No one escapes death...

momppu Member Posts: 14

Why no one escapes death even exists? Killers are basically rewarded for playing badly.


  • Bootlegmoth
    Bootlegmoth Member Posts: 290

    I'm sure if you look in one of the hundreds of other noed threads you'll find an answer

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I was wondering where the obligatory NOED post was. Found it.

  • Alify
    Alify Member Posts: 347

    They are not rewarded, but they are simply given a second chance, which hurts the survivors very much. Devs nerfed hex: ruin for the fact that the killer did not have to do anything and hex did a killer's job, but they didn’t nerf noed for the same reason, strange.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Look, I hate giving a non answer/get good thing, but literally just do bones. Is it kinda cheap? Sure. But it only activates at the end game and can be easily countered if survivors just do bones.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I’ve been running Detective’s Packed Lunch a lot recently and it’s honestly so good. You can quickly get rid of totems. I cleansed a Doctors Ruin and Devour within the first 2 mins of a match the other day. Poor dude.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Yeah! There are a ton of perks and items you could use to counter NOED or benefit from bone cleansing. (up and including the power No Mither :^)). Detective's Hunch, a map, Small Game, and Inner Strength come to mind.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Detectives Hunch + Inner Strength is my current build on Tapp. It’s a very underrated perk. It’s also great at preventing the dreaded 3-gen scenario.

  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,022

    The thought process behind this post is probably

    "hmm, NOED ######### sucks, I should go to the official forums where it totally hasn't been discussed literally hundreds of times with the exact same reasoning and answers"

    Take Detectives Hunch or Small Game and do bones if you hate it that much. It's a common answer and one that the devs endorse. End of discussion.

    BÆYKUS Member Posts: 31

    Same reason why Decisive and Unbreakable exists.

    You can counter it by cleansing totems and it is a wasted perk slot until the end of the game while you can go with something like "A Nurse's Calling" to keep the pressure on or "Monitor&Abuse" which gives you more FOV and a smaller Terror radius which you can use to surprise everyone.Just cleanse totems when you see one, there is only 5 on every map.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Its an example of a killer second chance perk. That's it. Easy enough to get rid off, if you spend a minute or two each game (or equip Detective's Hunch / Small Game) to hunt for some dull totems.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    Lol at complaining about the only second chance perk that killers have while survivors have DS, unbreakable, soul guard, BT, adrenawin

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    You mean survivors are punished for not doing bones.

    Moan and cry about not enough bp then also refuse to do bones, THEN CRY about noed.

    Do. Bones.

    This is coming from someone who plays more survivor than killer. Its not hard.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    How is he rewarded for bad play? The killers objective is to kill survivors, not to defend gens.

    Also you can deactivate it before it even activates.

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Honestly saying noed rewards for playing badly is basically saying I powered the gates therefore I should win

    That's a no a because it ain't a win til your out the damm trial ground and that means we have to go and nerf or remove bloodwarden because it activates when the gate is opened and a dudes hooked

    Noed has a counter called doing bones and trust me I'd rather this noed than old noed ya know

    :Non hex noed

    :Infinite durtition noed

    Yeah be thankful it ain't old noed

    Endgame should be a thing and powering the gate doesn't mean win at the end of the day doing bones can be good get some doing them I'm not saying waste all time doing alll 5 at once do a gen do 1 - 2 totems at a time

    2 for your 1st

    1 there after

    Perks like hunch small game can be great and honestly as a killer if I see a swf with hunch I'm more likely to lose because that's more likely be cordianted and I know I'm in for a good macth