Killer Idea: The Grimm

StardustPlasma Member Posts: 4

Name: Beowolf

Gender: Not applicable (not human)

Nationality/Ethnicity: None 

Realm: Red Forest

Power: Creature of Grimm

Weapon: Claws of the Grimm

Movement Speed: 115% (4.6m/s)

Alt. Speed: 100% (4m/s) to 172.5% (6.9m/s) while performing Creature of Grimm

Terror Radius: 32 metres

Height: Tall

Lore: The Creatures of Grimm are monsters inhabiting various parts of Remnant. Created by the God of Darkness, the creatures of Grimm are described as "Creatures of destruction" that lack souls. They are drawn to feelings negativity such as envy, sadness, loneliness and most importantly, pain.


Perk 1: Grimm Presence

Your presence alone instils great fear. Survivors within your Terror Radius have a 10% greater chance of triggering Skill Checks when repairing, healing or sabotaging.

If Survivor completes a Good Skill Check while repairing a Generator in your Terror Radius, the Survivor will yell and reveal their current location to the Killer for 5 seconds. This effect will only occur once after completing 3/2/1 Skill Checks.

Perk 2: Afraid of the Future

Survivors just aren't in the right mind when they're running for their lives.

While in a chase with a survivor, after the survivor performs a rushed vault, they will scream and will have a cool-down of 2.5 seconds applied to performing any interactions, such as vaulting and dropping.

Afraid of the Future can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

Perk 3: Feelings of Fear

Those who are afraid can be seen anyway by creatures of your kind.

When Survivors Scream, you see the aura of the Survivors who screamed for 6 seconds after they scream.

Feelings of Fear can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.

Power: Creature of Grimm

Creatures of Grimm are attracted to the negative emotions of others. For 10 seconds after Survivors Scream, gain 5% haste while moving towards the Survivors who screamed. This effect will only activate once every 30 seconds.

SPECIAL ABILITY: Creature of Grimm

Press and hold the Power button to begin crawling on all fours for 8 seconds before lunging. Start at 100% Movement Speed (4m/s), increasing to 172.5% Movement Speed (6.9m/s) over the course of 3 seconds.

Release the Power button to immediately end Creature of Grimm and lunge early. Creature of Grimm lunge allows you to vault over windows in 0.9 seconds, but doing so makes the lunge unable to put survivors from the Injured state into the Dying State.


Press and hold the Active Ability button to use your Grimm Senses. After a 1.2 second channel, you unleash a powerful roar and see the aura of those who are in pain. Dying or Injured Survivors within 96 metres of range are revealed to you for 3 seconds.

Grimm Senses can only be activated when not on cool-down (60 seconds).


  • DemogorgonMain
    DemogorgonMain Member Posts: 11

    This is fantastic. I would love to see something like this actually come to the game.