I need your suggestions: Legion, Clown, Oni or Deathslinger?

MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I have enough shards to buy a non-licensed killer, the 4 that I don't own are Legion, Clown, Oni and Deathslinger.

I have to say that i have most of Legion's and Clown's perks (I'm only missing Coulrophobia and Mad grit), but I dont remember if I have any from the Oni and DS.

I'm a little scared about Deathslinger since I'm on controller and my aim is poop and I feel like I won't hit my shots lol that being said I still love playing huntress, even tho I miss a lot of hatchets lol

So.. which one would you guys suggest I get? Which one would u consider the better option between those?


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I suggest clown , he got a buff not too long ago and hes really not as bad as some people make him out to be , I run corrupt intervention, pop goes the weasel , save the best for last , and brutal strength on him and I do pretty well.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Well you can play Deathslinger with monitor and abuse and pretty much have a long range stealth killer..

    from a competitive side I think Deathslinger is the most viable. Legion can be used for easy BP and pips though.

    i suggest watching some videos and basing your choice on that..

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Oh you edited it lol Oni wasnt an option a minute ago, definitely Oni

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    Yeah my bad! as soon as I hit publish I noticed I missed Oni!!

    Oni seems pretty interesting, but again I'm worried about the mechanics with controller, but I won't know until I play him lol

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    They all have some pros and cons:

    Oni: Probably the most effective killer of these four (most people place him as a top-tier killer thanks to his ability). His Demon Dash is fantastic (borderline OP with the right add-ons) and his quiet terror radius can let him be cheeky with M&A. However, he has to build up and keep recharging his power. Probably the second hardest character to generally play on your short-list (after Deathslinger). I think he's a blast, but he seems to attract a lot of weird bugs, kind of like Wraith does.

    Clown: He's good at shutting down loops and dropping pallets early (though I personally still think Freddy is a better version of him). If you don't have Pop Goes the Weasel, that could be a decent justification to get Clown (it's arguably one of the best killer perks available right now). I see him as an easier, but somewhat less powerful, version of Huntress. Plus he can dress like a plush elephant or Santa, so there's that.

    Legion: Generally good at keeping survivors injured (though I think Legion struggles on big maps). Also one of the best Bloodpoint-generators in the game. They also give you Discordance, which is a great perk, along with Mad Grit (not great, but hilarious when it works), and Iron Maiden (useful for guys like Doc and pleasant on Huntress).

    Deathslinger: Pretty good at gathering hits at short loops (or loops with long, straight walls), but can also reel survivors up near windows to hit them (he's good at dealing with Shack). Super weak to coordinated survivor teams because of his low mobility and need to focus on one survivor at a time. I personally think Deathslinger is kind of hard to play well due to his need for precision and high penalties for missing, but it is pretty satisfying to spear a survivor with his gun. I lose with him a lot in red ranks, but at least I have fun losing with him.

    If I was to recommend any of these killers for playing at red or purple ranks, Oni would get my vote. If you're more looking for a killer who offers some technical fun, then Deathslinger. I think Legion and Clown are more valuable for the perks they provide and their ability to gain lots of BP, but they do have their fans as well. Use all this how you will.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Clown for his perks.

    Oni for a high level killer.

    Deathslinger if you want ppl to cry at you for being OP.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I main Oni on ps4, and I 4K every game. The only times I lose is when I go against a 4 man swf with unbreakable, and even then I get very close to winning. He's a lot of fun and I think you should play him. Don't be afraid with controller.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Probably Oni, he's fun and not as punishing as DS.

    If you can't land your shots on DS which are more precise then hunress and require more finesse you would probably just frustrate yourself. But if you want, it's generally considered that Deathskinger is one of the most fun killers to play, if you don't mind sucking for a while or for ages until you, excuse my expression "gid gut" then try deathslinger.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    This is SUPER helpful! thanks a lot!

    Yes, i do have pop :) the only clown perk i'm missing is coulrophobia (which i dont really care for) but pop is for sure the perk i always use as killer, i love it.

    thanks again for all the feedback! will sure make a more informed decision <3

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 968

    Out of those choices. Be prepared being hated for practically no real reason.

    You get kills, you're apparently t a sweaty trash killer. You dont get kills, they'll bag on you for being a trash killer...

    It's not uncommon. Personally I like playing all those choices. And main Legion. But everytime i actually do good with any of them. I'm bagged on with hate.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    Thanks! I remember how people struggled especially on console when it first came out, but i think they fixed some things. It's super helpful hearing this from a fellow console player, thanks! :)

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yeah, once you get good at him, the only weakness he has is unbreakable, and bad maps like hawkins, blood lodge, ormond and lérys. If you lose on those map or are against a 4 man swf with unbreakable, don't beat yourself up. Another thing about Oni is, don't beat yourself up if gens get done. All you need is that one hit and the game goes up for you. Even if 3 gens get done before you get your power, you can still snowball into a 4k with infectious and monitor. Enjoy Oni, I love playing him so much and you're welcome :D

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Avoid deathslinger on console.

    BAM BAM (Oni) is strong on console if learnt properly.

    Legion is meh (discordance is good), so is clown but he has one of the best gen perks (PGTW).

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    This made me laugh, yeah! I already know I'll get msgs after the game (since console doesnt have chat after the game we get DMs) regardless of the killer I play. That reminded me when I started playing killer i was probably rank 17 going against red ranks, when they all survived the rank 2 messaged me saying I was trash... like.. really? didn't he see my rank? lol

    Right now I'm maining spirit and I'm loving her, but I really want to try a new one :) these comments have been super helpful!

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 968

    I'm on Xbox btw.

    And for that fleeting moment when there wasn't a message it's like I turned Owen Wilson. "Wow..."

    I just got Spirit last week. I personally dont see the issues everyone claims with her. But then again I never seen the issues claimed with Legion (although I rarely use Feral Frenzy anyways) but like I said. Whenever I use Legion. I brace for impact like Night's Watch on The Wall sighing underneath "Winter. Is Coming"

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 968

    Deathslinger not that bad on console, personally. For me it's just paying attention to survivor's animation when they're running away and which side of their head's turn as themselves are they looking back at Deathslinger, aim for that side instead of a totally center mass. Pretty much hits

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Oni is easily the most powerful killer, but Clown has the better perk selection. If you have Pop already though then he's useless.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    On those 4 options, looking at strengh only, Oni is the best option.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I see a lot of Onis, he was actually my last choice but i might actually get him after all these comments!!

    Thank u, all of your comments have been super helpful <3

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Oni. He’s fun and strong.

    Then Clown, hes an acquired taste but I find him fun.

    Deathslinger I didnt enjoy too much, and as you say a controller isnt as ideal as a mouse

    Legion blows. Dont bother with this one

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Oni big club make big smash

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    If you want to know which is the best against experienced survivors, I order you from best to worst

    1. Oni (the best)
    2. Legion
    3. Clown
    4. Deathslinger (the worst)
  • JesterClown
    JesterClown Member Posts: 225

    Pick deathslinger to piss off the ######### survs

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i love Legion susie for the most part they fun.

  • mydogmax19
    mydogmax19 Member Posts: 266
    edited July 2020

    The Legion!

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Get Oni, he is easier to use with a controller than M&K

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    ^^ as a Killer main that owns and plays every one of them (except Cannibal or Clown) this lovely fellow couldn't have worded it better. However - I am extremely biased towards The Oni. The ability to easily track injured survivors via the blood orbs is god-tier. Not to mention that loops boost your ability since looping actions drop double blood orbs. Of the 4 options, I also feel that The Oni has the most flexibility with making fun and useful builds (which is another conversation that I'd love to have). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE The Legion's ability to keep everyone injured and agility to do so - but The Oni has greater payoff. Hands-down.

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I'm getting Oni :) it's funny how he was my last option cause }i'm so scared to use him with a controller and now he's my top one after reading all the comments!

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Since you already have pop, I'd definitely say Oni.

  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52

    Definitely Oni

  • MissBehavingX
    MissBehavingX Member Posts: 493

    I got the oni guys!! :)

    Thanks for all the feedback and help!

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    just based on the killers powers, here is the order i'd purchase them in:

    1) Oni

    2) Deathslinger

    3) Legion

    4) Clown

    based on perks however, this would drastically change.

    just based on their teachable perks, here is my new order:

    1) Clown (Pop Goes The Weasel (S Tier) & Bamboozle (B Tier))

    2) Legion (Discordance (A Tier))

    3) Oni (Blood Echo (C Tier) & Nemesis (B Tier))

    4) Deathslinger ( - (they all suck))

    in general my advise would be to ensure you have certain must have perks (Pop and Discordance), if you have them already, you should go after the power ranking - however, Legion and Deathslinger are pretty much tied right now, due to you playing with a controller and Deathslinger being rather hard to use with that.