Learning New Killers Is Just Painful

LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

So I have, currently, three and two half killers I consider myself "actually belonging in red ranks" with. I would love to add another few killers to that arsenal, but because of how soft rank reset is now, it is no longer possible to do the old "wait for reset and then learn the new killer"...even if matchmaking was functioning properly, rank 5 doesn't give me anything whatsoever in regards to easier games while I pick up new killers. As much as I love my Wraith, Legion, Hag, fledgling PHead (who I learned when no one knew how to play against him so he's exempt,) and retired Nurse, I would enjoy being competent with some other killers.

Since reset I've not touched any of the ones I'm comfortable with, opting instead to try Pig, Demo, Deathslinger, and Oni. And it's been consistent "Brutal Killers" earned through fundamentals than having any real chance to actually learn their power. I'm a decent killer when it comes to fundamentals, I have to be to be good with Wraith. So I make up for my lack of understanding the other killers' powers by knowing how to run tiles, how to mindgame, etc. But forget using their powers with a shred (sometimes literally) of effectiveness. I'm stuck at rank 5 because I'm doing well enough through general killer knowledge to scrape that. But it's extremely frustrating trying to learn where the shot goes for slinger, how to aim Demo's shred without whiffing like a moron, how to do the extra Pig mindgames, and how the hell to turn like a half decent Oni when you get nothing but survivors who know what they're doing against those killers. My best Oni game was a 4 stack full blendette (changed at the last second) squad that was just absolutely painful with a 2/9 count on good power usages because I straight up am not gud with his power yet.

I don't really know what the solution is except to make the rank reset harsher again, but I know they won't do that. I guess this is a cry to the devs to please do what it's rumored you're doing with MMR making it killer specific (thus why the PTB wouldn't let you swap killers once you started queuing up)...because a single pool for the entire roster just absolutely is discouraging me at least from actually taking the time to learn killers outside the ones I already know how to play.

Edit: for clarity, I do have all of the adept killers, but on a lot of the ones I'm not good with it was pretending they don't have a power. Oni's game that I got the adept I used his power once and it was to guard the exit gates against the last person. I know how to play powerless killers well. But using them effectively while not boring myself to tears is another thing entirely.


  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    I'd honestly like if ranking was different and that each character rank would determine who you would be paired up with. Like a Level 1 killer would be paired with Low level survivors. That would fix the problem cause yeah, good luck learning a new killer when everyone is in high ranks. By the time that you would get the feel of things, they are already teabagging at the exit gate. I'd honestly love to see a mode where you play as a killer against 4 Ai bots. Friday The 13th did this. Will they be as good as Humans ? Probably not, but they would serve as practice with no pressure.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    See, I don't have any low character level killers. Gotten everyone to 50 pretty much (but not beyond as I do end up prestiging killers I'm good with) so that system wouldn't help me much unfortunately. But I do definitely think there needs to be some way to make it so that someone who is "good with X" can "try learning Y better" without going against people they'd have a chance to beat if they were playing X.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    TIL that rank matters. You gain it back if you deserve to be there, and pretty quickly, after you get it together. So like, tbh it's no big deal.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    That's...not at all what I was saying. I'm static at rank 5. I'm not losing ranks, I'm getting "ties" consistently. So it's not like I'm winding up deranking as I'm learning anyone new. Not because I'm good with anything they can do, but because my general gamesense is letting me scrape that much out of the games. And I do hold that rank isn't the be all end all of skill, but it does say how much someone plays. And someone who's played against even twenty Demodoggos is going to have the upper hand on me, playing him for the first time since I got his adept a year ago. That's what I've got a complaint about.

  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    Learning new killers with the current system is frustrating. Like when I was trying to practice hatchet throwing and I had a toxic Laurie taunting me. We currently have to bite the bullet as Megadeth once said and it shouldn't be like that. I love DBD and I also love Behavior. I've bought all Dlc and I've bought 2 tshirts to support them, but we definitely do need more game modes.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited July 2020

    The new matchmaking MMR system will be per killer. But no clue when they will release it. They said they already had a passive version of it active to test if it reads the skill level appropriately but not taking effect on the matchmaking itself. So some (or many or all) of us already have an MMR rating.

    But this is pretty much phase A so I guess it could still take months until we get that. And I intensely hope it will not be (too) broken on release and actually do what it should. I still have concerns because an MMR system rates you up/down depending on a win/lose condition. And there is not really a clearly defined win or lose in this game beneath "escaped/died" and x-kills.

    And that does not really reflect skill. You will always be able to camp someone to death and get another one or two with NOED. Even more kills if teams try to save and fail or simply not doing gens in the meantime. This would be rewarded by MMR and is the same flaw of the initial pip-by-kill system they had before the emblems, which was actually one of the reasons why they switched to the emblems. So in my eyes, MMR is probably a step back

    BHut back to your problem: MMR will at least give you easier survivors on killers you don't play more frequently

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    When you play as a new killer, don’t focus on winning, just have fun. There’s no stats that show your win/loss so why would it matter if you lose? As long as your learning and having fun with the new killer then it’s all good. Example I learnt LeatherFace when I was in red ranks, I lost a lot of games but now I’m better with him and he has been added to my arsenal of killers

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    exactly this. also you get to learn the killer with the best possible start because you can avoid crutches at the low ranks. when you have to learn the killer at your rank you are gonna see the strategies at your rank. yeah losing more than normal might suck at first but every journey starts with one step ya know!

  • Honestly, I think the problem is solved by not caring about losing your rank or losing face to bully survivors.

    What you mean I can play a Killer, and have a greater chance of deranking when learning to play and finally getting away from Rank 1 scum survivors?

    Sign me up!

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    This game really needs a practice/single player mode. It can be really hard getting to learn a killer you've never played with before when being expected to compete against other players.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I could behind a practice mode. I don’t think I can get behind a rank for each killer.

    The requests makes sense. The problem I see is having to maintain a ‘Rank One’ for 20+ killers.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I play KYFs when I'm learning a new killer but bots would be nice as practice.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    If you honestly want to learn you may have to throw a few games. Just experiment and see what does/doesn't work. It's usually what I do.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Group quoting here because I want to clarify: I don’t care about my rank...I cared until I got the rank 1 Achievement back in 2017. Now it’s just there. In fact, I would prefer to derank to have a chance to get used to things so a single missed flick with Oni into a wall doesn’t cost me a full minute of chase, etc. But intentional deranking is explicitly against the rules at this point so I’ve gotta at least kinda try. Part of my frustration with the situation is I squeak out Brutal Killer more than not, which freezes my rank. By the ranking system I did ok. But what really happened is I was “good” with killer fundamentals, and “bad” at using their power, which averaged to ok.

    Honestly, yeah. This might be the way to go. Going to need to be more than a few though to get to the point I’m not only facing red ranks though. But flat out refusing to M1 with Demo or Slinger would force me to get better over time. Like the idea for sure.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    it is true that learning DeathSlinger and Plague is challenging.. but learning Clown was easy, depends on the killer

  • @LordRegal I play Killer, with distressing, beast of prey, BBQ and Discordance (yes on all Killers)

    When I play it's usually with an xbox controller and while i'm spinning on my fitness bike.

    BHVR won't ban you for being bad at the game, Right @Peanits ?

    You should NOT worry about being bad with any Killer.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    It might be a bit sad, but it is extremely difficult to not get brutal killer as Oni, even if you destroy the team. You basically have to use your basic attack and blood fury equally to get ruthless killer which is no fun. Most games, you will slug as well, so that makes it even more difficult to pip.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    The mobile version is getting a Training Mode. Hopefully also PC and consoles get one.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Honestly, the best way to learn it to throw games chasing 1 or 2 good survivors. When normally you would opt to stop chasing them, don't. Keep at it. Use your power/s. See how they run tiles, what they avoid, what would potentially be a mistake against an m1 killer might be a good play against the specific killer you are using. If it's a streamer, watch their VoD (on mute, unfortunately) to see what it looked like. This game has no practice mode, unfortunately, and you will depip alot, but it's not like ranks accurately reflect skill anyway. At worst, you'll look like a low rank, but in this matchmaking you'll be verisng the usual purple/redranks even if you somehow fall back to 16.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I feel you. I got to rank 3 playing only Nurse. I find myself getting bored and wanting to try out other killers, but when I play other things I enjoy I get smashed. I don't mind the toxic survivors, hell sometimes I even enjoy them because they GIVE me opportunities to practice more often than not (they'll try to get chased and stick around past the gates being open). I'll take teabags for that. But I hate how rushed the game gets and I feel like I have no opportunity to even do anything. I had to stop playing hag and legion because, even though they interest me, the experience has been not the most fun. Hell, I even tried to learn Spirit and suck (can confirm that the "easy 4k" circlejerk is an absolute falsity). That said, I understand why each killer doesn't have their own rank, as going up against people rank 20-11 would not be fun for either party.

    I plan to just AFK wraith before ranked reset next month and get myself down to rank 5, so I can reset down much further.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Pretty hard to have fun when you're stressing about the gen rush, toxic survivors, etc.

    Fun isn't a thing killers get to have unless they really control the pace of the game.

  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52