Lobby Room Codes

While we appreciate all the work that Behaviour has done to allow for Cross-play between platforms on Dead By Daylight, I began thinking... While we can friend each other in-game when randomly matched, and add each other to our games via the service we're on (I.E. Steam, XBox Live, PSN), what about other services we have friends we want to play on but don't have friended in-game? Would we have to wait for us to be randomly matched together?

Here's what I propose: Add Lobby Room Codes that the owner of the lobby can hand out to other players so that other players can join directly without having them friended. While having people be friended add the benefit of not needing the code, this'll allow those who want to play together via Kill Your Friends or Survive With Friends to join without being already friends in-game or being on the same platform service.