When do you plan to make survivors skill based too??

I mean let's talk about what survivors really do in a game: M1 on gen, hold shift and spacebar here and there.
Let's talk now about what a killer have to go through: He has to learn how to use properly is power, he has to learn addon and study them to properly to make his power better and to synergize with perks, he has to practice with said power and when to properly use it. The best killers in the game are actually a 1k hour practice character and a character that totally relies on hears and mindgames: cat hears =yes, no cat hears = NO (I'm deaf and i can't play her AT ALL)
So, i'm really hoping that at some point they will be introducing something that actually make survivors difficult and unique, otherwise this game seriously will never make sense
They must change something in the mechanics of the generators that is varied. it's pretty boring just holding M1 for a long time
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Survivors cant ever be skill based because their skills also rely on their teammates. A ######### teammate can make even the best survivor player ruin their game. Because a smart killer goes for the weaker link and this way their team crumbles.
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If that's your point about making the survivors difficult, you should take another path to play this game. The survivor's path is already pretty hard. As a main killer (Legion), i can tell you that killers have something pretty unique called "Attacks".
This is not an studying game, its a survival game.
Using your same words: A survivor has items, killer has powers. Both can have synergized perks.
Im sorry but i don't share your idea, in fact, no offense, i feel like you got a very bad game and came here to post this after the match. Again, no offense intended, but i can read like 7-10 per day of those posts and i usually don't reply 'cause nothing of value can be took of the discussion itself.
If survivors did a good job, be better. Learn from your mistakes. Take your anger off the game, take some fresh air and come relaxed.
Play for fun, not for the sake of humilliating the survivor.
We're main killers. We must be better. This game has to leave the toxicity and this is the correct path to do it.
Best of lucks out there, the fog stills with us.
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Survivors have to learn how to properly loop around tiles, resource management (when to use pallets), when is a proper time to rescue teammates, when should they stick to gens or do others tasks, and other things depending on which killer they face.
Saying survivor requires no skill is disingenuous to say the least, obviously it's not going to be as hard as learning how to properly play nurse or trapper, but it has its skill gap.
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You're currently jailed for some reason but I just wanna say thank you for existing and making this comment. I really have no idea where this whole "survivor takes no skill" thing came from. Like yes if you're a sweaty SWF squad you can end a game in 5 minutes and you don't have to do almost anything but you can do the same thing as killer by playing Spirit with a mori, NOED and Stridor and bringing the mother-daughter ring and Wakazashi. This requires almost as little effort to win as the 4-man SWF squad does. Basic killer and survivor gameplay both have a decently high skill ceiling and they should both be acknowledged.
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Yeah it's like saying the whole killer gameplay is pressing M1 and Space from time to time.
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Items are tears on an ocean, powers are saving graces. Your comparison makes NO sense :) Survivors can rush gens, do chases, save people, heal people and see where people is hooked/slugged. Ask a killer NOT to use is power ;) Check the results :D
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Something that you can learn in half a day of videos on you tube? Rest is practice but i bet that even the worst player in this world manage to understand and master this stuff in max one week of time
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Looking at the meg that blow up a gen that was 80% twice and put it at 50%. And then literally a couple minutes later came over to the gen I was working on and blow that one up. Some people can't even press m1 and space correctly. I don't want to make it harder for them lmao
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"Spirit with a mori" not like she is a 110% speed killer and she totally relies on her power like huntress right? :)
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Oh no she relies on holding M2 and a good pair of headphones! It doesn't really matter if a killer has to rely on their power, if their power is as strong and as simple as Spirit's is. I'm just comparing both sides, and saying that, while survivor can be easy, killer can be just as easy if not more so if you want it to be.
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The hardest thing a survivor can say on their defense is flashlight saves that right now are even way more difficult because of latency stuff with servers, but this is a choice you make, not a base mechanic that a game requires you to do.
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You can tell which people in here have never played survivor beyond rank 20.
Those survivors you come to the forums to complain about? The ones that run you for 5 gens? Yeah it took a lot of hours to be able to do that.
If survivors took no skill a lot of people wouldn’t be complaining about the current state of survivor and red ranks where many tend to last about 20 seconds in a chase.
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A survivor will NEVER face this. 27k depip and i had 9+ hooks and barely slugged
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You need skill to be a really good survivor. There's a reason why survivors at red ranks are most trash at the game.
Survivor you need to learn tiles, how to link them, how to pressure gens, how to use your time effectively and how to counter every killers ability. I'm not even including the more complicated stuff like how to time flashlights.
Killer isn't simply learning every little detail about the add-ons/perks. Most of the time the character was played in the ptb and most people saw streamers play it. Before the killer is released they already know the best add-ons and how to play them.
Both sides need to be played a lot to become the best. Survivor isn't simply holding M1 and doing gens. The same way kiler isn't using your power, hooking survivors and slugging survivors.
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Looping requires skill, otherwise everyone could extent loops to 3+ minutes and the games would be over even faster.
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This too. The only exception is Ormond, where anyone could probably run a killer for over 5 minutes because of how broken that map is. The entire map is a loop and BHVR still haven't addressed it. Imo Ormond needs a full-on rework, the middle building is so massive and it's the main reason why the loops feel so condensed and it's because they have nowhere else to go on the map.
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"how to link them" The game with his rng will link them for you dw :)
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Third person loop vs first person where you have to look around to hide your red glow, clearly the same :) Also, as i said, you require half a day to understand how to loop and max 1 week to practice it on every map and thats it.
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Nice that you are so good I played 200 hours survivor and i can still not loop good enough and the majority of survivors can't do it as well, because i get constantly 3-4ks in the most games in red ranks. Facts lead to another conclusion.
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I can agree on the looping part killer need to learn how to counter that too. But survivor dont need to know when to do a save they have BT and DS that make them skip that learning phase
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If its that easy then please show me videos of you looping good killers for 5 gens consistently.
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Fair point, although, if they just go and unhook their teammates and they dont have BT or DS then they are screwing over their teammates.
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Only smart survivors know how to do it though. Most stay at their current tile and wait till the pallet is gone before leaving it.
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You think survivor is that easy? LMAOOOO
I get the feeling you haven't played survivor at red rank against a good top rank killer.
Besides the fact that you have be a good survivor yourself, you have to hope and pray that your teammates are also good survivors. Even with a 3 man SWF with players who are very competent and more than decent, a single random on the team can completely screw the team over into an easy 4k for the killer. Red rank is rife with people that have you saying "they really let anyone into red rank these days, huh?"
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So you're pissed at the emblem system and complain about survivors instead? Okay.
I don't play Ghostface but I guess his emblems get punished because of his instadown, which is obv a problem, it sucks that the emblem system penalises some Killers, but changes to survivor gameplay won't fix that.
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Basically sounds like running around in circles. The thinking process and decision making behind survivors isn't that difficult. And I'm a survivor main now. It isn't hard at all in my opinion.
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All games need an easy mode. Not everyone likes to challenge themself.
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This game is so grindy that most people don't get those perks for a while. By the time they have both perks unlocked/teachable, they already know how to do something as simple as a safe unhook. Most new players go for Claudette levels of self-preservation perks first.
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I never said that you never die as survivor, but the things you have to learn are 0% skill and 100% theory + some practice
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Actually Survivor can be extremely skilled. Its just extremely easy doing well as survivor without being good at the game.
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You don't need to loop for 5 gens, you only need to loop as much as needed to get time for the others to rush gens :)
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Being smart and being good are not the same thing. you can be smart and be 0 skill player and you can be skilled without being smart
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True but with DS and BT you need to forget about safe unhook because you dont care you are sure the guy you unhook is safe the only thing survivor need skill for is the looping part of the game otherwise survivor is brain dead in my opinion
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Ah another killer is so skillful let's all pat ourselves on the back thread. How refreshing.
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You may be smart and know what you need to do but it takes skill to pull it off.
A killer may know how Billy should be played, but it takes skill to do it.
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Survivor is skill based. It's just that the skill floor is too low when it comes to ranking up and skill ceiling is lower relative to killers like nurse but higher than a lot of killers. Plus there's 4 of us that takes off the pressure of each survivor.
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The real problem is the same thing it's always been since release, it's not that the survivor takes no skill but gen times are so busted that one small mistake can cost the killer the whole game if the survivors are actually doing gens like they should be, there has always needed to be an extra objective but it's more than likely not gonna happen at this point 4 years in
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Honestly, if the killer has shown that they're going to endlessly circle the hook, heavy proximity camp, and run back to the hook immediately after getting the unhook notification, I prefer to wait until I hear at least a tiny faint terror radius. Especially if the hook is in a bad spot where the injured survivor has no resources to prevent getting smacked, slugged, or hooked again- the endurance effect is very valuable and gives the survivor a chance to get to a better spot to not go down immediately.
I'm not even hating on tunneling here- it's a strategy, but it's also completely fair for survivors to have counters to that strategy that isn't just letting their teammate die with 4k bloodpoints.
If the killer has shown that he has more things to do than keep going back to the hook, then cool- I'll go for the safest of unhooks and we will run off into the sunset to go heal or something before jumping back into the game.
And regardless if you think the only skillful part of survivor is looping, running away is a huge part of the game, anyway. Most players will come into contact with the killer over the course of the game and if they're not skilled at running/looping, they're going down, and that's that for them there
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B-b-but pressing Shift+W is so difficult!
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And this is, by far, the most true comment in the entire section. Even if the OP doesn't want to change his mind, there's nothing more true than this. Best killers have a lot of hours, best survivors have a lot of hours too. Practice makes the difference: Knowing where to run when the killer follows you, try to endure the chase and know when the mindgames will occur, having your way across the generators and not repairing them together in fact to make the killer have the last 3 gens in a line.
Im a main killer, i love my role, i also play survivor with my friends and we're trash looping and doing gens, but we have fun (500h, rank 3 surv, rank 5 killer actually).
Instead of searching from who is the fault of a bad game, the OP should try to know what went wrong and how to get better at it. @CashelP14 did a nice argue there, i did a nice one too but instead of taking it as a way to get better you took as a offense so...
Best of lucks, OP. But coming here and leaving your frustration in the forums won't make your killer better or survivors worse.
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Dont know if this is true.
As survivor you also have to learn a lot. There are 20 different killers in the game, and every killer is unique to play against. When you are a killer you are always versing the same role - the Survivors.
Maps are in general way harder to master for survivors then for killers. Understanding the layout is crucial, same with tiles and looping in general. Understanding how to run each jungle gym against each killer at every situation takes A LOT of time and practice to fully understand.
Also understanding perks is more complicated. There might be almost the same number of perks for both sides, but they always work the same on survivors, but often different on each killer. There are simply more peculiarities a Survivor has to think off.
Also think about descision making. This is particularly hard(er) when you play solo. As a killer you are on your own, no teamplay involved. When you play Survivor with 3 randoms, its not that easy to always make the best move. And a bad move can cost the game, just like it can cost the killer the game. But in the case for Survivor when playing solo, there are factors that you have to considere which are not always easy or even understandable to predict.
I am not saying that playing killer is easy mode or the gameplay overall less to understand (especially when you flex almost all killers like i do) but saying Survivor is just M1 shows that you are a Killer main who is not playing / understanding the other side very much.
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Same can be said for killers. B-b-but following survivors and pressing m1 is difficult! /s
Your oversimplifying how easy it is to play survivor. Unless your in a 4man swf its much harder then just holding m1
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That's not really a problem anymore, though, since gens go so fast now.
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If you think there is no skill required for survivor then you are delusional
the difference between good and bad survivors is just as apparent as it is with killers
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Exactly. Well said.
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yep and isn't this the same logic survivors use to try to get killers like Freddy/spirit nerfed?
If survivors are allowed to do well without being extremely good at the same so should the killer.
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Surviving a bad team even saving a few I daresay requires skill though for sure.
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How is survivor easy mode? Unless your in a 4 man SWF, learning how to properly play survivor is pretty difficult. You have to learn how to loop, when you should save and when you should do gens, etc. Neither side is "easy mode."
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Let me share my thoughts on skill/knowledge (for both sides) real quick... Also I might get things wrong forgive me I only get sacrificed first in my survivor games (LOL)
also these are in no particular order
1) learning maps... this includes loops, pallets and windows
2) Timing... when to attack vs. when to drop pallets, unhook and heal
1) Learning which killer is being played... some are easier to find out
2) Learning how to loop/ create distance against all killers... all killers are different
3) Hitting skillchecks... not much on skill but something that is also learned (also ties into point 4)
4) Learning what perks the killer and other survivors are using during the match
5) Flashlights.... seeing that I can't use them but are used against me
6) Learning which gens should be done first or done soon after
There's probably more but I'm going to stop here
1) Finding survivors
2) The killers power
3) Learning survivors perks (all 16)
4) items and addons... both are important and are closely related
5) Learning how killer perks work... Finding what works for you on all killers
6) survivors habits.... their individual playstyles
That's all I'm going to do
I know that that there's more for both sides and I didn't want to get too specific cause I'd go insane and be typing for too long