Which original killer has the best design?

Redmore_Trout Member Posts: 6
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Which non-licensed killer do you think has the best design/look? I think the art design of this often goes a little under-appreciated.

For myself, I've always thought the wraith has a really strong design. There's something creepy about his disproportionate sickly skinny legs, and the clambering of his bell is a nice touch. (even if game-play wise it really isn't intimating at all.)


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816


  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    I love Adiris. She’s gorgeous & I really love that she’s from such an ancient era. The sickness may have destroyed her flesh, but she’s a whole ass queen & her story is wonderful <3

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I've been digging the Deathslinger lately, especially with the anniversary outfit. I'm not really sure what it is. He makes you feel confident.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Plague. I love her design. I find Oni too obvious and stereotypical, and I HATE both the Yamaoka's hair.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Plague's is well done imo.

  • F60_31
    F60_31 Member Posts: 124

    Spirit is amazing.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088


    It was the one that caught my attention the most when I faced him the first time ... I remember when I saw him running fast with the chainsaw and said: what kind of leatherface is that?

  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    My favorite is Spirit

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    Frankly the newer killers have an edge over the older killers in terms of appearance because design got perfected over time.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Huntress IMO

    The bunny mask is like a doll (or a valued possession)

    She's imposing

    Her lullaby is the only thing she remembers from her mother

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    I agree, It is one of the times when I like an original look more than other cosmetics. She looks cool and kind of disgusting at the same time😃

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Spirit. Has plenty of cool details and effects <3