and then you will have a useless perk.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    It's a waste of a perk slot 100% of the time, either pick up next to a wall or if you can't fake a pickup and do a quick area check for flashlight saviors. It's a helpful crutch for lower rank killers, but high rank killers should know better and prevent flashlight saves most of the time, making the perk a waste.

  • Dexn3ko0
    Dexn3ko0 Member Posts: 70

    I actually think Lightborn is more bad than good for a killer.

    Yes you can get 1 or 2 free hits on pallets but thats it for the rest of the game you basically play with 3 perks.

    I find it way better to let the survivors be greedy with saves or chase after me while i hunt down an injured person. This to me has much more value than the 2 free hits.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Lightborn is in fact a really underrated perk, having those cocky survivors trying to blind you and get hit afterwards...means that that chase is over and you don't have to waste other 2 minutes on jungle gyms, which allows you to apply more pressure.

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    There's just too many other ways to play around flashlights. Infectious Fright is such a good perk in general and will tell you if someone is close enough to get the save. But even without it, you can just take a peek around before you pick up. I've injured and even downed so many survivors waiting to flashlight save their friend that way. And when it comes to blinding at pallets and vaults, I prefer survivors do it, because I can usually hear where they're going anyhow and they've just made the distance they could have gotten from me even smaller.

    Even with the buff, I still won't run it often.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I wasnt talking about blindspeed. Lightborn doesnt slow down the speed of the blind, it has a smaller space you can blind. So if you aim next to that space, the blind goes much slower.

    Aka, if you know exactly where that spot is and aim right for it with a narrow beam, you have the exact same blinding speed as if the killer were not using Lightborn.

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    I picked this one ######### up at the gate while facing sideways against a flashlight and my killer completely shifted to the side allowing a flashlight save. DBD jank will eventually get you.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Assuming the killer is good at triangulation, there arent any scuffed obstructions in the game that could block you even though it shouldnt, and there is practically only an open space, then yeah, getting blinded doesnt matter.

    So, its either survivors losing distance/getting hit because of quite niche circumstances, or getting a net gain in distance. Which IMO is more significant than forcing survivors to drop their items that they could theoretically pick up straight away.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It could be a good perk in low ranks. In high ranks it's useless.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited July 2020

    I always run lightborn if I see two or more flashlights in the lobby. One or two I can handle but if others find one in a chest then that's three or four to contend with. It's not always possible to down someone near a wall, they ran to a dead spot for instance. They would all have to show up with flashlights to save the one person, this means they are not on gens. When the lightborn rework comes in then this too will be impossible.

    It makes their flashlights completely useless, unless you're hag or wraith, and stops me from losing hooks. I only bring in Franklin's for keys mostly.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150
    edited July 2020

    I'll just stick with doctor's madness 3.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Uh no it doesnt if you can show me video proof then yes.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I always preferred it over FD.

    I don't really care about temporarily removing the other Items from their hands, and with Flashlights, i'd rather render them useless than temporarily remove them and still run the risk that a buddy was hiding nearby to blind me.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    From my own personal experience, it’s rare for a survivor to actually pull off a flashlight save. The majority I go against just use them for the standard pallet drop and blind technique, which doesn’t bother me. I’d rather use perks I get more use out of.

  • Flarefire_Xx
    Flarefire_Xx Member Posts: 353

    Yes lightborn is great and it’s going to be better, I love seeing a 4 man flashy squad and then bringing lightborn to make all their items useless, it’s hilarious

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    It is underrated, because the effect of this perk depends if survivors are gonna use the flashlights against you. If there is no flashlight in the lobby or even the firecracker then there is no point of picking that perk.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Lightborn and other perks like it don't ultimately work due to survivors being able to switch to or off said items in the last 6 seconds either making the perk do nothing(Switching from a flashlight to a key or going from no item to a flashlight).

    Item counter perks need to have survivors loadout set in stone in the lobby to ever truly work which is why they are rarely if ever used.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Lightborn shines on chases, when you break a pallet, bc it gives you the chance to hit so you cand end chases. Is not really needed to avoid flashlight saves (althought is fine to have the security to grab without being annoyed).

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I've found that lightborn is better. If I see ANY lobby with a single flashlight in it. I equip it. Franklin's means you have to TOUCH the survivor's ITEM first, before it works. Whilst it is just better to go right to the solution!! Preventing the act of being blinded in the first place!

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, if I remember, have the time and mood to record it myself, then sure. But its not hard to recreate. Just get a Sport Flashlight with Focus Lens and see the difference yourself. Blindness works on amount of light entering, which is why long range flashes take longer than close range flashes. Having simply a smaller location where light enters means a regular beam would take longer.

    But again, if you dont wanna try it out yourself, and I have both the time and the mood to get one of my friends to do some DBD science again, dont forget it in the first place and dont forget to hit record. Sure. I'll give video proof.

    But theoretically that is how blinds work, and why lightborn technically increases the time it takes to get blinded because less light is hitting the total target area, because its smaller.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The longer the range does not make blinding longer but I will try your theory.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Like I said your theory came out to be false remember this game isnt like real life the description of lightborn flat out says resistance to flashlights increased by 80%.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    If I for some reason ever wanted to deal with flashlights via a perk, lightborn would be my go to.

    Overwhelming presence? They can still flash me...

    Franklin's Demise? They can still flash me...

    Infectious Fright? I mean... if I was silly enough to pickup a survivor when I hear a scream... They can still flash me.

    Lightborn? No one's flashing me, unless I really, REALLY mess up. Lightborn is the real deal if you want to counter flashes.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    In theory, they could pick it up right away. Then they'd get smacked and put on a hook, without an item.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Almost like I said to only run it if you see two or more flashlights.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, and guess how that is working out? By reducing the affected area by 80%.