Is this a survivor trend ?

Venzhas Member Posts: 684

Now 8/10 when im about to unhook a phase 1 survivor i see him trying the 4% chance just before unhooking, i even see once a genius Yui passing phase 2 like this by herself 1 second before unhooking. Not doing my Karen but I find this a little bit rude and unproductive lol


  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Yeah it's a trend youtubers came up with.

    When I play survivor I'll give you 2 choices. You either let me unhook you (I also bring borrowed) or you try to unhook yourself.

    You can't have both, you have to chose. I'll turn around and walk away or let you go into 2nd stage.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263
    edited July 2020

    Yeah, it is something i see happening moderately often during my games. It's not a new trend, it's been going on for a while. I don't remember when it started to become a trend though, definitely not this year. 🤔

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,940

    I do the same. If they want to be scummy I'll let them have their derank.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Do they fully try to unhook themselves or are they trying to signal you go get away? I've seen the latter done as well

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Curious because its quite recently for me to see it very often to notice it, i play since 2018, but yeah i guess its older

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    No its not the gym thing, clearly they try to escape, sometimes they got it and Tbag the persons that came from across the map to save them.. thats why i find this inapropriate and making everybody lose precious time and BP.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I do this also. The time survivors can actually be on a hook is a very valuable commodity. If a player wants to waste that I’ll gladly let them

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Yeah its so funny to get across the whole map for nothing, losing bp time to do like half of a gen because "oMg lMFao iM sO mUcH a BaDaSs LiKe tHis youtuber xD LoL"

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I just stand there and point at them until they're almost in second stage. Then I unhook them. Because I like points.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    Survivors have found it funny to 4% in another survivors face right before they can unhook them. I think it's an extremely di*% thing to do myself. When they try that crap when I come to unhook I just walk away and leave them there.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    It’s not new, but with that said I’m seeing it happen more often. In almost every survivor game and it wasn’t like that before. Has a streamer started doing it recently or something? As I know a lot of people like to copy stuff like that. It happened to me last week, I had Kindred and saw nobody else was going for the save so I left my gen and went across the map and then they yeeted right in front of me. 🤦🏻‍♂️😂

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    It's never really bothered me unless I needed the unhook for a challenge or perk (WGLF, Deliverance, etc). If you're on the hook and seconds from being rescued and still have enough hook-health to try once without entering struggle stage, then you don't really lose anything by making the attempt (aside from frustrating your would-be savior, I guess).

    Aside from just expecting players to not do this on principle, maybe they could just adjust hook rescue scores around it? Like, if a survivor actually self-rescues themselves while other survivors are within ~6m of the hook, all those nearby survivors would just be given credit for the unhook anyway?

    The only exploitable thing I'd be concerned about with this change would be 2-3 survivors prepping Deliverance off one survivors saving themselves, but even then it could just give this "consolation rescue" to whichever survivor was closest within that 6m range (plus, it's not like self unhooks really happen THAT often).

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    People are upset at this? Lol people take things too seriously.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I don’t get offended, personally. But it can be a little annoying when you travel from across the map to get the unhook and they yeet right in front of you. Because you’ve wasted time going over to them and you didn’t even get any BP for it. I only attempt to escape when I know nobody will get to me before struggle.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    I was doing it waaay back when I was a beginner and only for the achievement. Since I've got it, I don't unhook myself in the survivor's face and give them unhook points. I don't want to be a bastard 'cause I know how it feels and can relate. I try to unhook myself only when nobody runs to save me or everybody is down.

  • Throckmorton
    Throckmorton Member Posts: 27

    Hey hey so I do this BUT only if I have the room for it. If I can try one 4% and still be phase 1 and ya get me cool I tried and nothing came of it no big deal. But don't put yourself into 2nd for a 4% try that's stupid if someone's close

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    I was thinking to finish this achievement I'd just run Deliverance for a while. That way it doesn't detract too much from the match -- survivor's can stay on their gens if I can get it off safely quick enough.

  • madamretto
    madamretto Member Posts: 364

    Yeah, I used it too when I managed to bought the perk in the shrine.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    So I bet you're the one who does this. Yes that second is going to matter a lot!

  • PotatoSurv119
    PotatoSurv119 Member Posts: 8

    I personally try to get off with the 4% chance sometimes if I hate the killer and wanna leave FAST. It's like disconnecting without disconnecting. I'll also do it if the killer is face camping hard or if a teammate won't hurry up and get me when they know the killer is nowhere nearby me. I do feel bad for a teammate if they see me trying to suicide before they unhook me because I know it frustrates them but they should know I'm trying to suicide and to let me die. Idk if this is a survivor trend but it's what I do under these circumstances.

  • Skysair
    Skysair Member Posts: 88

    If someone is coming to the rescue and my bar is full, I'll at least attempt once or twice for the kobe. Why waste the chance? Been a couple times where it's been a clutch save. Sucks for the saver, but it's also happened to me when I'm the rescuer. It sucks, but you get over it cause it's only a 4% chance.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so you're worried about your blood points? then be selfish, stay away from me. I don't want your unhooks if that's your answer. I challenge myself to do things and see if they can be done, or not what ever my fancy feels like at the time. you'll enjoy the fact you didn't help someone and get the 1000 blood points that make up for the 200-500 blood points that you'd have gotten on that gen. oh wait no you'll go with the lower amount of blood points just because you are a selfish potato.

    Funny, 1) game allows it, why should you be the one to FORBID it, who are you to set this rule?, 2) you do you boo!!! I don't care, but if i see you lingering on a gen and then running for me instead of coming for me, i'm going to yeet myself off that hook, or die trying because you're being a selfish potato and wreck you and your friends' game because now it's a 3 v 1 and you're on the loosing side of that! and finally 3) I don't care who you are, your attitude is wrong but it's yours to own up to so i won't tell you that you can't have it.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    if you can get the unhook points for yourself with no penalty, then why not try? The incoming survivor will be there to unhook if not and will be there to heal regardless.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    who cares if they phase 2 themselves? or die on hook.. you've got 3 more survivors to finish the game. you and others are willing to leave people to the last second of needing saving, not always a good idea... we don't like that when we're solo!

  • Mendax
    Mendax Member Posts: 130

    I like the situation: I run to the survivor to rescue, he unhooks himself within the killer's terror radius. The killer downs this survivor.

    Poor stupid guy :D My BT could have saved him...

    (Sorry for my English)

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited July 2020

    if im in solo and you do that in front onf my face and you get it im not healing you, and if u dont get it id rather leave and letting you go second state, i only allow that bullsh* ** from my friends and still annoys me very hard what a waste of time that i could have been using to do gens, maybe 20 or 25/30 seconds wasted also the disespect because i dont even get points for the uhook and clearly you dont deserve to be healed after all you can do all by yourself, i hope you have self care (wich no one uses at red ranks, or most people because is pretty much an useless perk) or medkits, or find someone else.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    So what if I try that, I could get myself 1500 BP’s in the survival category (Which btw is the hardest category to get points in).

  • ResidentDoctorMain
    ResidentDoctorMain Member Posts: 51

    Resident Doctor Main here,

    Honestly playing as killer and patrolling the gens around the area where a hooked survivor is, I've also noticed this. I initially thought they were doing it because of so-called "campy" behavior, but there might be more to it. Sincerely,

    Resident Doctor Main

  • DontComeNeaMe
    DontComeNeaMe Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2020

    If I'm having a bad day I will stand there and watch them hit second phase before I unhook xD

    It doesn't bother me that I miss points, it's when I have to cross half the map and they try it

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Dude you get 1500 survival points with no downgrade. Yea you are about to unhook but 4% aren't a guaranteed self-unhook. It's a small chance and why not going for this chance when it doesn't matter?

    And you didn't wasted your time because she also could've get punished for trying to unhook herself. And if she wouldve went into the 2nd stage that would be very bad for the whole team.

    So it's never a waste and pretty sad that you are not able to feel happy for your teammate. Hitting the 4% is like christmas.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Yeah I am a dick, if you do this when I go for the save, I wait for you to enter second stage and then unhook you. Don't be a dick and try to kobe in my face after I stopped working on a gen to come and save you.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    But then it's a waste of time for the survivor who come for the save. You deny them points which they would have gotten by doing gens instead of saving you.

    If a survivor attempts that, I swear to god I'll let them go to second stage before I save them.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Being healed by another survivor just after getting off the hook I would argue is not a waste of time except in certain scenarios.