Super wonderful Nurse. Hope she's here on forum

I just played a super duper match as Survivor against a nurse, on Mobile. So i cannot send private message, but i really Hope i can talk with this nurse and congrats with her. I had LOTS of fun and i hope i can learn something. I'm posting a screenshot so, if any of you meet this killer, you know this is a pro nurse
Tried to tag him/her, unluckily not on the forum ;(
If you're here, respond!
Biggggggg props! Never had so much fun in a game as a Survivor. Also pulled a cool trick at the end, slugging me then running away, letting other survivor come heal me, then down me again, run away again and this time blink on top of us to down both of us and end the game. Super GG
PS; i know the rule of no naming and no shaming, but i'm no shaming anyone. Only congratulations are in order
Yep, no shaming here so that rule definitely doesn't apply.
It's not often you see this much positivity in the game, especially not on the forums. Hopefully this Napkin sees this cause if I was a killer this'd make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)
Good on you mate.
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This discussion definitely proves that there are still friendly and non-toxic people in this game. That's the fun there must be. I hope you find out who that nurse played! :)
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Both luck and shame of mobile version is the lack of a post game chat. You save yourself lots of toxicity but still cannot have a decent talk. On other mobile games i start counting the insults every time i win and then start reporting for obscene talking. In a game of 10 people i once reported 9 π
It's a game. You need to have fun, if i wanted to get nervous i'd spend my free time doing extra work and not working. Cannot be toxic if you have this mentality
Only thing i could complain, in the game, is that the sacrifice is kinda boring. Always the same animation. I'd have more fun being sacrificed if they added several kills like in friday the 13th. But overall, i value dbd a Better game overall. I'm still hoping to see the xenomorph, Jason and some mind controlling or shapeshifting killer here on DBD. Would be cool to see a killer that can shapeshift and have a more dangerous but slow form and a very fast but very weak form (maybe someone who needs to hit 2 times in a row to get down an health status)
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Seriously there is no final chat on mobile? I hope it continues like this because if there is a chat, I assure you that there will be a lot of toxicity. I say this from experience, I am a PC player. Now that you can send requests to Dbd's profile within the game, it wouldn't hurt to remove it. I'm thinking of moving to the mobile game right now..
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Oh my goodness! A Survivor is actually praising a Killer on the forums? Blaspheme! Don't you know you're supposed to run their name through the mud and demand nerfs to their class!
On a more serious note, it's nice players can appreciate each other for once.
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(S)he might be on the DBDM Discord Server if you're intrested! π
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Damn, that's impressive!
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I play on Switch and so yeah I understand. We don't have a messaging system cause Nintendo said that they wanted to maintain a family friendly console and messages can open up bad doors if a person is an adult predator. Friend requests are done by friend codes. So I am saved from toxic messages, but I can't congratulate others either.
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this nice.
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You can friend request without friend codes. I've often sent friend requests to players I've played with on Switch.
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That is true. I meant no messages explaining who you are.
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I don't even know what discord actually is πππ you found him/her?
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That guy is a legend, nurse on mobile
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And i once praised survivor while playing as a killer! Incredible uh? I break both Survivor rulebook for killers and killer rulebook for survivors. Shameless
No chat, no chat at all! Neither a private message! You cannot send friend request directly. You have to remember the nickname, and go to friends, then check the suggested friends and find the name between last trial players!
But it has both his perks and his flaws. For instance, more visual cues (for people with bad hearing), is way back in the update and patch list... Stuff. Have to play to see. If i had a computer i would play pc version :) it also kinda lags on high end phones if you don't use low graphics
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Yeah i'm a nurse too... But NOT SO GOOD. Pulled lots of Good blinks, chain blinks, fake blinks, upward and downward blinks... I tried, i can do most of it, but not so good
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You might in the DBDM Discord server since that Nurse plays DBDM, I'll tag a staff member if you want the invite: @MandyTalk π
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Good to know! I need to learn discord now π