"gg" vs. "ggs" | Words shrouded in mystery.

Which one do you use after finishing a match?
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*comment about something interesting that happened ingame* Followed by "gg tho"
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Gg wp
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gg wp, ggs gg.
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GG Key-Z?
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If i won usually ggs sometimes gg, if i lost ggwp
I do always mean good game though, never git gud
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GG of course. What does ggs actually mean? Good GameS? Makes not a lot of sense. I guess people heared it somewhere in e-sports when it got sayed by a commentator after a series of games.
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I picked it up from ohtofu i think. Just kind of started saying it without thinkjng about it
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I gg every game. Unless I really really got torn down. Then I’m leaving to get into another match asap to salvage my ego haha
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I have messages turned off so I never speak to other players.
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I never say GG but I’m on PS4. So I’m not wasting my time to send somebody a message. 😂
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I assume you’d say ggs if it was to more than one person. As you’re making it a plural. Otherwise you’d just say gg.
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If survivors respond gg, then my gg means good game
If survivors are toxic, then my gg means git gud
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ggs is plural and you basically give props to everyone for a good game.
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ggs Wp :)
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gg Ez (insert survivor/killer)
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Hm English is not my first language and correct me if i am wrong, but "good games" means that the games that were played (multible games) were good. Not the players. Anyway GG was always ment to be good game to everyone who was particiapting in a round, no plural needed. But whatever, gg, ggs, wp, all fine for me.
And for those who type EZ, ######### is wrong with you?
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ggs mean good game son
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After a match: gg
After a few matches with friends: ggs
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gg wp (and gratz on 'event item' (if there's one going and someone got it))
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I play Xbox one so there isn't endgame chat 😔
But if one of the survivors messages me I'll say GG. if they message to ######### at me for being a boring killer or are just salty I'll say GG wp.
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Well you could single out just one player who you thought played particularly well. So that’s why you’d just say GG to them. I personally wouldn’t add the ‘s’ at the end, even if it was to multiple people, as I don’t think it’s necessary. But I think that’s why some people do it.
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I use both. Unless someone fails to load into the match, then I say gegz
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Lately started to wonder if on DbD it should be 'gfhl' instead of 'glhf'
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I say ggwp. If they want to chat, I'll chat with them. If they throw ggez or other stupid stuff, I go to next match.
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i like how ggs sound and i play fighting games where you do play multiple games in a set so saying ggs is commonplace
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Nothing cause I'm still waiting for you to show up.
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gg = singular
ggs = plural
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Git Gud and Git Gud Scrub
any is good :^)