Deathslinger's counterplay balance discussion - what changes would you make ?



  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Looking back actually does give you needed info to counter DS. It tells you how far he's from you which indicates for you how hard it's to land that shots and how much travel time it will have. Based on all that and much more you'll make a prediction if he'll shot at you at random time (doing very slight zig zags to make him less confident in his pre-aiming for quickscope) for which you need to predict when he'll do so and start the dodge a smidgen before he fully commits thus evading his shot.

    It's very difficult and there are so many factors you need to take into accont but that's how prediction based gameplay that he shares with nurse or spirit works. Knowing your opponet is essencial for a correct prediction so if you've never played DS and don't fully realise ideal times for his shots he'll outplay you in almost every scenario.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The thread showed that you cant counter a good DS any other words any DS that has solid aim and can get used to quick scoping it has no counter. If you find that silly I guess but yky can always do the 1v1 against a good slinger and show the counter play that you claim.

    And the quick shot you dont want to be nerfed is the exact problem I get that's his strongest ability but it doesnt require any input from the survivors how do you think that's fair? You never outplay DS he just misses. Honestly DS gives the same input to survivors as old instablind.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    First off, I don't want to really discuss balance here as I said but ways people who want DS to have more counterplay to suggest what kind of counterplay they want and changes how to reach it.

    Now for the rest, quick scopes are a way for DS to get tight shots around corners, adding wind up for his ADS limits his ability to land hits with tight time frame and doesn't change current counterplay whatsoever. If he has time to raise his gun for his shot, it will still be super fast and you can't dodge it if he aims it correctly.

    Imput from survivors is the prediction they need to make, I won't go too deep into that since it would take ages and you'd probably dismiss it as guessing so it would be waste of writing. No offence but I don't want here discussion about how counterplay works currently and if it's fair but what counterplay you want and how to reach it via your suggested changes.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    Probably the only thing I can think of is adding a rapidly stacking slowdown that also quickly expires every time you ADS, just so there is at least some risk to the free zoning you get but even then, that doesn't even really fix anything does it? The threat of him quickscoping is always there and always faster than human reaction time so honestly I have no idea how to fix it.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Looking back gives you a mountain of information , how far behind the killer is, if he went a different way to cut you off , if hes reloading after a miss, etc ... the deathslinger is in a good place hes alot like the huntress but a little weaker, the only survivors that I know that are talking about how OP he is are usually people who already aren't very good at the chase aspect of the game and they never look behind them when they run, they usually are the same ones who throw a pallet early get shot through it and act like theres no way to stop it from happening

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Like I said give it a windup like huntress and next time dont dismiss what I say I gave an example of og instablinds to compare what it feels like to verse deathslinger.

    I told you about to 1v1 because since there is counterplay like you claim can you show it off or better yet record your games against a deathslinger and show us. A windup of 1-2 seconds could give us more information to work on and when to dodge and be cant instantly unads so the zoning requires more skill.

    The point of this is to add more interaction between killer and survivor instead of being insta shot.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    If you have this big of a problem with death slinger I dont see how you can play this game there are easily 4 to 5 killers i could name that are better than him by far and have a way better power , hes essentially a worse version of huntress that even if you hit someone with the gun they can break the chain with no injury or have a teammate interfere, if the huntress hits you with a hatchet you're injured there is no maybe to it, that alone makes her better than him , the only thing he has on huntress is the speed he can use his power and even then if you're not in the open you wasted a shot and are spending more time reloading

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Firstly I appreciate you taking time to respond.

    People have made a few suggestion to add a slight-moderate CD when you cancel M2 to prevent free M2 spam thus a part of the forced zoning. I've mostly agreed since such change is good as M2 spam isn't really something I support and I wouldn't miss it from his base kit.

    Now I've wondered if you have any problem with him as people say "not having counterplay" since his shot can't be reacted to. If you do then all other killers that have powers that survivors can't react to also need fixes which includes killers like huntress as when she charges her hatchet it's undodgeable via reacting. She can create the so called "lose-lose" scenarion just like DS but he can do so at different times and a bit more consistently which is what is supposed to be his biggest strenght.

    My opinion is that he has counterplay and it's based of predictions. You need to know when are the optimal times for DS to shoots and react slightly before he decides it's time to shoots. I know that's very hard to do and can be very unrealiable but I don't see it as a bad thing since he has many weaknesses to counterweight it and survivors experince actually matters since it increases the odds of corectly predicting DS's shot. Some people (like me) also enjoy such risky playstyles so the subject of it beiing boring gameplay is kind of silly to me when everyone has diffrent definition of fun.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yes hes worse than nurse but more annoying. Survivors have no input from him its literally just guessing when hes gonna shoot. Compare it to insta blinds a survivor would be running away and next thing you know they just blind you no input from you as the killer just being blinded. that's how it feels to verse a deathslinger. Atleast thatsbmy best comparison.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited July 2020

    all ranged killers should be the same as Huntress, without 1-shot hatchets.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Instablinds didn't have CD for missing, one of many many differences between them and redeemer. Random comparison is random.

    Any footage I would give you would be dissmised as DS missing and survivor just beiing lucky. You can easily go and watch hours of DS footage and whenever DS misses someone who had tricky movement or did seemingly random dodge and DS aimed at the place where survivor was 1s before is the counterplay I'm talking about. It's players beiing tricky and making predictions that you so easily dissmis as luck and DS missing.

    Ok, let's imagine DS has 1-2s windup. You see him charge his windup and now he can shoot, what will you do ? Dodge or what ?, he can still shoot as fast as before you added the windup so dodging is as effective as it was before, you have as much info as before, counterplay didn't change. Only thing that changed is that DS can't no longer do tight shots around corners which has nothing to do with any counterplay from survivors POV.

    Interactions are there, you just ignore them.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I agree (as qutie a few times before) with adding CD to his M2 cancel to prevent the M2 spam, that legitimate issue that is fair to be adjusted.

    I also agree to an extent that you can't dodge his projectile if you are trying to dodge to through reacting. The only way to dodge it is via predicting, if the redeemer was hitscan I would agree that there's no counterplay and no matter what you do you'll get hit and there isn't counterplay but luckily the projectile even when very fast can be predicted and thus dodged.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    See I don't get that, you basically just said "blindly guess when he is going to shoot and the dodge before that." You're saying the counter is to see into the future. You have absolutely no idea when he is going to shoot. He might not shoot at all, because you guessed wrong five times and then he just M1s you or zoned you into a place where you can't dodge.

    To your example of hatchets, yes, they are unreactable once its fully charged. However, the Huntress is drastically slowed and also has to wind up the charge, and also has an audio cue when the charge is finished. Its not even remotely comparable. The comparison would be if Huntress could instantly throw a fully charged hatchet at any time.

    What is the "optimal time to shoot" as a DS? The DS can shoot whenever he has line of sight to you, which is going to happen very, very often. You are going to make 20 guesses a second every time he's in line of sight?

    To me no, the survivor's experience is irrelevant when being chased by a Deathslinger. Almost every good survivor I know shares the sentiment. You can understand how Deathslinger works to the very bone, but the fact is you have to make a ridiculous number of guesses per second the Deathslinger can see you, and eventually you are going to lose one of those guesses, with "eventually" being seconds.

    Deathslinger is the only killer in the game that zones people by literally existing, and I think that's silly.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    The problem with adding counter play is that he is already incredibly weak with map pressure, the 1v1 is all he has. So if you add a delay, simply decreasing the reload speed won't do it, you will have to give him the ability to down you from range, or he will be the worst killer in the game.

    Huntress has the lullaby and a slowdown, but she carries 5 hatchets base and can down you over a pallet. You want deathslinger to have the same weaknesses as her, but on a single shot and deep wound over a pallet.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    The comparison isnt random it's based on the instant action where you shoot/blind in an instant which is un reaxtable that's what I'm trying to compare. Yeah and you are right I would dismiss it as them missing. Thats because they missed what tricky movement can you so run straight and dodge last minute you can always just be patient and wait for the survivors to do something and learn their movement pattern.

    If he had a windup it would be the same as a fully charged huntress hatchet you would be able know that hes most likely gonna shoot so you dont dodge gor nothing like when he attempts to zone you. And what are these so called interactions? Ads spamming isnt interactions.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831
    edited July 2020

    Massively nerf ADS time, somewhat nerf missed shot cooldown, and remove the ability to deep wound healthy survivors that break free from the chain. Bump him up to the 115% movement speed / 32m TR model. Fix his TR so you actually get reliable information about how close he is. Increase his chain length and make the chain harder to break.

    Edit: After reading the rest of the comments I like the idea of giving him a slight cooldown after cancelling his M2 as well.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Huntress has 5 shots base and can down you from anywhere, deathslinger doesn't have that. Umbra destroyed me when I was playing slinger. I landed a lot of shots, but she used the delay to drop the pallet, or get through a window. Then her team genrushed me into oblivion.

    I would be fine with slinger not having quick scope, but he would need at least three shots and the ability to down you over a pallet, otherwise he would just be a trash version of huntress.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I know what you mean but the consept of "guessing when killer is going to use his power and the dodge before that" was in the game long before DS. You do the same vs nurse, you know she can let her power go (once it's charged) at any time but you don't know where and you can't react to it, predicting where she's going and gaing distance off it is her counterplay, on short ranges you just get hit like vs DS. Same with spirit, you need to know how her phase works (while unijured ofc) and correctly read if she for example when you vault the window is going to go around or wait before it for you to juke it by going back via slow vault. To lesser extent this is what mindgames - moonwalking, baiting pallet etc is all about, none of these skillful strategies have 100% succes rate because it depends on which player reach which better. DS just increases the amount you have ot predict which is what his power is about.

    With huntress yes you have windup, slower MM speed and a few CDs also audio cues but those just don't change counterplay from survivor POV. It's either huntress has enough distance on you to make a safe shot no matter what you do or she doesn't thus she risks the possibilty of making a wrong prediction and beiing punished by her CDs. The reason why there are so many cues/slowdons/CDs is because of how was and how many she can thorw in a row and how snowbally they can be. DS has to relod and lose distance each time he lands a hit, his relies on fast ADS giving him more chances to hit. If his shots were more leathal I would agree that he needs more CDs/slowdowns/audio cues but they aren't.

    Optimal time to shoot is something that varies case to case and is the hard part about predicting. I've said a few times that DS's power is based around having large amount of opportunities for shootsing. If you're in the open he has all the time he wants for an optimal shot, he'll shoot either instantly if he's confident or waits to get closer and spams M2 to gain distance to make his shot easeir. Then there are tight shots when you're catching up to a survivor around a wall and he's one wall from reaching a pallet but you have like 1s to make a shots before you lose LOS and they'll be able to get to a pallet. Optimal time to shoots there is in that 1s to predict that survivors won't dodge and make a quick scope to the perfect spot. You don't have time to wait and see if survivor is going to dodge since if you wait even 0,5s and he doesn't dodge you won't be able to shoot him and he'll reach the pallet. That's where the prediction happen and survivor needs to know if DS has long enough window to watch & shoot or if he'll just shoot to catch you off guard.

    You can have an opinon as many others do, that's fine by me. My view is that you aren't supposed to make large number of guesses per second, just one at the perfect time. If you get in the open, sucks but that's a place you don't want to be in vs good slinger just like good huntress or nurse. Once they all hold their power you still need to predict them all if you want to survive. It's just that for DS it's faster and he can force such scenarios more of then which is his main strength.

    I don't really expect people to view him differently since most survivors want to play reactive gameplay but I like killers like him and enjoy predictive gameplay.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831
    edited July 2020

    Laughs back in quickscope. Laughs even harder back in faking the quickscope and using M1.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    It's impossible for death slinger to get downs over safe pallets was my point and it very much is..that has a larger effect than youd think..hitting a few nice shots in cheeky areas is not enough to convince me..for the same reasons I dont believe nurse is the best killer anymore..think what youd like of me..but unless results are consistent i dont see it as proof..because as i iterated..the game is in shambles..

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831

    The complaints with Deathslinger have nothing to do with his strength. It's entirely about counterplay in the 1v1. I can't speak for everyone but I definitely don't want him nerfed. I just want his power to get reworked or rebalanced so he's more fun to play against. I'd be fine with a bit of a buff if they deal with the quickscoping/zoning.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Yes and instablind didn't require aiming, predicting, correct reeling, proper times to shoot and had no punishments, cooldowns, slowdons or anything. Deathslinger has many limitations that instablind never had and needs skill to use unlike instablinds which were piss easy and anyone who played single match of survivor could do them. If you find someone who can play deathslinger on god level like for example zubatlel on their first game let me know. It's overall just strawman argument to evade the reality that both DS and instablind had only 1 thing in common and that is that the're both fast. But beiing fast doesn't mean they're the same.

    Windup wouldn't change counterplay as I've explained before. Are you trying to tell me that it's possible to dodge fully charged hatchet in the open vs good huntress but it's not possible to dodge a spear in the open fired by good slinger ? Because you keep saying that higher ADS time would somehow be good for increasing the counterplay yet you fail to explain properly how.

    ADS spamming I've adressed many times as someting I want to be changed as well so stop bringing it up please.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Do you know that DS can get easy hit throuh shack pallet in almost all scenarion except when it's from the inside which you can evade by forcing the chase to the outside before it's dropped ? Very few killers can beat dropped shack pallet but DS is one of them. Not even talking about the large amount of plays you can consisntely do to get hits/downs before it drops.

    His pallet countering abilities are actually very consistent when played correctly by the slinger. Skill is the defining factor.

    Also your opinions are your alone, I won't think less of you if you think that nurse isn't best killer. You do you, I'm just trying to show you my view and maybe teach you something that could help you see hidden strenghts of killers like DS.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    It did require aiming what? You had to aim it at the chest I believe but still none the less aiming. The point of the comparison was to compare insta shooting/blinding without input from survivors or killers not there drawbacks but I get why you brought it up.

    The windup would atleast give you time to make it to windows/vaults and who said we have to be in the open all the time now you have a window for more counterplay sure you might not be able to dodge in the open vs a good one but now you can get into los breakers instead of instantly being shot when you try to get to it.

    Another thing is I'm failing to see all the counterplau you speak of if you could provide me video evidence of you consistently outplaying a DS and explaining how you did it that would be nice but we both know you arent doing that.

    Again the insta blind comparison was to compare the lack of input from the killer or survivor when they are hit by them.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Watch out or you just might get what you're asking for.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Mr. YeeHaw is perfect the way he is. So ya’ll heathens better change the subject. 😘

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115
  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    If by aiming you mean click a flashlight that's premanently active without any projectile without any drawbacks or skill to use then yes, it required aiming.

    The windup I've said many times would lessen your chanes for shots, what skill did survivor use to reach a window before DS could windup his ADS to shoots, none. That't not counterplay, that's game mechanics holding killer back.

    Can you stop with the "show me video proof of X spam", even if I did you would DISMISS IT as luck. I can make strawmans like that too, can you show me video of wraith outplaying survivor inside the killer shack wtih dropped pallet and landing a hit on him without breaking the pallet ? No, well that's unfair and killer shack should be reworked to be mindgameable after dropping pallet, no couterplay, it's ufair, no interaction. Don't be silly.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831

    I'd be happy with a bit of a buff to him, especially if it raises the skill cap. My issue with him definitely isn't the strength overall. I just hate chasing through deep wounds VFX and I hate how limited counterplay is if he shows up when you're not on a favorable tile.

    I think these changes would make him better overall, but not insanely much so. It would punish misses and allow for survivors to better dodge his shots, so there'd be more counterplay and he'd have to be more selective and precise with his shots. He'd also be easier to use stealth against and survivors would have more warning that he's coming. On the other hand, though, he'd be better in conventional loops with his increased movement speed and would be able to pull off some despicable shots with the increased range.

    From there they can just tweak him based on how strong he turns out to be.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676
    edited July 2020

    Just like huntress, I haven't heard at least that hey put a cap on how many shots she can reload. You see how silly you sound.

    EDIT - Just remember about this. You were saying XD

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Isn’t this Scott Jund guy the same one from YouTube who made a video about how frustrating Deathslinger is to play AS? But now he’s trying to get him nerfed. Makes sense.

  • Switcheroo
    Switcheroo Member Posts: 48

    Take the first hit and then early drop every Pallet. If you get shot he likely can't reach around most Pallets. He's very weak to that playstyle

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Much like demo slinger has his high points at specific tiles, but that isnt enough to make it in today's dbd..I reviewed your channel..for a fellow creator I wish you luck and I'll admit those were good shots in that video..however..the game was essentially a 3v1 as kate fed you..and that was just 1 thing..they still managed 3 gens even with all of it..I'm willing to change my mind but maybe its be cause controller is a huge boost to survivors ability to move but..I'm not trying to fight about critiques

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You probably don't realise but you suggestion would for one made him 10x times easier to play and possibly OP. Definetly boring to play too.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I posted this in the feedback & suggestions forum, but I'll say it here - just switch the reload mechanic to before shooting... unfortunately making him just like huntress. Hold right click to wind up your gun and aim down sights, once it's ready you can left click to fire or release right click to unscope if you need to swing instead. After firing you don't need to reload, you'll just wind up for the next shot.

    This might give survivors TOO much time to react, so the "wind up" animation could be shorter, or he moves at 115% to compensate.. i don't know. I think it's worth testing out, and I wonder if that's how he was originally designed (looking at the addons that benefit you for looking down the sights)

    BTW @Kebek (I love your videos) and you don't run M&A - this is a side thread but what is your opinion on that? Since playing I've felt like it's necessary but now I'm wondering if it's been a crutch this whole time, and I need another slowdown or snowball perk.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ty, I wish you luck as well.

    I'm not sure which game you watched by single match can not be good represenation of what all he can do. I don't post just the top best shots ever games but games that I had fun, show someting interesting to learn at least once or a few other reasons. Also my build is based around defending favorable areas so losing fisrt few gens doesn't matter too much as long as I've made progress in pallets, hook states etc.

    I play on PC and don't know how good survivors with controller are so I can't judge that.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    I've been reading through suggestions there is one suggestion that I can sort of MAYBE get behind, but otherwise every other option would make the killer unplayable.

    -TR "fix" ... I have only ONCE in my entire DBD experience been surprised by a DS, and the only reason that happened is because I had my game on windowed mode, and I saw the killer from a distance, thought it was a different killer and was caught off guard when it turned out to be DS. His TR music may be weird but the Heartbeat itself is extremely consistent. He may catch you by surprise the first time in the match, but once you know it's a DS, it's your responsibility to be extra vigilant and bolt it as soon as you hear the heartbeat or see his tall arse coming...

    DS does not have a "hum" like Huntress because he is much less lethal at a distance than Huntress, and he can shoot much less frequently and and with a higher punishment than Huntress. Without M&A, if a survivor starts running in a straight line as soon as they hear his TR, it takes DS 15 seconds to catch up TO MAXIMUM HARPOON RANGE. Yes, it takes him 15 seconds to catch up from 24 meters to 18 meters, which is an incredibly difficult and stupidly unreliable shot. He has to get closer for a better shot. Then he has to shoot it takes about 0.5s before he can start reeling in after a survivor is speared. It takes 6.8s to reel a survivor from full range, then it takes 3s to wipe his weapon and then 2.75s to reload before he then has to catch up again at 0.4 m/s. Giving survivors a warning like huntress has, will literally make him unable to compete against gens, period, and it will allow survivors to counter a killer for a stupid amount of time by doing exactly what they do on gens, holding one button, except it's W instead of M1.

    -ADS "fix" people suggest making his ADS take longer. OP already explained how that doesn't fix anything with regards to the issue some survivors have. His attack is unreactable, even if you know DS is ADSing, you don't know when he's gonna shoot, which means you still need to predict when he is going to shoot. I guess this does one thing tho. Since survivors will move faster than him if he is forced to ADS for longer, it once again will make it so survivors gain an advantage against the killer by pressing one god forsaken button, the holy W, since he'll be slowly losing distance. Like OP said, this will limit his potential for tighter shots, but it will also make every single shot a risk that's barely worth it on a killer that's 110% which means they depend on their power for pressure. The reason for this is because, as soon as a survivor knows you're ADSing, they can start moving erratically or unpredictably. A Huntress can chuck a good 3 hatchets or more at a survivor trying to juke, without much loss distance. If DS does not land the shot (much easier to miss than Huntress by the way because it's a needle instead of a minivan), it's a 1.5s missed shot CD, then a 2.75s reload, then back to catching up to shooting range against a survivor. Again, another change that doesn't fix anything, makes holding W stupid strong against the killer and just makes the killer borderline unplayable and definitely unable to compete with gens.

    Last one and the one I can sort of agree with, maybe.

    -Add a post ADS cooldown. I can only see this not breaking the killer and making him useless if the CD is merely before he can M1 and doesn't slow him down. If you ad a post ADS cooldown of like 0.5 to 1s when he does not shoot his gun, it would greatly limit his potential at loops, which will already hurt him, but in open space (Which survivors should not be caught at EVER against DS, but god forbid they pay attention to their positioning, so lets make a concession) it will allow him to maintain speed while still allowing survivors to try and juke a hit after ADS. So it seems decent to try and stop ADS spam.

    However, if you make him slow down during this CD, it will break the killer. It will be another thing to discourage a 110% from using their power, because everyone who has played DS knows there are times where you ADS to check if the shot is possible, if you determine it's not, you stop and continue chase. It will also make him unplayable at loops, so congratulations on making this looney toons skit of a game mechanic even stronger against a killer whose only advantage is being strong at cutting it short *sometimes*.

    I definitely sound more irritated than past posts and responses on the matter, but i see way to many replies from people who don't seem to understand the fundamentals of playing this killer just throwing around ideas that would be beneficial for survivors without taking into account how they will break the killer for the killer player, or ideas that will just MASSIVELY increase the difficulty level for the killer while at the same time MASSIVELY decreasing the difficulty level for survivors, which tbh I think this game already does too much for no good reason.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831

    What about this would make him so much easier to play? If the max range is really that beneficial, then every DS main on here talking about how hard shots are to land at a distance is clearly full of it.

    The movement speed will help, but I think it'll be somewhat offset by the fact that survivors will be able to be a bit stealthier against him and they'll be better able to start chases in more favorable positions. It'd also be somewhat offset by preventing his M2 spam and making him actually take some time to ADS, because he moves slower when aiming and won't be able to gain distance as reliably by baiting a dodge.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Infinite shots on him, with a 3 second reload, which is more than enough time to make a loop. Not like he has a Tommy gun. 15 seconds to reload 5 shots, compared to what 3 seconds for huntress? On top of that, a good huntress won't have to reload mid chase.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ahh thank you, it means a lot.

    Tbh I don't like changes that are so drastic that he would need 115% MM speed to compensate. I find that 110% killer that are hard to play but have very strong power are already minority so reworking good 110% killer into any level of good/bad 115% is something I'm against.

    I find M&A good DS perk but it plays into his strenghts which is good chase killer. He lacks in pressure/mobility so running perks that help pressure gens and give me info about them without wasting time imao are best choice for him from my personall playstyle view. You can run M&A and do just fine but when I was running build with M&A and SBFL I've encountered several good SWF teams who just rushed gens and even when my chases were very short they could share info when I slugged and disperse so no stealth hits for me. This game that massive advantahe and I just couldn't pressure gens enoug so I decided to look into builds that help with gen defence as for me that was the biggest weakness.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Well from what a friend of mine on PC says theres two things consoles have over pc..skill checks are apparently smoother which is shocking, but also that controllers give survivors way easier movement than a keyboard , allowing extremely sharp jukes

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I think it is a drastic change, and maybe the most simple change is to make ADS take .6s or 1s to pull the gun up, but make the reload faster or something to compensate.

    I agree about the gens, I'm still learning all the perks, and I finally tried out SBFL which was a lot of fun. But like you said, gens got rushed. I've unlocked corrupt intervention and will try running that. The only snowball I've seen playing him was with SBFL or going back and forth between two survivors who keep getting unhooked. Then again, most games are down to the wire which makes things even more fun!

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Your suggestion involved mainly 115% which by itself for power as leathal as DS's is very strong buff. It would completely negate those 1-2s that would be given for him as ADS and he'd still come on top in all other scenarions which wouldn't even require using redeemer.

    Longer and stronger chain for longshots also means it's easier to outplay longer loops which he already can do really well. Bigger TR wouldn't be as impactfull as you think since high ranked survivors won't leave gens until they really need to so you could still get abotu the same distance on them unless they decided to run always whe they hear start of your TR which no one does since it makes gen times ineffective.

    Your suggestion is just too much, it makes him easier and faster while giving him many benefits and nerfing usefull but not needed mechanics. My dude you would buff him with that and make him unfair and boring to vs. And that's coming from DS main who considers him fine now.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Then I'll only say one thing. I can't wait for crossplay to vs some good console players.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    It's tough to judge how would such ADS windup feel in match. I just can't say without playing a few matches with such change.

    I wish you the best of luck in your matches, hope you're having as much fun with DS as I do.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    I would love for him to have a sort of sniper mechanic, slower ADS but much better aim - which gets more and more accurate (like Huntresses hatchets) and a faster reload by default (rework his reload add ons). Not sure how viable this would be.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Same, mainly for cues but itll be interesting to see how they mesh

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,831
    edited July 2020

    It would most certainly not negate the slowdown for ADS time. Right now Deathslinger moves at 82% speed in ADS but he can ADS in .15 seconds. Let's say you increase the ADS time by 2 seconds, which is still less time than it takes for Huntress to fully charge a hatchet. 82% speed for two seconds means a survivor running directly away from you would gain 1.75m of distance versus a 4.0.2 Deathslinger. It would take a 115% killer about 9 seconds to make up 1.75m of distance on a 110% killer. A Deathslinger now basically has no slowdown for shooting and gives the survivor basically no chance to dodge. With this change they'd give survivors a chance to dodge and would also lose distance as they're waiting to shoot. If a survivor manages to break LOS or bait a miss that 115% doesn't mean much; he's already lost 9+ seconds of distance versus 4.0.2 Deathslinger. Even if they can't break LOS, though, the survivor still has the ability to dodge a bit without Deathslinger having enough speed to close the gap.

    Then there are the other strong bits, like the fact that he can't just quickscope you if he sees you running to a strong window because he'd have to slow down and wait a bit before he can fire. Windows would actually be useful again.

    A bigger and fixed terror radius would be a big difference too imo. His current TR makes it hard to determine how close he is, and it's been buggy in my experience. You'll see slingers with no Undetectable perks and no M&A that still give extremely late Michael-esque audio cues. Fixing that to make distance easier to gauge, first of all, and secondly just making it 32m would be outstanding. One of the most annoying things about him now is when you're forced to repair a gen without much cover. Imagine those new Autohaven gens that just spawn in dead zones or gens in the middle of The Game, for example. He can just walk around a corner with M&A and be within chain range before you even hear the TR. Getting a bit of heads up means you have a better chance of getting to cover.

    You seem to be a confident Deathslinger, but I'm also a confident survivor :) I think this would give survivors a lot more tools to use against him and if you feel the reverse, that says to me he'd be in a better spot with these changes. Survivors should feel that they have the chance to outplay killers, and killers should feel extremely powerful to play. Both sides should feel like they have a chance to use their skill to win.

    Edit: fixed my percentages.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    He would be crap. 110% move speed, can't down people from range, and no quick scope. He would make clown look good. The only way to make this work is to lose the chain mechanic and have it be a hit scan, instant damage with a longer reload.